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Oregon – State Statistical Abstracts 2011 – Office of Highway Policy Information – FHWA

Highway Statistics Series

State Statistical Abstracts 2012

Oregon State Flag


For more information, see the Highway Statistics series.  

Population / Land Area   Distri-bution % of National
Total Population – (Census 2011) 3,899,801   1.2%
Total Land Area Square Miles (PS-1) 95,997   2.7%
Motor Fuel Usage (000) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Gasoline/Gasohol (Table MF-33GA) 1,468,761 74.1% 1.1%
Special Fuel (Table MF-33SF) 513,432 25.9% 1.4%
Total Fuel 1,982,193 100.0%  
On Highway Gasoline (Table MF-21) 1,423,436 96.9% 1.1%
Off Highway Gasoline (Table MF-21) 45,326 3.1% 1.2%
Public Road Length (Table HM-20) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 46,390 78.3% 1.6%
Urban 12,872 21.7% 1.2%
Total 59,262 100.0% 1.4%
Public Road Length (Miles) by Functional System (HM-20) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 729 1.2% 1.6%
Other Freeways & Expressways 57 0.1% 0.4%
Other Principal Arterials 3,555 6.0% 2.3%
Minor Arterial 3,501 5.9% 1.4%
Major Collector 10,288 17.4% 1.9%
Minor Collector 7,418 12.5% 2.8%
Local 33714 56.9% 1.2%
Total 59,262 43.1% 2.1%
Public Road Length (Miles) by Ownerhip (HM-10)
State Highway Agencies      
Other Jurisdictions      
Functional System Lane Length (HM-60) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 3,126 2.6% 1.4%
Other Freeways/Expressways 250 0.2% 0.4%
Other Principal Arterials 8,725 7.1% 1.8%
Minor Arterial 7,510 6.1% 1.3%
Major Collector 20,645 16.9% 1.9%
Minor Collector 14,836 12.1% 2.8%
Local 67428 55.0% 1.2%
Total 122,520 100.0% 1.4%
Vehicle Miles Traveled – (Millions) – (VM-2) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 14,531 43.8% 1.5%
Urban 18,642 56.2% 0.9%
Total 33,173 100.0% 1.1%
Vehicle Miles Traveled by Functional System (Millions) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 8,559 25.8% 1.2%
Other Freeways/Expressways 1,320 4.0% 0.2%
Other Principal Arterial 9,155 27.6% 1.4%
Minor Arterial 5,774 17.4% 1.1%
Major Collector 4,302 13.0% 0.7%
Minor Collector 508 1.5% 0.9%
Local 3,555 10.7% 0.9%
Total 33,173 100.0% 1.1%
Driver Licenses (DL-22) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Male 1,376,292 49.69% 1.31%
Female 1,393,465 50.31% 1.30%
Total 2,769,757 100.00% 1.31%
Motor Fuel Tax Rates (MF-121T) ($)  
Gasoline $0.30 Tax Rates as
of Dec. 2011
Diesel $0.30
Gasohol $0.30

NOTE: Tax rates do not include Federal gas tax of 18.4 cents or diesel of 24.4 cents

Vehicle Registrations (MV-1) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Autos 1,455,989 41.28% 1.31%
Buses 3,178 0.09% 0.42%
Trucks 1,981,947 56.193% 1.49%
Total 3,441,114    
Motorcycles 86,123 2.44% 1.02%
Grand Total 3,527,237 100.00% 1.39%
Fatally Injured in Vehicle Crashes (FI-20) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 229 68.15% 1.27%
Urban 107 31.85% 0.70%
Unknown 0 0.00% 0.00%
Total 336 100% 1.00%

Highway Finance ($000)

State Funding for Highways (Summary) – SF-21 (000) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Receipts $1,440,198   0.95%
Disbursements $1,446,056   0.97%
State Revenues Used for Highways (SF-1) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Highway User Revenues $652,179 34.13% 0.98%
General Fund Appropriations $49,878 2.61% 0.75%
Other State Imposts $14,523 0.76% 0.16%
Miscellaneous $138,067 7.23% 1.19%
Bonds $496,099 25.96% 2.66%
Federal payments $556,768 29.14% 1.33%
Local Governments and Other $3,189 0.17% 0.10%
Total $1,910,703 100.00% 1.21%
State Disbursements for Highways (SF-2) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Capital Outlay $716,926 0.3702057 0.94%
Maintenance and Services $305,717 0.1578659 1.40%
Administration and Misc. $152,108 0.0785454 1.71%
Highway Law Enforcement & Safety $88,783 0.0692997 1.70%
Interest $134,203 0.062997 1.70%
Bond Retirement $523,475 0.2703117 3.50%
Grants-in-aid to Locals $15,349 0.0079259 0.09%
Total $1,936,561 62.98% 1.24%
Attributed Federal Trust Fund Receipts – 2011 ($000) (Table FE-9) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Highway Account $427,016 88.05% 1.21%
Mass Transit Account $57,952 11.95% 1.16%
Total $484,968 100.00% 1.21%

Office of Highway Policy Information
Federal Highway Administration

Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000