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Apportioned Program Codes under the FAST Act


Subject: INFORMATION: New FHWA Program Codes Date: January 11, 2016
From: Rochelle Zellars-Crawford
Delphi Team Lead
In Reply Refer To: HCF-20
To: Associate Administrators
Chief Counsel
Chief Financial Officer
Directors of Field Services
Federal Lands Highway Division Directors
Resource Center Director
Division Administrators

The following Program Codes have been assigned to identify and account for apportioned funds authorized in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST), Public Law 114-94.

Program Codes Z001, Z002, Z240, Z230, Z231, Z232, Z233, Z234, Z300, Z301, Z302, Z303, Z304, Z940, Z941, ZR10, ZR20, ZT30, Z290, ZW10, Z500, ZS30, ZS60, ZS40, ZS50, Z400, Z003, Z401, Z450, Z460, Z470, Z550, Z560, ZS31, ZS32, and Z030 will be obligated through FMIS.

Please see Appendix A for the DELPHI coding, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and other descriptive information.

Note: For the SF 133 presentation, all program codes are subcategory one, limitation on obligation (regular), except for program code Z002, which is subcategory seven (exempt).

Direct any questions to Ayalew Abebe at 202-366-2867 or Eric Cline at 202-366-2864.

Excel file: appendix_a-apportioned_pc.xls (64 KB)

Appendix A

Program Codes for Apportioned Programs under the FAST Act (Pub. L. 114-94)

Description Type Fund Source? Period of
Limitation Type General Federal
Share Payable*
MAP-21 Extension
Program Code
Program Code
CFDA Number Treasury
Fund Budget
BPAC FAST Act Reference
(PL 114-94)
Title 23 Reference**
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M0E1 Z001 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z001500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1106 Section 119; Section 104(b)(1)
NHPP Exempt Exempt code Yes 4 years Exempt from Limitation 80% M0E2 Z002 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0164A50 0000 020Z002500 Section 1102(b)(13) Section 119
Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program Flex Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M24E Z240 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z240500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1109 Section 133; Section 104(b)(2)
STBG Program - Urbanized Areas With Population Over 200K Sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M23E Z230 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z230500 Section 1109(b)(1) Section 133(d)(1)(A)(i)
STBG Program - Areas with Population Over 5K to 200K Sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M2E1 Z231 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z231500 Section 1109(b)(1) Section 133(d)(1)(A)(iii)
STBG Program - Areas with Population 5K and Under Sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M2E2 Z232 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z232500 Section 1109(b)(1) Section 133(d)(1)(A)(ii)
STBG Program Off-System Bridge Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M2E3 Z233 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z233500 Section 1109(b)(1) Section 133(f)(2)
Special Rule for Areas of Less Than 5,000 Population Limiting amount STBG Program - 5K and Under 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M2E4 Z234 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z234500 Section 1109(b)(6) Section 133(g)(1)
Transportation Alternatives (Section 133(h)) Flex Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M30E Z300 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z300500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(1)
Transportation Alternatives (Section 133(h)) - Urbanized Areas With Population Over 200K Set-aside sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M3E1 Z301 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z301500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(2)
Transporation Alternatives (Section 133(h)) - Areas with Population Over 5K to 200K Set-aside sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M3E2 Z302 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z302500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(2)
Transportation Alternatives (Section 133(h)) - Areas with Population 5K and Under Set-aside sub-allocation Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M3E3 Z303 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z303500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(2)
Transportation Alternatives (Section 133(h)) - Areas > 200k STBG Program Eligibilities Limiting amount Trans. Alt. (Section 133(h)) >200k 4 years Formula Limitation 80% -- Z304 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z304500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(6)(B)
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M94E Z940 20.219 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z940500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(5)
Return of 1% for RTP Administration Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M9E1 Z941 20.219 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z941500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 133(h)(5)(B)
State RTP Administration Limiting amount RTP 4 years Formula Limitation 80% MR1E ZR10 20.219 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZR10500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 206(d)(2)(H)
RTP Educational Programs Limiting amount RTP 4 years Formula Limitation 80% MR2E ZR20 20.219 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZR20500 Section 1109(b)(7) Section 206(d)(2)(G)
Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects Limiting amount STBG Program Flex 4 years Formula Limitation 80% MT3E ZT30 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZT30500 Section 1110 Section 143(b)(8)
On-the-Job Training Limiting amount STBG Program Flex 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M29E Z290 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z290500 23 U.S.C. 140(b) Section 140(b)
Denali Access System Limiting amount STBG Program Flex 4 years Formula Limitation 80% MW1E ZW10 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZW10500 S. 1960 of P.L. 109-59 N/A
Border State Infrastructure Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% -- Z500 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z500500 Section 1437(a) N/A
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 90% MS3E ZS30 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS30500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1113 Section 148; Section 104(b)(3)
High Risk Rural Roads Special Rule Set-aside Yes 4 years HRRR Special Rule  Limitation 90% MS6E ZS60 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS60500 23 U.S.C. 148(g), Section 1113 Section 148(g)
Railway-Highway - Hazard Elimination Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 90% MS4E ZS40 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS40500 Section 1108 Section 130
Railway-Highway - Protective Devices Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 90% MS5E ZS50 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS50500 Section 1108 Section 130(e)(1)(B)
Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M40E Z400 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z400500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1114 Section 149; Section 104(b)(4)
Projects to Reduce PM 2.5 Emissions Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M0E3 Z003 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z003500 Section 1114 Section 149(k)
CMAQ Flexible Funding Limiting Amount CMAQ Main Code 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M4E1 Z401 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z401500 Section 1114
Metropolitan Planning Program Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M45E Z450 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z450500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1201 Section 134; Sections 104(b)(5)(D), 104(b)(6), and 104(d)
National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% -- Z460 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z460500 Section 1101(a)(1); Section 1116 Section 167; Section 104(b)(5)
Freight Intermodal & Rail Projects Limiting amount NHFP 4 years Formula Limitation 80% -- Z470 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z470500 Section 1116(a) Section 167(i)(5)(B)
State Planning and Research (SPR) Main code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M55E Z550 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z550500 Section 1104(e)(6) Section 505(a)
Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (RD&T) Set-aside Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M56E Z560 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z560500 23 U.S.C. 505(b) Section 505(b)
Section 154 Penalties - Use for HSIP Activities Use of penalty funds Yes 4 years S. 154/164 Limitation 100% MSE1 ZS31 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS31500 23 U.S.C. 154(c)(3) Section 154(c)(3)
Section 164 Penalties - Use for HSIP Activities Use of penalty funds Yes 4 years S. 154/164 Limitation 100% MSE2 ZS32 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020ZS32500 Section 1414 Section 164(b)(3)
Redistribution of Certain Authorized Funds Main Code Yes 4 years Formula Limitation 80% M03E Z030 20.205 69-X-8083 15X0100050 0000 020Z030500 Section 1102(f) N/A

* Subject to sliding scale and other provisions affecting Federal share payable.
** All references to title 23 are as amended by the FAST Act.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000