Table 3-12. Personal Expenditures by Category (Current $ millions)

Table 3-12. Personal Expenditures by Category (Current $ millions)

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996R 1997R 1998 1999
Transportation 42,900 59,100 81,100 130,200 238,400 372,800 463,300 436,800 471,500 504,000 542,200 574,100 594,600 623,700 647,400 705,500
Transportation as a % of total 12.9 13.3 12.5 12.7 13.5 13.8 12.1 11.0 11.2 11.3 11.5 11.6 11.4 11.3 11.1 11.3
Food and tobacco 89,200 108,800 154,600 238,200 376,200 497,300 672,500 693,800 709,500 733,400 761,700 780,400 834,100 866,300 907,400 963,800
Clothing, accessories, and jewelry 32,700 41,400 57,600 85,600 132,300 188,300 262,700 265,700 283,500 298,100 312,700 321,800 333,300 348,200 367,900 397,200
Personal care 5,600 8,100 11,800 16,700 26,600 39,100 57,300 59,100 63,100 65,100 68,400 71,800 71,600 76,100 80,500 86,000
Housing 48,200 65,400 94,000 147,000 255,200 407,100 586,300 616,500 646,800 672,800 712,700 750,400 772,500 809,800 855,900 906,200
Household operation 46,700 62,100 84,800 135,400 232,600 342,000 436,200 448,400 470,600 504,100 535,000 559,400 589,200 617,500 646,500 682,500
Medical care 22,100 34,100 60,000 107,900 206,400 366,700 615,600 668,700 733,200 785,500 826,100 875,000 932,300 977,600 1,032,300 1,102,600
Personal business 14,600 20,900 32,000 53,000 101,200 182,600 290,100 319,000 341,700 357,400 370,400 388,800 435,100 488,300 528,600 586,200
Recreation 18,500 26,800 43,100 70,500 116,300 185,900 281,600 292,000 310,800 340,200 370,200 404,200 429,600 457,800 494,700 534,900
Education and research 4,300 6,900 12,500 20,500 33,300 52,900 80,700 86,100 93,100 98,500 104,700 112,000 122,300 130,700 139,200 148,900
Religious and welfare activities 5,300 7,700 12,100 19,700 38,300 62,600 100,400 104,100 115,600 121,300 131,200 138,600 146,800 150,300 163,500 170,200
Foreign travel and other, net 2,100 2,900 4,500 4,400 3,500 7,500 -7,400 -15,200 -19,700 -21,200 -18,300 -22,700 -24,100 -21,800 -15,300 -15,400
Total expenditures 332,200 444,200 648,100 1,029,100 1,760,300 2,704,800 3,839,300 3,975,000 R4,219,800 4,459,200 4,717,000 4,953,900 5,237,300 5,524,500 5,848,600 6,268,700
Disposable Personal Income (DPI)R 366,200 498,900 736,500 1,181,400 2,019,800 3,086,500 4,293,600 4,474,800 4,754,600 4,935,300 5,165,400 5,422,600 5,677,700 5,982,800 6,286,200 6,637,700
Transportation as a % of DPIR 11.7 11.9 11.1 11.2 11.8 12.1 10.8 9.8 9.9 10.2 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.6

KEY: R = revised.

DPI: 1960-1999: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 209, Internet site, as of Dec, 14, 2000.
All but DPI: 1960-91: Ibid., personal communication.
1992-93: Ibid. Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: August 1997), table 2.4.
1994-97: Ibid. Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: August 1998), table 2.4.
1998: Ibid. Survey of Current Business, Internet site, table B.4.
1999: Ibid., Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: October 2000), vol. 80, No. 10, table B.4.