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Public Charters


Part 380 of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) regulations (14 CFR 380) requires all persons who wish to arrange public charter flights to first submit a charter prospectus to the Special Authorities Division with the required information about the proposed charter program. A prospectus should contain the following original documents, signed and dated by all parties involved. Filers may, at their option, submit the required documents by e-mail or fax on an advance basis, pending transmission of the signed hard-copy originals. We will begin to process applications upon receipt of all required documents and advanced fee payments(s) if applicable.

Application Procedures

Rules and Regulations

Required Forms

Charter Operator Agreements

Public Charter Assurances

Direct Air Carrier Agreements

Waiver for Cruise Line Charters

List of Public Charters

Foreign Charter Operators (FCO)

Updated: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
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