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Hours of Service of Drivers: Application for Renewal of Exemptions From the 14-Hour Rule During Independence Day Celebrations for Illumination Fireworks, LLC and ACE Pyro, LLC

Notice of final disposition; granting of renewal.
FMCSA announces its decision to grant exemption renewals to Illumination Fireworks, LLC and ACE Pyro, LLC (the applicants) from the prohibition on driving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) after the 14th hour after coming on duty. The applicants requested the exemption renewals for the period of June 28-July 8, for the next 5 years (2016- 2020 inclusive). The applicants were previously granted exemptions during the Independence Day periods of 2014 and 2015. The 5-year renewals will cover the drivers of approximately 50 CMVs employed by the applicants to stage fireworks shows celebrating Independence Day. The Agency has determined that the terms and conditions of the limited exemptions will ensure a level of safety equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety achieved without the exemptions.
81 FR 43699


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