FAA GLOBE established 1995


For the first time in a long while, we are undergoing a major website update.  Please be patient as various portions of the website are being changed.  Please also check our Facebook page, which is updated on at least a weekly basis!

November 2012 Updates:  

Russ Eure has agreed to serve another term as Treasurer and was reappointed for another 2 year term.  Ryan Kimball, our New Eastern-New England received the good news that his ERR to Milwaukee has been approved effective March 2013.  Coincident with his reassignment to MKE ATCT, Ryan has been appointed the Great Lakes Regional Director.  Ryan will remain Eastern-New England Regional Director until his reassignment.

September 2012 brought us a new GLOBE National Executive Board:

Dan Ronneberg (SkyWest CMO) was elected National Chairperson succeeding Heath Williams.  Upon taking office, Dan made a variety of appointments of new national officers and asked some national officers to take on increased responsibilities.

Stevi Benton (Atlanta Center) was appointed Vice Chairperson vacating her previous office as Southern Regional Director.  Stevi will also continue acting as the Membership Officer.

Tashonda Alston (Atlanta Center) was appointed Southern Regional Director filling the position vacated by Stevi Benton's appointment to Vice Chairperson.  Tashonda will also continue acting as the Outreach Officer pending the appointment of a new outreach officer (currently under consideration).

John Louie (Alaska Regional Office) continues as the Alaska Regional Director.

Celeste Flemming (FAA Academy--MMAC) was appointed the Southwest-Central Regional Director.  Celeste is our in-house expert on transgender workplace issues, having authored the document from which the FAA is now developing their transgender policies.

Ryan Kimball (Portland ATCT) was appointed Eastern-New England Regional Director.

Jack Pahlas (Boise FSDO) was appointed NorthWest Mountain Regional Director, filling the position vacated by Dan Ronneberg's election to National Chairperson.

Matt Prater (Los Angeles Center) was appointed Western Pacific Regional Director.

Thanks go out to Heath Williams, outgoing National Chairperson, Russ Eure, outgoing Treasurer (now vacant), and Kevin Gnagy, outgoing Great Lakes Regional Director (now vacant) for their service!

A number of national board positions remain open for appointment if you are interested in volunteering!

Website Updates!