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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State - December 2015

December 2015 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State December November
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2015 (Preliminary) 2014 2015 (Revised) 2014
Connecticut 1 1,843 1,881 -2.0 19 1,899 1,847 2.8
Maine 10 210 205 2.8 10 204 198 3.3
Massachusetts 42 3,736 3,642 2.6 46 3,562 3,452 3.2
New Hampshire 72 566 550 2.8 73 378 362 4.4
New Jersey 44 4,810 4,698 2.4 42 4,896 4,754 3.0
New York 80 6,889 6,608 4.3 36 5,763 5,658 1.9
Pennsylvania 27 4,054 3,968 2.2 26 3,807 3,727 2.1
Rhode Island 68 461 448 2.9 44 418 406 3.1
Vermont - 102 98 3.4 - 99 97 2.2
Subtotal 22,671 22,098 2.6 21,026 20,501 2.6
South Atlantic
Delaware 12 392 379 3.5 11 360 352 2.4
District of Columbia 2 211 221 -4.6 2 193 201 -3.9
Florida 132 9,433 8,989 4.9 133 9,064 8,539 6.1
Georgia 88 5,164 4,964 4.0 91 4,470 4,272 4.6
Maryland 27 3,211 3,111 3.2 26 3,251 3,143 3.4
North Carolina 22 3,910 3,691 5.9 20 3,924 3,728 5.2
South Carolina 37 1,706 1,666 2.4 41 1,617 1,521 6.4
Virginia 362 3,551 3,424 3.7 354 3,436 3,311 3.8
West Virginia 7 603 596 1.2 9 737 747 -1.3
Subtotal 28,181 27,041 4.2 27,052 25,814 4.8
North Central
Illinois 21 5,016 4,903 2.3 33 4,723 4,659 1.4
Indiana - 3,181 3,075 3.5 - 2,697 2,622 2.9
Iowa 30 776 794 -2.3 28 768 764 0.5
Kansas 17 1,181 1,138 3.8 19 1,060 1,042 1.7
Michigan 55 5,153 4,852 6.2 53 4,424 4,256 3.9
Minnesota 15 2,108 2,050 2.8 28 2,062 1,984 3.9
Missouri 61 2,784 2,626 6.0 58 2,439 2,310 5.6
Nebraska 14 544 537 1.3 14 533 524 1.7
North Dakota 8 166 171 -2.5 9 160 152 5.1
Ohio 85 4,926 4,800 2.6 82 4,855 4,620 5.1
South Dakota 6 188 191 -1.8 5 173 170 2.0
Wisconsin 78 1,922 1,865 3.0 78 1,870 1,771 5.5
Subtotal 27,945 27,002 3.5 25,764 24,874 3.6
South Gulf
Alabama 44 2,064 2,042 1.1 46 1,842 1,800 2.3
Arkansas 4 1,311 1,217 7.7 5 1,061 1,031 2.9
Kentucky 14 1,383 1,382 0.1 12 1,283 1,304 -1.6
Louisiana 10 1,940 1,886 2.8 10 1,798 1,728 4.0
Mississippi 26 1,007 966 4.3 25 983 941 4.5
Oklahoma 23 1,694 1,719 -1.4 26 1,664 1,660 0.3
Tennessee 7 3,007 2,905 3.5 4 2,787 2,679 4.0
Texas 70 11,906 11,392 4.5 76 12,201 11,601 5.2
Subtotal 24,312 23,509 3.4 23,619 22,744 3.8
Alaska 48 156 154 1.2 32 141 144 -1.8
Arizona 79 3,400 3,313 2.6 107 2,823 2,738 3.1
California 98 23,940 21,464 11.5 84 23,728 22,238 6.7
Colorado 35 2,444 2,420 1.0 35 2,022 1,993 1.5
Hawaii 51 531 492 8.0 48 520 472 10.1
Idaho 78 439 425 3.2 75 429 398 7.6
Montana 9 180 176 2.0 9 190 185 2.3
Nevada 35 1,140 1,138 0.2 34 1,093 1,052 3.9
New Mexico 32 718 724 -0.8 32 602 602 0.0
Oregon 48 1,270 1,242 2.3 46 1,184 1,124 5.4
Utah 52 1,201 1,165 3.1 51 1,195 1,139 4.9
Washington 63 2,639 2,605 1.3 61 2,658 2,542 4.6
Wyoming 37 133 137 -3.0 37 129 129 -0.5
Subtotal 38,191 35,455 7.7 36,714 34,756 5.6
Totals 2,286 141,299 135,102 4.6 2,245 134,175 128,689 4.3

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.


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