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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State - January 2016

January 2016 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State January December
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2016 (Preliminary) 2015 2016 (Revised) 2015
Connecticut 21 1,771 1,673 5.9 1 1,882 1,921 -2.0
Maine 12 212 200 6.0 10 216 210 2.8
Massachusetts 29 3,633 3,359 8.2 42 3,790 3,696 2.5
New Hampshire 73 520 482 7.9 72 561 545 2.8
New Jersey 38 3,795 3,707 2.4 44 4,885 4,771 2.4
New York 82 6,030 5,780 4.3 80 6,519 6,256 4.2
Pennsylvania 27 3,589 3,567 0.6 27 4,135 4,049 2.1
Rhode Island 72 329 310 6.1 68 459 446 3.0
Vermont - 120 113 6.0 - 115 111 3.6
Subtotal 19,999 19,191 4.2 22,562 22,005 2.5
South Atlantic
Delaware 12 368 361 1.9 12 419 405 3.4
District of Columbia 2 203 221 -7.9 2 206 216 -4.6
Florida 132 9,873 9,576 3.1 132 9,679 9,292 4.2
Georgia 83 4,715 4,657 1.2 88 5,226 5,029 3.9
Maryland 26 2,816 2,926 -3.7 27 3,201 3,101 3.2
North Carolina 20 4,005 4,031 -0.6 22 4,207 3,971 6.0
South Carolina 40 1,793 1,757 2.0 37 1,812 1,769 2.5
Virginia 356 3,067 3,201 -4.2 362 3,522 3,396 3.7
West Virginia 3 546 542 0.7 7 617 610 1.2
Subtotal 27,386 27,272 0.4 28,889 27,789 4.0
North Central
Illinois 23 4,722 4,758 -0.7 21 4,966 4,855 2.3
Indiana - 2,504 2,533 -1.2 - 2,974 2,879 3.3
Iowa 26 787 762 3.4 30 776 794 -2.3
Kansas 17 929 936 -0.8 17 1,111 1,064 4.4
Michigan 55 5,439 5,053 7.7 55 5,230 4,927 6.1
Minnesota 28 2,083 2,065 0.9 30 2,205 2,166 1.8
Missouri 62 2,603 2,588 0.6 61 2,816 2,655 6.0
Nebraska 14 519 522 -0.6 14 549 542 1.3
North Dakota 9 152 159 -4.4 8 168 172 -2.7
Ohio 83 4,510 4,454 1.3 87 4,931 4,826 2.2
South Dakota 5 160 161 -1.1 6 189 193 -1.8
Wisconsin 67 2,056 2,017 2.0 78 1,911 1,854 3.0
Subtotal 26,464 26,008 1.8 27,826 26,927 3.3
South Gulf
Alabama 38 1,952 1,964 -0.6 44 2,255 2,232 1.0
Arkansas 4 1,405 1,366 2.9 4 1,319 1,226 7.6
Kentucky 17 1,411 1,475 -4.3 14 1,513 1,512 0.0
Louisiana 7 2,016 1,956 3.1 10 1,944 1,892 2.7
Mississippi 21 1,080 985 9.7 26 1,006 967 4.1
Oklahoma 26 1,537 1,547 -0.6 23 1,642 1,667 -1.5
Tennessee 5 3,048 2,941 3.6 7 3,170 3,062 3.5
Texas 5 12,239 11,485 6.6 70 11,842 11,329 4.5
Subtotal 24,688 23,719 4.1 24,691 23,887 3.4
Alaska 42 147 147 0.0 48 172 170 1.2
Arizona 103 3,125 3,066 1.9 79 3,272 3,181 2.9
California 119 17,796 17,611 1.1 110 22,915 20,787 10.2
Colorado 38 2,695 2,648 1.8 35 2,512 2,486 1.0
Hawaii 50 550 504 9.2 51 461 427 8.0
Idaho 76 433 419 3.4 78 435 421 3.3
Montana 9 158 157 1.0 9 171 168 1.8
Nevada 35 1,056 1,049 0.7 35 1,164 1,163 0.1
New Mexico 34 727 707 2.9 32 721 726 -0.7
Oregon 46 1,321 1,322 -0.1 48 1,406 1,375 2.2
Utah 54 1,210 1,198 1.0 52 1,212 1,176 3.1
Washington 63 2,490 2,476 0.6 63 2,671 2,637 1.3
Wyoming 36 135 141 -4.2 37 134 138 -3.0
Subtotal 31,843 31,445 1.3 37,246 34,855 6.9
Totals 2,245 130,382 127,632 2.2 2,315 141,212 135,462 4.2

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.


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Page last modified on March 17, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000