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Regional forums expand opportunities to gain expertise and exchange ideas on strategies and technologies for enhancing transportation systems operations.

Regional Operations Forum (L36)


Transportation leaders are seeking ways to deliver a transportation system that supports reliable trips for drivers. Although many new strategies and technologies for operating transportation systems are emerging that can help transportation agencies improve travel-time reliability and safety, many are not yet routinely incorporated into practices, business processes, and decision making. Some agencies may experience success with certain approaches, but those successes and associated lessons learned are not regularly transferred to other agencies. Development of expertise through training and peer exchange is needed.


A new total-immersion forum now offers transportation agency leaders and practitioners the opportunity to learn about leading approaches related to operations and reliability and how to take advantage of the many advances being made in operations. This new curriculum for regional training through Regional Operations Forums allows managers and program leaders at public agencies to build expertise in the emerging field of transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O). The curriculum is designed to help those with TSM&O expertise as well as participants whose expertise is outside the TSM&O field. The in-person, immersion approach to the Forum allows participants to focus on the material with fewer distractions and develop a strong peer network.

Topics such as the principles of building TSM&O capability within organizations, performance measurement, goods movement, workforce development, and building a business case for TSM&O are covered. The Forum also covers core TSM&O topics such as traffic incident management and traveler information, as well as emerging topics such as corridor management and connected vehicles. The Forum contains presentation material, discussion to foster peer exchange, and group exercises to apply the knowledge. By conducting the Forum on a regional basis, neighboring States or jurisdictions can emphasize the topics and issues that are most pertinent to the interests and capabilities of the specific region and develop a peer network that can work together on common issues in the future.


The new curriculum transmits the latest strategies and technologies to transportation agency managers and leaders, helping agencies immediately enhance their transportation systems management and operations. That, in turn, results in the economic, environmental, and safety benefits generated by more reliable travel times.

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000