
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

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Units with additional funds for the purchase of Cold Chain Management products for the safe transportation of TSMP, should contact USAMMA/DOC.

Clarifying Guidance for Smallpox and Anthrax Vaccine Immunizations Programs.      


The Army is the DoD Executive Agent for bio-defense vaccines. USAMMA DOC provides coordination and tracking for select temperature sensitive medical products (TSMPs) in support of the Army’s Executive Agency status for bio-defense and Force Health Protection vaccines. Provides training to logistical and medical units in suitable distribution and storage practices for TSMPs in support of the DHA Immunization Healthcare Branch (formerly Military Vaccine Agency – Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network (MILVAX-VHCN)). Disseminates DoD Medical Materiel Quality Control (MMQC) and Army Medical Materiel Information (MMI) Messages.

The USAMMA’s Distribution Operations Center has been tasked with the distribution management of the DoD Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) and Smallpox Vaccination Program (SVP). It is also the Service Inventory Control Point for the Army’s Influenza Virus (Flu) Vaccine. Reference DA SB 8-75-S3, paragraph 4-1, dated 20 March.


  1. Performing the coordinating, temperature monitoring, and reporting on the distribution of the vaccine from the manufacturer/distributor to the first level user (recipient).
  2. Coordinating the shipment and distribution of the vaccines to customers.
  3. Managing the vaccine databases.
  4. Performing redistribution management of excess vaccine from one site to another location. This redistribution benefits all the services since it prevents loss of product due to expiration of vaccine, resulting in significant cost savings to the government.
  5. Support to other DoD and Federal agencies when shipping Temperature Sensitive Medical Products (TSMPs) to include investigational New Drugs (INDs) and Foreign Military Sales (FMS).
  6. Manage the DoD Medical Materiel Quality Control (MMQC) and Army Medical Materiel Information (MMI) messages.
  7. Provide consultation and training on Cold Chain Management (CCM) principles and procedures.

Organizational Chart