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Services Purchased

Services Purchased

Line 22 - Advertising and Other Promotions

Direct mail
Directories, guides and programs
Magazines and trade publications

Line 22 - Advertising and Other Promotions

Posters and signs
Tariffs, schedules and timetables:
Other promotional and publicity expenses:
Entertainment expense
Open house expenses
Photographic expenses
Promotional materials
Publicity releases
Visual (motion pictures, slides, etc.)

Line 23 - Communications

Air-ground radio service
Equipment installation charges
Equipment rental
Intercommunication equipment
Navigation facility user charges
Telegraph and cable message charges
Telephone equipment
Telephone toll charges
Teletype equipment

Line 24 - Insurance

Insurance - general:
Buildings and contents
Flight equipment (Hull insurance)
Insurance purchased
Materials and supplies
Other property and equipment
Provisions for self-insurance
Third part liability
Insurance - traffic liability:
Cargo liability
Passenger liability
Passenger baggage and personal property
Provisions for self-insurance

Line 25 - Outside Flight Equipment Maintenance

Aircraft engine repairs
Aircraft interchange charges
Airframe repairs
Flight equipment repairs (Group I carriers)
General interchange charges
Other flight equipment repairs
Other services

Line 26 - Traffic Commissions - Passenger

Line 27 - Traffic Commissions - Cargo

Line 28 - Other Services

General Services Purchased - Outside:
Aircraft interchange charges
General interchange service charges
Legal fees and expenses:
Attorney fees and expenses
Law books
Legal forms and supplies
Litigation costs
Retainer fees
Transcript and witness expenses
Professional and Technical Fees and Expenses:
Appraisal fees
Market and traffic surveys
Other services including:
Bank service charges
Credit and billing services
Housekeeping and support services
Security services

Line 29 - Total Services Purchases

Sum of Lines 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28

Line 30 - Landing Fees

Line 31 - Rentals

Buildings and other improvements
Communication and meteorological equipment
Electrical accounting machines
Electronic data processing equipment
Furniture, fixtures and office equipment
Hotel, restaurant and food service equipment
Maintenance and engineering equipment
Passenger entertainment equipment
Passenger service equipment
Ramp equipment
Storage and distribution
Surface transport vehicles and equipment

Line 32 - Depreciation

Depreciation expense for:
Aircraft engines
Aircraft engine parts
Airframe parts
Ground property and equipment
Maintenance equipment and hangars
Other flight equipment
Provisions for Obsolescence and Deterioration - Expendable Parts:
Current provisions
Inventory decline credits

Line 33 - Amortization

Capital leases
Developmental and preoperating expenses
Other intangibles

Line 34 - Other

Clearance, customs and duties:
Brokerage fees
Clearance fees - aircraft
Customs fees
Immigration service charges
Revenue stamp purchases
Shipment boding charges
Corporate and fiscal expenses:
Annual report costs
Directors fees
Proxy expense
Registrar and transfer agent fees
Report filing fees
Securities and Exchange Commission fees
Statutory representation service
Stock certificate costs
Stock exchange fees
Trustee fees
Injuries, loss and damage:
Excess of losses over insurance recoveries - other assets
Buildings and contents
Flight equipment
Motor vehicles
Excess of losses over insurance recoveries - other
Foreign exchange gains and losses
Materials and supplies
Passenger baggage and personal property
Third party
Interrupted trip expense:
Denied boarding expense
Ground transportation
Hotel and lodging
Laundry and valet

Line 34 - Other

Aeronautical associations
Business associations
Credit associations
Scientific and research institutes
Trade associations
Other expenses:
Cash over and short
Help wanted advertising
House organ for internal distribution
Uncleared interchange expense credits
Other uncleared expense credits
Taxes - other than payroll:
Capital stock taxes
Foreign taxes
Franchise taxes
Fuel taxes (non-refundable)
Gross receipt taxes
License fees
Motor vehicle license fees
Permit fees
Personal property taxes
Pre-employment interviews
Real property taxes
Uncollectible accounts:
Adjustments to reserve
Losses from uncollectible accounts (where reserve not established)
Provisions for uncollectible accounts

Line 35 - Transport Related Expense

Expenses related to the generation of Transport Related Revenues - which come from the United States Government as direct grants or aids for providing air transportation facilities and all services which grow from and are incidental to the air transportation services performed by the air carrier.

Line 36 - Total Operating Expense

Sum of lines 14 + 20 + 29 + 30 + 31 +32 + 33 + 34 + 35