Biomechanics Database Specification Tables
Table Definition Purpose
TEST General Test Information Provides general test information to include test number (TSTNO), type of occupent (OCCTYP), and other information. A Biomechanics test involves either a biological occupant or a dummy occupant. A test record also identifies the total number of instrumentation records, TOTCRV, associated with the test.
BOCC Biological Occupant Information Biological occupant information for cadavers and human volunteers for a test with test number, TSTNO.
ANTH Anthropometric Information Anthropometric information for biological occupants for a test with TSTNO.
RIB Rib Information Rib information is applicable to cadavers and human volunteers only. For each rib in TSTNO there is an assigned rib number, RIBNO.
DOCC Dummy Occupant Information Dummy occupant information for test with test number, TSTNO.
REST Restraint Information Restraint information is required for restrained occupants in test with test number, TSTNO. There may be zero, one, or more restraint records for an occupant. Each restraint record is assigned a unique restraint number, RSTNO.
OCCI Occupant Injury Information This section is a concise report of any injuries experienced by any type of occupant, following, in general, the practices of accident investigation teams. For the occupant in test with test number, TSTNO, each injury record is assigned a unique injury number, INJNO.
CHBD Chest Band Occupant Information Chest band information details the location of the band on the occupant and the attributes of both the band and the occupant at the point of attachment. For an occupant in test with test number, TSNO, a band number, BNDNO, uniquely identifies each record containing band information.
GAGE Chest Band Gauge Information Chest band gauge information describes the relationships of the active gauges on the chest band and the relationships of those gauges and the curve number that identifies the signal generated by each gauge. A record in this table is uniquely identified by TSTNO, BNDNO, and the gage number, GAGENO. The additional curve number field, CURNO (CURNO <= TOTCRV), identifies the associated instrumentation record.
INST Instrumentation Table The instrumentation channel specifications for test with test number TSTNO are stored in this table and identified by curve number CURNO.
* Note: Fields used as keys for relating tables are bolded.