Active Transportation and Demand Management
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21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) for ATDM-Related Programs

The following events and workshops are relevant to the Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) program.

ATDM Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Workshops and Resources

FHWA has developed an ATDM-HCM Analysis Guide and computation tool to support ATDM analysis and provide content for Chapter 35 (Active Traffic Management) of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The Guide provides a conceptual analysis framework, recommended performance measures, and a methodology for evaluating the impacts of ATDM strategies on transportation system performance. The methodology accounts for the variation in demand and capacity conditions that facilities may be expected to operate under, including incidents, inclement weather, and demand fluctuations. It also develops methods for tailoring transportation management actions to respond to specific conditions. Strategies currently considered by the methodology include: HOV/HOT lanes, hard shoulder running, truck restrictions, variable speed limits, ramp metering, travel demand management, work zone management, and traffic incident management. A variety of mobility performance measures are produced to help practitioners evaluate alternative strategies, including travel time reliability.

In addition, through FHWA sponsored research, the computational engine FREEVAL that is used to automate the HCM Freeway Facility analysis procedure, has been modified to accommodate the ATDM-HCM methodology. This effort has produced a computational tool capable of testing, validating, and illustrating ATDM-HCM strategies for freeway facilities. The ATDM-HCM version of FREEVAL is currently not supported by FHWA but is available to users. Through NCHP Project 03-114, the Excel based FREEVAL and STREETVAL tools are being converted into a Java based tool that will be capable of accommodating the HCM ATDM methods. Separately, FHWA is sponsoring a project to develop HCM ATDM software that can be integrated into the Highway Capacity Software suite.


Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Workshops and Resources

Relationship of ICM to ATDM

ICM is the proactive, unified, multimodal management of transportation infrastructure assets and innovative strategies within a corridor. Simply put, ICM is the management of a corridor as a single system rather than the more traditional approach of managing individual transportation networks (e.g., freeways, arterials, transit). ICM requires taking coordinated actions to ensure networks operate at optimal performance (given the available capacity of each network) in order to maximize throughput across the corridor as a whole. Both ICM and ATDM strive for integrated, active management; however, while integration is encouraged with ATDM, active management can be implemented in stand-alone contexts. ATDM focuses on the application of dynamic management applied to any part of the transportation system, while ICM focuses on the integration and application of dynamic management for a balanced approach to a corridor.

ICM Workshops

The USDOT offers workshops that provide facilitated expert and peer assistance to locations interested in implementing or actively implementing ICM. Customizable workshop packages on different stages of ICM implementation – such as getting started, developing a concept of operations and system requirements, conducting analysis, modeling, and simulation, or building a decision support system – can be used in combination to support up to a 2-day intensive workshop or an abbreviated workshop, depending on a site's specific needs and interests.

The USDOT also offers a four-hour workshop that introduces diverse audiences to the concept and foundational principles of ICM. The mini-workshop will sharpen your vision of what it means to have a truly integrated multimodal system and will allow you to hear first-person perspectives from real-world ICM implementers.


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Office of Operations