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On-Time Performance

January 2016 On-Time Performance Up From Previous Year, December 2015

WASHINGTON – The reporting carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 81.3 percent in January 2016, up from both the 76.8 percent on-time rate in January 2015 and the 77.8 percent mark in December 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report released today. 

The reporting carriers canceled 2.6 percent of their scheduled domestic flights in January 2016, up from both the 2.5 percent cancellation rate posted in January 2015 and the 1.7 percent rate in December 2015.

August On-Time Performance Up From Previous Year, July 2015


WASHINGTON – The nation’s largest airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 80.3 percent in August, up from both the 77.7 percent on-time rate in August 2014 and the 78.1 percent mark in July 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) released today.

In addition, the reporting carriers canceled 1.0 percent of their scheduled domestic flights, an improvement over the 1.2 percent cancellation rate posted in August 2014, but up from the 0.9 percent rate in July 2015.

On-Time Performance Up from Previous Year, December 2014

WASHINGTON – The nation’s largest airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 76.8 percent in January, up from both the 67.7 percent on-time rate in January 2014 and the 75.3 percent mark in December 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report released today.

In addition, the reporting carriers canceled 2.5 percent of their scheduled domestic flights in January, an improvement over the 6.5 percent cancellation rate posted in January 2014, but up from the 1.4 percent rate in December 2014.

October On-Time Performance Slightly Down From September 2014

WASHINGTON – The nation’s largest airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 80.0 percent in October, down from the 81.1 percent mark in September 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report released today.

In addition, the reporting carriers canceled 1.1 percent of their scheduled domestic flights in October, an improvement over the 1.4 percent rate in September 2014.

August Airline On-Time Performance Down From Previous Year, Up From July

WASHINGTON – The nation’s largest airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 77.7 percent in August, down from the 78.8 percent on-time rate in August 2013, but up from the 75.6 percent mark in July 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report released today.

In addition, the reporting carriers canceled 1.2 percent of their scheduled domestic flights in August, up from the 1.0 percent cancellation rate posted in August 2013, but down from the 1.6 percent rate in July 2014.

March Airline On-Time Performance Down From Previous Year, Up from February

WASHINGTON – The nation’s largest airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 77.6 percent in March, down from the 79.8 percent on-time rate posted in March 2013, but up from the 70.7 percent on-time rate posted in February 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report released today.

Airlines also reported no tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and one tarmac delay of more than four hours on an international flight.  

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