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The Partnership for Sustainable Communities - Leveraging the Partnership

Partnership for Sustainable Communities. The partnership for sustainable communities. Leveraging the Partnership cover. July 2013. A sidewalk, a path, and a bus are pictured.

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This guide to federal programs is intended to help communities identify resources available to support their efforts to promote livable and sustainable communities.

July 2013


In June 2009, the Partnership for Sustainable Communities was formed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities marks a fundamental shift in the way the federal government structures its transportation, housing, and environmental policies, programs and spending. Through the Partnership, the three agencies are collaborating to support communities that provide people with a variety of housing and transportation choices, attract economic opportunity, safeguard public health, and protect clean air and water.

The Partnership agencies administer grants, programs, and technical assistance available to communities to implement the principles of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities. When these grants are offered, they will be announced here and on In addition, each agency maintains websites to track their own grant announcements. The grants announced on these sites will also be on

While the following funding and technical assistance programs are not a complete list of DOT, HUD, and EPA grant and technical assistance programs, communities, stakeholders, and the public can use this guide to identify opportunities to seek federal funding.

U.S. Department of Transportation triscalion logo.U.S. Department of Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation works to promote livable communities and enhance the economic and social well-being of all Americans by creating and maintaining a safe, reliable, integrated, and accessible transportation network. A multimodal transportation system increases choice, provides easy access to employment opportunities and other destinations, and improves the surrounding community. DOT will work to build on innovative ways of doing business that promote mobility and enhance the unique characteristics of our neighborhoods, communities, and regions.

The majority of DOT funding is distributed annually through programs that are administered by States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations through formulas. While most have specific eligible activities identified in law, funds from some programs may be transferred by states to local governments, transit agencies, or other transportation organizations. Projects funded through DOT programs must be contained in an approved metropolitan transportation improvement program (TIP) and/or statewide transportation improvement program (STIP). In this way, decisions about transportation projects, project design, and selection are made locally and result from locally determined transportation and land-use plans.

Multimodal and Planning Programs

Metropolitan & Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Planning Programs: These programs provide annual funding to states and metropolitan planning organizations to support cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive planning for transportation investment decisions. They require MPOs and states to develop transportation plans and transportation improvement programs through a performance-driven, outcome-based approach to planning.

Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program: This comprehensive program provides training, technical assistance, and support to help decision makers, transportation officials, and staff resolve the increasingly complex issues they face when addressing transportation needs in their communities. Resources available through this program address topics such as land use, scenario planning, transit- oriented development, non-motorized transportation, safety, community impact assessments, operations and management strategies, and analysis methods. This program is targeted to tribal, regional, state, and local governments; transit operators; and community leaders.

TIGER/Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery: The TIGER Discretionary Grant Program is a national competition for innovative, multimodal, and multi-jurisdictional transportation projects that promise significant economic and environmental benefits to an entire metropolitan area, a region, or the nation. Project improvements to roads, bridges, rail, ports, transit and intermodal facilities are eligible, as well as planning activities in regions large and small.

Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot: This program provides funding to advance planning efforts that support transit-oriented development (TOD) associated with new fixed-guideway and core capacity improvement projects. This program authorizes FTA to make grants for comprehensive planning that seeks to: enhance economic development, ridership, and other goals established during the project development and engineering processes; facilitate multimodal connectivity and accessibility; increase access to transit hubs for pedestrian and bicycle traffic; enable mixed-use development; identify infrastructure needs associated with the eligible project; and include private-sector participation. Funds are awarded competitively, and state and local government agencies are eligible for funding.

Public Transportation Programs

Urbanized Areas Formula Grant Program: This program provides direct funding to communities with a population of 50,000 or more for public transportation planning and capital improvements. Eligible activities include: job access and reverse commute projects that provide transportation to jobs an d employment opportunities for welfare recipients and low-income workers; and transit operating costs in certain areas.

Photo of a streetcar.

Formula Grants for Rural Areas: This program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000, where many residents often rely on public transit. Eligible activities include planning, capital, operating, job access and reverse commute projects, and the acquisition of public transportation services. Funds are provided to States and Indian tribes, but can then be directed to local governments, nonprofit organizations, and operators of public transportation or intercity bus service.

Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Program: This program provides funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities, such as shelters or transfer stations. Funds are allocated based on certain criteria such as population, bus vehicle revenue-miles, bus passenger-miles, and population density.

Fixed Guideway Capital Investment Grants ("New Starts" and "Small Starts"):, These discretionary programs are the federal government's primary financial resource for supporting planning and construction of major transit capital projects. New Starts and Small Starts have helped make possible dozens of new or extended transit fixed guideway systems across the country - heavy rail, light rail, commuter rail, bus rapid transit, and ferries. New Starts projects are typically greater than $250 million in total project cost, requesting greater than $75 million in New Starts funding. The Small Starts program supports fixed guideway projects smaller than the New Starts cost thresholds. Participation in the New Starts and Small Starts programs requires completion of a legislatively directed process for planning and project development.

State of Good Repair Grants: This program is FT!'s first dedicated funding to repair and upgrade rail and bus rapid transit systems. Eligible recipients include State and local government authorities in urbanized areas with fixed guideway public transportation facilities operating for at least 7 years.

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities: For persons with mobility limitations related to advanced age, persons with disabilities, and persons struggling for self-sufficiency, transportation within and between communities needs to be as available and affordable as possible. This program is intended to enhance mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing funds for programs to serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit services. Operating assistance is now available under this program. Funds are apportioned based on each state's share of population for these groups of people.

Flexible Programs for Roads, Streets, and Paths

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program: The CMAQ program supports transportation projects or programs that will improve air quality and relieve congestion in areas that do not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Reducing pollution and other adverse environmental effects of transportation projects and transportation system inefficiency have been long-standing DOT objectives. CMAQ funds may be used to establish new or expanded transportation projects or programs that reduce emissions, including capital investments in transportation infrastructure, congestion relief efforts, and diesel engine retrofits. Other CMAQ projects include operating assistance for new transit services, travel demand management strategies, traffic flow improvement programs that reduce emissions, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities and programs.

Surface Transportation Program: The Surface Transportation Program provides flexible funding to states and metropolitan planning organizations for projects on any federal-aid highway. It can be used for a broad array of highway, transit, bicycling, and walking purposes.

Transportation Alternatives Program: This program provides formula funds to States for projects or activities, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation; recreational trail projects; safe routes to school projects; and projects for planning, designing, or constructing boulevards in the right-of-way of former divided highways.

Recreational Trails Program (RTP): This program provides formula funds to states to develop and maintain trails and trail-related facilities for all types of recreational uses, including hiking, bicycling, equestrian, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, off-road motorcycling, all-terrain vehicles, four-wheel driving, or other off-road motorized vehicles.

Photo of two children on a sidewalk by a white picket fence.

Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS): While not a funding program, CSS is a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach that involves all stakeholders in developing a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources while maintaining safety and mobility. CSS considers the total context within which a transportation improvement project will exist. CSS principles include the employment of early, continuous, and meaningful involvement of the public and all stakeholders throughout the project development process. The project is designed and built with minimal disruption to the community.

National Highway Performance Program: This program provides flexible funding to states for projects that on the National Highway System that support national performance goals for improving infrastructure condition, safety, mobility, or freight movement on the NHS, including bicycling and walking facilities, safety improvements, and environmental restoration and pollution abatement.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development logoU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's mission is to increase homeownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination. HUD promotes sustainable communities by coordinating federal housing and transportation investments with local land use decisions in order to reduce transportation costs for families, improve housing affordability, save energy, and increase access to housing and employment opportunities. By ensuring that housing is located near job centers and affordable, accessible transportation, we will nurture healthier, more inclusive communities-which provide opportunities for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities to live, work, and learn together.

Public and Indian Housing

HOPE VI: The HOPE VI Program provides competitive funding for the eradication of severely distressed public housing developments. Funds can be used for demolition, major rehabilitation, and new construction of public housing; acquisition of sites in other locations for private new construction; and supportive services for those relocated by the program. HOPE VI promotes the creation of mixed income communities that are dense, pedestrian friendly, and transit accessible. It also encourages high standards of green building for new construction projects through regulation and giving priority to proposals with green features.

Public Housing: The Public Housing Program provides funding to local housing agencies for operating expenses and repairs to public housing developments. Funds are allocated based on the continuing needs of the housing authorities, especially the number of units they own. Public housing agencies are encouraged to use environmentally responsible practices through regulations and policy guidance and through specific programs like Energy Performance Contracting (EPC). EPC provides funding to make public housing units more energy efficient through energy efficiency, water efficiency, or renewable energy improvements to units. Funding is provided through freezing utility subsidies to repay financing obtained to make the improvements. For every $1 spent on utility efficient improvements under this program, $2.44 in savings will be created.

Housing Choice and Project-Based Vouchers: Housing Choice and Project-Based Voucher Programs provide funding to local public housing agencies for rental subsidies for units that are chosen by the tenant in the private market (Housing Choice Vouchers) or for use in specific developments or units (Project-Based Vouchers). Housing Choice Vouchers allow tenants more flexibility in deciding the location of their residence, giving them more of an opportunity to live closer to work, family, amenities, or services.

Community Planning and Development

Photo of a playground area in a houseing development.

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): The CDBG Program provides formula funding directly to larger cities and counties and through state governments for small units of local government. Funds can be used for most kinds of development as long as it meets on e of the following national objectives. 1) benefits low- and moderate-income persons- 2) aids in the prevention or elimination of slum and blight; or 3) meets certain community development needs having a particular urgency. CDBG is a flexible program that provides resources to address a wide range of community and economic development needs, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunity.

Disaster Recovery Assistance: In response to disasters, Congress appropriates additional funding for the CDBG and HOME programs as Disaster Recovery grants to rebuild the affected areas and provide crucial seed money to start the recovery process. Since CDBG Disaster Recovery assistance may fund a broad range of recovery activities, HUD can help communities and neighborhoods that otherwise might not recover due to limited resources. Disaster Recovery grants often supplement disaster programs of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Small Business Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, HOME Disaster Recovery grants can provide an important resource for providing affordable housing to disaster victims.

HOME Investment Partnership: The HOME Program provides formula funding directly to larger cities and counties, to consortia of local governments, and to state governments. The HOME program is designed to create affordable housing for low-income households and can take the form of direct assistance or loan guarantees. Funds can be used for most kinds of housing development, including acquisition and rehabilitation in the creation of low-income housing. Additionally HOME program funds can be used for homebuyer assistance and for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance.

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS provides formula funding and limited competitive grants to states, cities, and nonprofit organizations to develop housing and supportive services for people with AIDS.

Homeless Programs provide formula and competitive funding to state and local governments and nonprofit organizations that offer housing, homeless prevention programs, rental assistance, and other supportive services to families and individuals facing a housing crisis or homelessness.

Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP): NSP provides some formula funding to states and local governments and some competitive grants to states, local governments, nonprofit entities, or a consortium of nonprofit entities. Funds can be used to acquire and rehabilitate abandoned or foreclosed- upon homes or residential properties in neighborhoods.

Section 108 is the loan guarantee provision of the CDBG program that provides public entities with loan funds to carry out economic development, housing, and public facility projects. The public entity may carry out the project itself or designate another public or nonprofit entity to do so. Section 108 loans are usually used by CDBG entitlement communities, but non-entitlement communities may also apply if their state agrees to pledge the CDBG funds necessary to secure the loan.

Mortgage Insurance for Rental Housing: Several FHA mortgage insurance programs can be used to facilitate the new construction and substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental projects. Some FHA programs can be used to refinance and acquire existing multifamily projects not requiring substantial rehabilitation.

Mortgage Insurance for Condominium Units: FHA also insures mortgages on condominium units in developments that are proposed or under construction, existing projects, or conversions. Generally, approval of the condominium project must be obtained from an authorized lender.

Housing Finance Agency Risk Sharing Program: Under this program, HUD provides credit enhancement on loans underwritten and closed by a state or local housing finance agency (HFA). Loans made pursuant to Section 542(c) are for affordable housing which includes new construction, substantial rehabilitation, elderly housing, and refinancing. Eligible owners and purchasers apply for the program through the appropriate HFA.

U.S. EPA logo.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Environmental Protection !gency's mission is to protect human health and the environment. Where and how we build communities has a major impact on the environment and on public health. By promoting more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable communities, EPA can help protect our nation's air, water, land, and people. A clean, green, healthy community is a better place to buy a home and raise a family, it's an appealing place for businesses to locate, and it has the foundations it needs for prosperity. Many EPA programs are aimed at helping tribal, state, and local governments support activities that build more sustainable communities and protect human health and the environment.

Brownfields Remediation and Redevelopment

EPA has a variety of programs to help eligible entities assess, remediate, and restore brownfields sites to productive use and revitalize affected neighborhoods.

Assessment Grant Program: These grants provide funding to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct planning and community involvement related to brownfield sites. Grants are for up to $200,000 to address sites contaminated by hazardous substances, and up to $200,000 to address sites contaminated by petroleum. Applicants can also apply as an Assessment Coalition (a group of three or more eligible entities) for up to $1 million.

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Program: These grants of up to $1 million provide funding to capitalize a revolving loan fund. Revolving loan funds can be used to provide no-interest or low-interest loans and subgrants to eligible entities who own the site to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites. RLF grants require a 20 percent cost share.

Cleanup Grant Program: These grants provide funding for a recipient to carry out cleanup activities at brownfields sites that it owns. Sites may be contaminated by hazardous substances and/or petroleum. Grants are up to $200,000 per site and require a 20 percent cost share.

Brownfields Job Training Grant Program: These grants provide funding to eligible entities and nonprofit organizations to help communities take advantage of jobs created by the assessment and cleanup of brownfields. The Job Training Grant Program's goals are to prepare trainees for future employment in the environmental field and to facilitate cleanup of brownfield sites contaminated with hazardous substances. Grants are for up to $200,000.

Photo of a field, farm buildings, and trees.

Targeted Brownfields Assessments: These assessments are conducted by an EPA contractor, and services can include site assessments, cleanup options and cost estimates, and community outreach. Sites for this program are selected by EPA regional offices. Services can range from several thousand dollars to as much as $100,000.

Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program: TAB services are provided to communities, regional entities, and nonprofits who need technical assistance dealing with brownfield sites. The program can also assist communities with applying for EPA brownfields grants or identifying other resources to address their brownfield sites.

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. EPA has this goal for all communities and persons across the nation. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.

Environmental Justice Small Grants Program: This program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations to build collaborative partnerships, to identify the local environmental and/or public health issues, and to envision solutions and empower the community through education, training, and outreach.

Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative !greement Program: This program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations working on or planning to work on projects to address local environmental and/or public health issues in their communities, using EPA's "Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model."

State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreements Program: This program provides funding so that eligible entities may work collaboratively with affected communities to understand, promote, and integrate approaches to provide meaningful and measurable improvements to the public health and/or environment in the communities.

Environmental Justice Showcase Communities Project: This project provides EPA regional office funding to bring together governmental and non-governmental organizations to pool their resources and expertise on the best ways to achieve real results in communities. The successes and lessons learned in these demonstration projects will be used to help guide the design and implementation of future environmental justice projects and will help EPA increase its ability to address local environmental challenges in more effective, efficient, and sustainable ways.

Toxic Pollution Reduction

Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE): CARE is a competitive grant program that offers an innovative way for a community to organize and take action to reduce toxic pollution in its local environment. Through CARE, a community creates a partnership that implements solutions to reduce releases of toxic pollutants and minimize people's exposure to them. By providing financial and technical assistance, EPA helps CARE communities get on the path to a renewed environment.

Lead Grants: EPA awards grants aimed at reducing childhood lead poisoning in communities with older housing through the National Community-Based Lead Grant and the Targeted Lead Grant Programs. The projects supported by these grant funds are an important part of EP!'s lead program to eliminate childhood lead poisoning as a major public health concern.

Energy Conservation and Renewable and Clean Energy

Energy Efficiency at the State and Local Levels: The State and Local Climate and Energy Program provides technical assistance, analytical tools, and outreach support to state, local, and tribal governments. Specific assistance includes identifying and documenting cost-effective policies and initiatives- measuring and evaluating the benefits of clean energy initiatives; offering tools, guidance, and outreach support; and fostering peer exchange opportunities. The program's web site provides state and local governments with information on energy efficiency and clean energy, including webcasts on a variety of topics.

National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC): NCDC offers a comprehensive program to help fleet owners clean up their diesel fleets. The campaign awards competitive grants through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act to public agencies, eligible nonprofits, and private entities, such as school bus contractors, who partner with eligible entities. NCDC's rigorous verification program evaluates the performance and durability of retrofit technologies and provides a path to verification for emerging technologies. The campaign's innovative programs, such as Clean School Bus US!, Clean Ports USA, and Clean Construction US!, provide sector-specific information, including case studies, technology options, and publications. NCDC's tools and resources include the web-based Diesel Emissions Quantifier to help evaluate the cost- effectiveness of various retrofit options and the State and Local Toolkit to help design, fund, and evaluate emission-reduction programs. In addition, NCDC supports regional private-public collaboratives whose members coordinate to implement a wide array of activities to reduce diesel emissions.

SmartWay Transport Partnership: Under SmartWay, EP! provides web-based analytical tools, technical assistance, innovative financing options, air quality planning guidance, product and vehicle verification and certification, and recognition incentives to help states and municipalities support cleaner goods movement in their communities. SmartWay partners learn how to shrink their carbon footprints and reduce emissions of air pollutants while saving fuel and expanding their businesses. SmartWay's innovative financial options can help trucking firms, municipal fleet managers, and owner-operators serving communities across the country overcome financial obstacles to cleaner, fuel-saving vehicle retrofits and upgrades. Cities can partner with EP! regional offices to recruit city-based freight shippers and carriers into the program, organize events or pilot tools/resources for the local business community, use locomotive and truck idle- reduction strategies to achieve clean air goals, and let businesses and consumers know about lower- polluting, fuel-saving, SmartWay-designated passenger vehicles and commercial trucks.

Smart Growth

EPA's Smart Growth Program offers case studies, research, tools, and publications to help communities learn about and implement smart growth solutions to a wide range of development-related challenges, including transportation and parking, affordable housing, stormwater runoff, zoning codes, infill and redevelopment, and many other issues.

Photo of a large red brick structure next to a river.

Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) Program: Through the SGIA program, EPA solicits applications from state, local, regional, and tribal governments (and non-profits that have partnered with a governmental entity) that want to incorporate smart growth techniques into their future development. Once selected, communities receive direct technical assistance from a team of national experts in one of two areas: policy analysis (e.g., zoning codes, school siting guidelines, and transportation policies) or public participatory processes (e.g., visioning, design workshops, alternatives analysis). EPA tailors the assistance to the community's unique situation and priorities and provides the contractor team. This is not a grant. Through a site visit and a report, the multidisciplinary teams help the community achieve its goal of encouraging growth that fosterseconomic progress and environmental protection. The SGIA Request for Applications is usually open in the first quarter of the year.

Smart Growth Funding Resources: The Smart Growth Program occasionally offers competitive grants. It has also compiled lists of federal, regional, and state resources for communities and non-governmental organizations that are seeking funding to address various aspects of smart growth.

Water Quality

In urban and suburban areas, much of the land surface is covered by buildings, pavement, and compacted landscapes that do not allow rain and snowmelt to soak into the ground, which greatly increases the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff. Upgrading water infrastructure and using green infrastructure techniques can help improve stormwater management to better protect our nation's drinking water and lakes, rivers, streams, and other water bodies.

State Revolving Loan Funds: The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Programs are federal/state partnerships designed to finance the cost of infrastructure needed to achieve compliance with the Clean Water Act. Through the SRFs, states maintain revolving loan funds to provide low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects, such as traditional municipal wastewater treatment and collection systems, nonpoint source program implementation projects, wetlands restoration, groundwater protection, innovative stormwater runoff and estuary management projects, drinking water treatment and conveyance systems, and source water protection. Funds to establish or capitalize the SRF programs are provided through EPA grants to the states, along with state matching funds (equal to 20 percent of federal government grants). Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funding, in FY 2010, 20 percent of the federal funds must be targeted to green infrastructure, water-efficiency improvements, energy-efficiency improvement, and environmentally innovative approaches to water quality improvement. and

Green Infrastructure: Green infrastructure is an approach to wet weather management that is cost effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture, and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrology. Many of these approaches, including green roofs, rain gardens, green streets, and other innovative stormwater management techniques, can also make neighborhoods safer, healthier, and more attractive. EPA has compiled a list of funding resources to help communities fund green infrastructure projects.

Asset Management: As communities undertake the task of renewing their water infrastructure systems, EPA can offer a suite of practices and approaches to ensure that water infrastructure both supports sustainable communities and can be supported by the communities it serves. One of the keys to sustainable infrastructure is the practice of Asset Management (AM), which provides a platform for making the best, most effective infrastructure investments. EPA offers AM training and a suite of tools to promote adoption and improvement of AM implementation. Multisector AM integrates investments in water, transportation, and housing infrastructure and is being promoted through a Memorandum of Understanding between EPA and DOT.

Nonpoint Source Management Grants: Under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, states receive grant money to support a wide variety of activities to reduce nonpoint source pollution, including techniques related to agriculture, urban runoff, forestry, and the physical modification of water bodies. States directly implement projects as well as provide funds to organizations and local governments to carry out projects that reduce nonpoint source pollution through best management practices, outreach and education, and demonstration of new approaches to improve water quality. These grant monies may not be used to fund activities currently required in a stormwater permit issued under the authority of the Clean Water Act. Each state publishes an annual request for proposals.

Updated: 5/18/2016
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