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FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration

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Thank you for your interest in FMCSA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) titled "Carrier Safety Fitness Determination." The Safety Fitness Determination (SFD) NPRM proposes new methodologies for determining if motor carriers are proposed unfit to operate. These methodologies use on-road safety performance and investigation data, allowing FMCSA to assess the safety of more carriers every month. For more information on the proposed SFD rule, please go to


How SFD Would Work


Under FMCSA’s proposed SFD regulations, a carrier would be proposed unfit if it fails two or more Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) based on its on-road safety performance data and/or investigation results. The BASICs are categories related to unsafe and/or non-compliant behavior that provide a comprehensive view of a carrier’s safety and compliance issues. There are seven BASICs: Unsafe Driving, Crash Indicator, Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance, Vehicle Maintenance, Controlled Substances/Alcohol, Hazardous Materials (HM) Compliance, and Driver Fitness. A carrier would only fail the Crash Indicator and Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASICs based on its investigation results.

The Unsafe Driving, HOS Compliance, Vehicle Maintenance, HM Compliance, and Driver Fitness BASICs would have specific failure standards. A carrier would fail a BASIC based on its on-road safety data if the carrier’s absolute performance measure (not the carrier’s percentile) in the BASIC is at or above the absolute failure standard. These failure standards would be set in regulation, so they would not change from month to month. This means that a carrier’s BASIC measure would only reflect its own safety performance against the absolute failure standard, and would not be impacted by other carriers’ performance.

A carrier would also fail a BASIC if it is cited for violations of one or more Acute and/or Critical Regulations during an investigation.


Before You Get Started


To show you how the changes in the NPRM could impact your company, the SFD Calculator will ask you questions about your company’s on-road safety performance and most recent investigation results. To answer the questions in the calculator, you will need:

  • Your company’s Complete Safety Measurement System (SMS) Profile, which is available once you log into the SMS Website
  • Your company’s investigation reports from the past month

Note: While this proposal would only use investigation results from the past month, FMCSA recommends that carriers with investigations from the past 6 months use their investigation reports to complete the calculator.

To learn more about where to find this safety information, review the SFD Calculator User Guide (PDF, 1.1 MB).


Note Icon Note: The SFD Calculator is intended as an educational tool to show you how your company’s safety fitness may be calculated under the proposed SFD regulations using your current safety information. The sample results produced by the SFD Calculator have no legal impact, nor do they affect your company’s current safety rating. It is important to note that after the Agency considers comments received on the NPRM, the SFD regulations may vary from the results produced by this calculator today. In addition, your company’s safety information may be different when the SFD regulations are finalized.