Box B: Scheduling Situations That Are Not Considered to be Intermodal Connections

Box B: Scheduling Situations That Are Not Considered to be Intermodal Connections

  • The scheduling of arrivals and departures at the facility does not permit connections both to and from each of the modes involved.
  • Connecting travelers need to wait greater than two hours during the midnight-6 a.m. period in order to make a connection between the two modes.
  • A mode serving the facility less than daily does not provide that service on all of the days that it operates in that city or town, and as a result there are days that the intermodal connection with the other mode is not available (e.g., the intercity rail provider serves the facility 7 days per week, but transit service is provided only Monday-Friday even though the transit agency operates service seven days per week).

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, January 2009.