Garrett's Worldwide Enterprises LLC d/b/a Garrett's Fireworks

Case Number: 12-0027-SE-CE

Docket Order: PHMSA-2014-0030

Respondent was assessed a civil penalty of $4,000 for four violations of the HMR when it offered for transportation in commerce and transported in commerce Division 1.4G fireworks, an explosive hazardous material, (1) in packagings marked as meeting the UN4G performance standard in the HMR which had not been assembled in accordance with that performance standard and closed in accordance with the manufacturer's closure instructions, thus voiding the UN4G certification, and which were not maintained and closed so that, under conditions normally incident to transportation, the effectiveness of the package would not be substantially reduced; and when (2) it failed to retain shipping papers for two years after the shipment was accepted by the initial carrier; (3) it failed to indicate the type of packaging on shipping papers; and (4) it had not developed and adhered to a written security plan which included measures to confirm information provided by job applicants for positions that involve access to and handling shipments of quantities of Division 1.4G fireworks of 1,001 pounds or more aggregate gross weight.