A-X Propane Company, Inc.

Case Number: 09-0136-VR-SW

Docket Order: PHMSA-2011-0131

Respondent was assessed a civil penalty of $10,425 for three violations of the HMR when it offered for transportation in commerce and transported in commerce liquefied petroleum gas (propane) in storage tanks designed for permanent installation when the tanks were charged to more than 5% of their water capacity (violation No. 1), and when it filled a cargo tank with liquefied petroleum gas (propane), a flammable gas, when an external visual inspection and leakage test had not been performed within the past year and then offered for transportation in commerce and transported in commerce the filled cargo tank (violation No. 2), accompanied by a shipping paper containing an incorrect identification number and without properly indicating the number and type of packages (violation No. 3).