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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Case Studies of the Congestion Management Process

This series of in-depth case studies focuses on the Congestion Management Process (CMP) at seven metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) around the country. The case studies highlight how MPOs have structured their CMP processes; their data collection and analysis methods and tools; their integration of the CMP with the metropolitan transportation plan (MTP) and other planning processes; and effective practices for documentation and visualization of congestion information.

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Atlanta Regional Council (ARC), Atlanta, Georgia (or PDF, 1.32 MB) ARC’s CMP is embedded in the MPO's work and in the studies and planning activities of MPO member agencies. As a result, only a subset of ARC's congestion management activities is formally referred to as a standalone CMP process. Strategy evaluation is conducted as part of the regional transportation plan project prioritization. ARC supports local agencies in the implementation of CMP strategies and supports regional data collection through a regional data clearinghouse.

Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Austin, Texas, (or PDF, 960 KB) CAMPO uses a collaborative process in its CMP, relying on working groups and committees that support the CMP analysis and identification of strategies. CMP strategy selection is strongly linked to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and all TIP projects must have at least two associated congestion management strategies.

Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC), Albany, New York (or PDF, 867 KB) CDTC's CMP is fully integrated into its metropolitan transportation plan and supports that plan's strong livability agenda. The CMP focuses on travel time reliability and implementing demand management before capacity expansion. Public involvement ensures that community values guide congestion management decisions.

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Council (DVRPC), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (or PDF, 857 KB) The DVRPC CMP is integrated throughout the MPO's transportation planning process and is used for analysis, project selection, and education of localities and the public. Congestion on the multimodal transportation network is evaluated using criteria that address objectives drawn from the metropolitan transportation plan goals. Congestion management strategies are developed at the sub-corridor level along identified congested corridors.

Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), Seattle, Washington (or PDF, 1.09 MB) PSRC's CMP is multimodal and thoroughly integrated into the metropolitan transportation planning and project decision process. In the CMP, the region is divided into 12 subregions, referred to as "SMART Corridors", and these corridors will be the focus of congestion monitoring and improvements in the future. Congestion is measured for both highways and transit, using data collected by local jurisdictions, transit operators, and the state DOT.

Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (or PDF, 1.22 MB) SPC has a robust CMP that is becoming more coordinated with the regional transportation plan. The CMP involves extensive data collection on approximately 100 corridors in the region every 3 years. Following data collection and analysis, a baseline strategy evaluation is conducted based on both suitability and congestion relief benefit of potential strategies. To support implementation, SPC uses case studies to illustrate the effectiveness of locally-implemented strategies from its CMP Toolbox.

Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO), Wilmington, Delaware (or PDF, 970 KB) WILMAPCO updates its CMP annually in a process closely linked to the agency's transportation improvement program project prioritization process. The MPO's strategy recommendations focus first on trip reduction and mode shift and last on capacity increases. WILMAPCO provides the public with information about the CMP through annual reports and both static and interactive maps on its web site.

Updated: 7/25/2011
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