MARAD Vessel History Database

This database includes information on more than 12,000 vessels that have been or still are part of the National Defense Reserve Fleet , and other vessels that were at one time owned, operated, or in the custody of the Maritime Administration and/or its predecessor agencies. Each vessel entry includes one or more images of vessel status cards – paper index cards that tell the story of the ship’s career in government service. The following information is also presented, where available:

  • Vessel Characteristics, such as year built, builder, former names, and vessel dimensions
  • Milestones in the vessel’s government service, such as acquisition and withdrawal dates
  • Histories of select vessels
  • Vessel Images
  • Vessel Cards, index cards which provide information on vessel ownership, operation, fleet lay-up, and sales
  • Other Associated Documents, such as National Register Eligibility Assessments, Memoranda of Agreement, awards, citations, or other reports
SS <em>American Osprey</em>, laid up in Beaumont Reserve Fleet. MV <em>Cape Rise</em>, a Roll-on/Roll-off ship that is part of the Ready Reserve Force. SS <em>Denebola</em>, a "Fast Sealift Ship" and part of the Ready Reserve Force. Training Ships <em>Empire State</em> (background) and <em>Kings Pointer</em> (foreground) during MARAD's response to Hurricane Sandy in New York City. High Speed Ferry <em>Huakai</em>, which was briefly owned by the Maritime Administration and used during Operation Unified Response. TS <i>State of Maine</i>, the training ship for Maine Maritime Academy SS <em>Patrick Henry</em>, the first of thousands of Liberty ships launched during World War II.

Ship Listing