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About PNT & Spectrum Management

What is PNT?

"PNT" stands for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing. PNT is a combination of three distinct, constituent capabilities:

  • Positioning, the ability to accurately and precisely determine one's location and orientation two dimensionally (or three dimensionally when required) referenced to a standard geodetic system (such as World Geodetic System 1984, or WGS84);
  • Navigation, the ability to determine current and desired position (relative or absolute) and apply corrections to course, orientation, and speed to attain a desired position anywhere around the world, from sub-surface to surface and from surface to space; and
  • Timing, the ability to acquire and maintain accurate and precise time from a standard (Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC), anywhere in the world and within user-defined timeliness parameters. Timing includes time transfer.

What is Spectrum Management?

Spectrum Management is the art and science of managing use of the radio spectrum in order to minimize interference and ensure radio spectrum is used to its most efficient extent and benefit for the public. For USDOT this is focused on supporting safe, efficient and economical transportation.

Contact Us

OST-R Office of Positioning, Navigation and Timing & Spectrum Management

Karen L. Van Dyke
Director, Office of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)
Phone Number: (202) 366-3180

James A. Arnold
DOT Spectrum Lead
Phone Number: (202) 366-8422

Elliott L. Baskerville
Electronics Engineer
Phone Number: (202) 366-5284

National Coordination Office (NCO) for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing

Harold W. Martin
Director, National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing
Phone Number: (202) 484-4844