U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Subject: Participation in the Cost of Corrective Work Resulting from Construction Engineering Errors Date: September 8, 1978
From: Chief, Construction and Maintenance Division
Office of Highway Operations
Refer To: HHO-32
To: Regional Federal Highway Administrators
Regions 1-10
Regional Engineer, Region 15

There was concern expressed by State Construction Engineers at the recent American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Construction Committee in Portland, Maine, that there were inconsistencies in applying Federal-aid participation in the cost of corrective work resulting from construction engineering errors.

Our position remains unchanged. We have long considered that cases will arise where participation may be warranted in the cost of corrective work resulting from construction engineering errors.

It would be difficult to outline in detail specific guidelines where we should or should not participate in such costs, since circumstances surrounding each case will be different. Thus, each case should evaluated individually. Broad generalities such "as all staking errors are ineligible" or "design errors are eligible - construction errors are not" should be avoided.

Where a State has exercised normal diligence in carrying out its construction engineering activities and an error does cause some increased cost, Federal-funds can be used.

/s/ original signed by
Sanford P. LaHue

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Updated: 10/29/2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000