New Audit Announcements


Audit Initiated of FTA's Oversight of Grantees' ARRA Contract Award and Administration Practices

Project ID: 


The Office of Inspector General is initiating an audit of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA's) oversight of grantees’ American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) contract award and administration practices.  In February 2009, the President signed ARRA into law, designating $8.4 billion for the FTA transit programs.  FTA has awarded 1072 ARRA grants supporting construction or renovation of over 850 transit facilities costing over $4 billion, the purchase of nearly 12,000 transit vehicles at more than $2 billion, and preventive maintenance projects totaling $700 million. The audit objective is to determine whether FTA’s oversight of transit agencies' ARRA construction and renovation grants is sufficient to ensure:  (1) that grantees' contract award and administration practices comply with laws, regulations, policies, and procedures; and (2) that grantees achieve the cost, schedule, and performance goals of their ARRA-funded infrastructure investments.