Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) logo

ISOO is responsible to the President for policy and oversight of the Government-wide security classification system and the National Industrial Security Program. ISOO receives authority from:

  • Executive Order 12829, as amended, "National Industrial Security Program", further amended by section 6 of E.O. 13691  [ PDF]  [ HTML]
  • "Classified National Security Information," Executive Order 13526 was released by the White House on December 29, 2009
  • Executive Order 13549,"Classified National Security Information Program for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities."
  • Executive Order 13556 "Controlled Unclassified Information"
  • Executive Order 13587,"Structural Reforms To Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information."

ISOO is a component of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and receives policy and program guidance from the National Security Council (NSC).

ISOO has three components:

  • The Classification Management Staff:
    Develops security classification policies for classifying, declassifying and safeguarding national security information generated in Government and industry.
  • The Operations Staff:
    Evaluates the effectiveness of the security classification programs established by Government and industry to protect information vital to our national security interests.
  • The Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Staff:
    Develops standardized CUI policies and procedures that appropriately protect sensitive information through effective data access and control measures.

To contact ISOO please email or ISOO Staff.
