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Federal Highway Administration
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Publication Details

Performance-Related Specifications for Concrete Pavements Research/Reference: useful for researchers doing further work in the pavement area as well as those developing improved testing and design procedures. Includes documents of historical value.

Primary Topic: Rigid Pavement

Description: This study continued the development of performance-related specifications (PRS) for concrete pavements. Drawing upon previous work, a prototype PRS was developed that considers the expected life-cycle cost of the as-constructed pavement as the overall measure of quality. The approach calls for measurement of in situ concrete properties and explicitly considers variability and multiple quality characteristics in the determination of pay adjustments. Extensive laboratory testing was conducted to determine material relationships needed in the prototype PRS, and a detailed test plan has been developed for the evaluation of construction variables (e.g.. dowel misalignment) that significantly affect concrete pavement performance, but are not currently accounted for in the specification. A computer program, PaveSpec, has been developed for use with the specification in simulation and in generating pay adjustments.

This volume includes supporting documentation for the research study. The prototype PRS is included in its entirety in appendix A. This specification is complete for pilot testing, verification, and validation on simulated and then actual construction projects. Appendix B contains a users guide for the PaveSpec computer program that has been developed for use with the specification. Appendix C presents an annotated bibliography of literature pertinent to construction specifications.

FHWA Publication Number: FHWA-RD-93-043

Publication Year: 1993

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Updated: 10/21/2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000