U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Asset Management


Bridge Publications

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Publication File Year
Bridge Management Experiences of California, Florida, and South Dakota .html 2005
Bridge Management Practices in Idaho, Michigan, and Virginia .pdf, 5 mb 2012
Bridge Management Questionnaire Report .pdf, 2 mb 2010
Bridge Preservation Guide Maintaining State of Good Repair Using Cost Effective Investment Strategies .pdf, 7 mb 2011
Culvert Management Case Studies: Vermont, Oregon, Ohio, and Los Angeles County .pdf, 3 mb 2014
Culvert Management Systems: Alabama, Maryland, Minnesota, and Shelby County .html 2007
Earth Retaining Structures and Asset Management .html 2008
FHWA Manual for Orthotropic Deck Bridges .pdf, 10 mb 2012
FHWA Study to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health .html 2011
Highway and Rail Transit Maintenance and Rehabilitation Manual .html 2005
Highway and Rail Transit Tunnel Inspection Manual .pdf, 4 mb 2005
Improving FHWA's Ability to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health National Meeting Report .pdf, 1 mb 2011
Improving FHWA's Ability to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health Pilot Study Report .pdf, 2 mb 2012
Improving FHWA's Ability to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health Pilot Study Report Addendum - Rutting Bias Investigation .pdf, 4 mb 2012
Improving FHWA's Ability to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health: Development of Next Generation Pavement Performance Measures .pdf, 4 mb 2012
Proceedings of the 2011 National Bridge Management, Inspection and Preservation Conference: Beyond the Short Term .pdf, 2 mb 2011
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Updated: 08/17/2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000