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Resources - Legislation, Regulations and Guidance

FHWA Orders

Order Date Issued Title
2-4 2/7/72 Clearance and Release of Public Information Material
2-23 3/8/73 Reimbursable Agreements
M 1100.1A 7/14/95 FHWA Delegations and Organization Manual
1300.5 10/4/91 FHWA Coordination Guidelines
1310.2 11/1/06 Business Modernization Mapping (BMM)
1311.1B 8/28/13 FHWA Value Engineering (VE) Policy
1321.1C 1/6/10 FHWA Directives Management
1322.3C 8/19/05 Forms Management
1324.1B 7/29/13 FHWA Records Management
1325.1E 2/7/11 FHWA Correspondence Management
1340.3 1/6/10 Establishment of the Federal-aid Highway Program Policy and Guidance Center
1370.11 6/19/03 Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) Process
1370.11A 1/27/06 Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)
1370.12A 3/22/06 Personal Digital Assistants
1370.13 3/22/06 Compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
1370.14 3/16/11 FHWA Social Media/Web 2.0 Management
1500.8 2/9/98 Travel Policy Supplement
1500.9 4/1/98 Travel Relocation Policy Supplement
1500.9, Change 1 3/1/99 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Relocation Policy Supplement
1500.10 1/12/12 FHWA Travel Card Policy
H 1710.3A 4/21/05 FHWA Audio and Visual Aids Handbook
1640.3 4/17/14 FHWA Cybersecurity Program (CSP)
H 1710.4 12/23/87 Publications and Printing Handbook
M 1740.1B 9/30/98 Telecommunications Service Manual
1760.1A 9/30/04 FHWA Mail Management System
1910.2C 1/11/01 FHWA Emergency Preparedness Program
2000.2B 11/7/14 FHWA Suspension and Debarment Process
2770.2A 8/2/91 Payments Under the Prompt Payment Act
2770.3B 8/30/13 Government Purchase Card Program
2910.2B 4/30/90 Office of Inspector General and General Accounting Office Audit Findings, Recommendations, and Followup Action
M 3000.1C 10/8/03 FHWA Personnel Management Manual
M 3000.1D 3/17/09 FHWA Personnel Management Manual
3430.1 11/15/13 Employee Performance Management Program
3451.1 6/25/10 Awards and Employee Recognition
3531.1 3/10/10 Superior Qualifications or Special Needs Pay Setting Authority
3575.1 6/8/12 Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives
3610.1 5/14/10 Hours of Work
3612.1 5/14/10 Alternative Work Schedules
3620.1 1/27/10 Telework Program
3632.1 8/19/13 Enhanced Leave Service Credit
3902.4B 7/14/16 Federal Highway Administration Occupational Safety and Health
3902.5A 6/30/04 Occupant Emergency Program
3980.1 7/19/11 Alternative Duty Location Program
4230.2B 6/30/04 Real Property and Space Management
M 4300.1
6/22/83 Personal Property Management Manual
M 4340.1A 11/10/04 Motor Vehicle Management Manual
4340.2A 4/6/11 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Proof of Payments and Certification Requirements
4400.4 8/18/08 Contracting Officer Warrant Program
4410.1 2/28/94 Grant and Cooperative Agreement Policies and Procedures
4410.2 12/22/99 Appointment and Training Policy for an FHWA Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
4410.3A 8/7/06 Processing Acquisition Projects Under SAFETEA-LU
4420.2A 7/14/04 Procedures for Notifying the Office of the Secretary of Transportation of Proposed Contract and Discretionary Grant Awards
4420.3B 10/6/05 Advance Acquisition Planning and Small Business Contracting Program
4460.1B 10/13/06 Clearance of Requests for Procurement of Goods and Services
4460.2 11/23/04 Acquisition Document Numbering System
4460.3A 6/18/10 Green Procurement Planning
4470.1A 10/27/10 FHWA Policy for Contractor Certification of Costs in Accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) to Establish Indirect Cost Rates on Engineering and Design-related Services Contracts
4551.1 8/12/13 Fund Transfers to Other Agencies and Among Title 23 Programs
4560.1C 04/21/14 Financial Integrity Review and Evaluation (FIRE) Program
4710.7 12/16/98 American Indian Issues Coordinating Committee
4710.8 2/1/99 Clarification of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State Responsibilities Under Executive Order 11246 and Department of Labor (DOL) Regulations in 41 CFR Chapter 60
4710.9 4/07/09 FHWA Procedures for Addressing Findings of Discrimination
5020.1 4/26/11 Repayment of Preliminary Engineering Costs
5020.2 8/14/14 Stewardship and Oversight of Federal-Aid Projects Administered by Local Public Agencies (LPA)
5060.1 3/12/12 FHWA Policy on Agency Force Account Use
5160.1A 4/7/14 Policy on Sponsorship Acknowledgment and Agreements within the Highway Right-of-Way
5181.1A 3/5/10 Emergency Reporting Procedures
5182.1 2/22/16 Emergency Relief Program Responsibilities
5520 12/15/14 Transportation System Preparedness and Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events
6000.3A 1/26/01 Federal Highway Administration Development and Coordination of the Research and Technology Program
6030.1A 7/14/10 Peer Exchange Policy for State Planning and Research
6540.1 3/25/80 Real Property Acquisition Statistical Report
6640.1A 10/1/10 FHWA Policy on Permissible Project Related Activities During the NEPA Process
6640.23A 6/14/12 FHWA Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
7500.1B 11/22/88 Safety Recommendations and Activities of the National Transportation Safety Board
M 7560.3 2/18/76 Highway Safety Program Management Guide

Page last modified on July 20, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000