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This directive was canceled August 14, 2015.

Advance Notification of Federal-Aid Highway Funds to be Apportioned for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 4510.787 July 1, 2015 HCFB-10

  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? Pursuant to section 104(e) of title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), in order to permit the States to develop adequate plans for the utilization of apportioned sums, the Secretary shall advise each State of the amounts that will be apportioned each year under section 104 of title 23, U.S.C., not later than 90 days before the beginning of the fiscal year. This Notice is a notification to the States of the anticipated amounts to be apportioned effective October 1, 2015.

  2. What is the status of the Advance Notification of Apportionment? Advance notification of the anticipated apportionment of Federal-aid highway funds cannot be provided at this time pending action by Congress to reauthorize the program for FY 2016.

  3. What action is required? Division Administrators should ensure that this Notice is provided to State departments of transportation.


Signature: Gregory G. Nadeau, Acting Administrator

Gregory G. Nadeau
Acting Administrator

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Page posted on July 2, 2015.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000