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Publication Number:  N/A    Date:  January 2014
Publication Date: January 2014


FHWA'S Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program

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The LTBP Protocols

Long-Term Bridge Performance Workshop
Transportation Research Board
93rd Annual Meeting
January 16, 2014


Protocol, definition

a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure; for example

Test procedure for concrete compressive strength An image of a 6-inch diameter by 12-inch-high concrete cylinder undergoing a compression test


Purpose of the Protocols

To meet the needs of the LTBP program for high quality data to support LTBP goals; protocols ensure


Purpose of the Protocols

To meet the needs of the LTBP program for high quality data to support LTBP goals; protocols ensure


ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Concrete An image of a 6-inch diameter by 12-inch-high concrete cylinder undergoing a compression test

Sample Protocol – Steel Superstructure Deterioration - General

FLD-DC-VI-001 - Steel Superstructure Deterioration (General)

Data Collected:
  • General condition of a steel superstructure
  • Bridge Inspector's Reference livianual (February2012)
  • FLD-MD-0 02 Structure Segmentation & Element Numbering System
  • FE-DC-VI-002 Steel Superstructure Corrosion
  • FLD-DC-VI-003 Steel Superstructure Section Loss
  • PST-AR-002 Data Import

Process description: Data collection principle:

A bridge superstructure is defined as that portion of a bridge structure that receives and supports traffic loads (distributed by the bridge deck) and inturn transfers these loads to the bridge substructure:including the bridge bearings. A steel superstructure can consist of girders (single or multi-cell box): floorbeams and stringers (concrete encased, rolled, and welded or bolted plates), cross frames and diaphragms. In addition, truss structures may have built-up sections for top and bottom chords, vertical and diagonal members, and lateral and sway frame bracings.

Depending on the site conditions: access to the superstructure members will involve the use ofladder(s), access platform(s) and or a snooper.

Steel members shall be inspected primarily for paint peeling, pitting, corrosion (See Protocol FLD-DC-VI-0 02), section loss (See Protocol FLD- DC-VI-003): and cracking (future protocol). In particular, locations of high stress zones shall be thoroughly inspected. Also, any damages from vehicle or vessel strikes shall be noted.

The bearings for the superstructure will be inspected according to the relevant protocol: FLD-DC-VI-004, FLD-DC-.V1-005, or FLD-DC-VI-006.


an image of an inspector on a steel truss superstructure.

Sample Protocol – Steel Superstructure Deterioration - General

On-site Equipment and Personnel Requirements:


Data Collection I Data Analysis /Data Validation /Data Reduction Methodology


Criteria for Data Validation:

Sample Protocol – Steel Superstructure Deterioration - General

Subdivision of the Structure for Inspection and Recordkeeping:


Next Process(es):


Full References:

Sample Protocol – Steel Superstructure Deterioration - General

LTEIP Data Collection Table for Protocol FLD-DC-VI-001

# Field Name Data Type Format /Accuracy Unit Required Field Description
1 State Text Text   Yes State Code, e.g., Virginia-VA
2 NBI Structure # Text Text   Yes Item 8 -Structure Number from NBI Coding Guide
3 Structure name Text Text   Yes Descriptive name for the bridge, e.g.., Route 15 SB over 1-66
4 Protocol name Text Text   Yes Title of the protocol
5 Personnel performing inspection activities Text Text   Yes First name(s), last name(s)
6 Date of inspection Text Date/Exact date   Yes mm/dd/ww
7 Span number Text  . Text   Yes  
8 Paint peeling/ Text Yes / No   Yes  
9 Pitting rust /corrosion Text Yes/ No   Yes  
10 Loss of section Text Yes / No   Yes  
11 Cracking Text Yes / No   Yes  
12 Collision damage Text Yes / No   Yes  

Presence of a concrete
defect at the interface

Text Yes / No   Yes  
14 Defect photos BLOB BLOB   Optional If defects present, document typical defects with photos a ndlor sketches
15 Comments Text Unlimited   Optional  

XSD Templates

diagram In the first box of the second column, an organizational chart appears. LTBP Data Collection is in the first box of the organizational chart. To the right of that box, and connected to it by a line, is a ladder of additional boxes. From top to bottom, it reads, Bridge Information, Date Grid Created, X Axis Nodes, Y Axis Nodes, Skew Angle Y Axis, Local Grid Coordinate X Axis Offset, Local Grid Coordinate Y Axis Offset, Local Grid Coordinate Rotational O…, Comments.
namespace http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/programs/infrastructure/structures/ltbp/
properties content complex
children BridgeInformation  DateGridCreated  YAxisNodes  SkewAngleYAxis
localGridCoordinateXAxisOffset  LocalGridCoordinateYAxisOffset
LocalGridCoordinateRotationalOffset  Comments
annotation documentation
LTBP Protocol PRE001 LTBP Data Collection Table for Data Collection Grid
source <xs:element name="LTBPDataCollection">
  <xs:documentation>LTBP Protocol PRE001 LTBP Data Collection Table for Data Collection Grid</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Bridgelnformation"type="bridgelnformationType"maxOccurs="1"/>
     <xs:element name="DateGridCreated"type="xs:date"maxOccurs="1"/>

LTBP Protocol Hierarchy

LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST). If one follows the Pre-Visit (PRE) box, there are three boxes beneath that box and connected to it, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two boxes: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE). Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS). Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit (PST) box, are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are three boxes: Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE). 
The entire protocol hierarchy chart looks slightly washed out.

Protocol Hierarchy

There is an LTBP protocol hierarchy chart on the slide, very similar to the chart on the previous slide. LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST). If one follows the Pre-Visit box, there are three boxes beneath that box and connected to it, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two boxes: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE).  Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS). Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit box, are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are three boxes: Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE). This protocol hierarchy chart is not washed out like the chart on the previous slide.

Naming Convention


There is an LTBP protocol hierarchy chart on the slide, very similar to the chart on the previous slide. Above the protocol hierarchy chart are the words “Naming Convention” and the designation “XXX-YY-ZZ-###”. 
LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST).
On the right side of protocol hierarchy chart at the same level as the three boxes Pre-Visit (PRE), Field Visit (FLD), and Post-Visit (PST) are the letters XXX. This denotes that the first three letters of the naming convention of each LTBP protocol is one of the three boxes, namely PRE, FLD, or PST.
From this point down in the protocol hierarchy chart, the boxes are washed out.
If one follows the Pre-Visit box, there are three boxes beneath and connected to that box, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two boxes: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE). 
Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS).
Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit box, are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are three boxes: Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE).

Stage Level

Naming Convention


There is an LTBP protocol hierarchy chart on the slide. Above the protocol hierarchy chart are the words “Naming Convention” and the designation “XXX-YY-ZZ-###”. 
LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. All four of these boxes are washed out. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST).
If one follows the Pre-Visit box, there are three boxes beneath and connected to that box, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). These boxes are not washed out. Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, which are not washed out, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). All of the boxes under these boxes are washed out. Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit box, are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). These boxes are not washed out, but the boxes beneath and connected to these boxes are washed out. 
On the right side of protocol hierarchy chart at the same level as the three boxes below Pre-Visit (PRE), the three boxes below Field Visit (FLD), and the three boxes below Post-Visit (PST) are the letters YY. The YY denotes that the second group of letters of the naming convention of each LTBP protocol come from the Sampling and Selection (SS) box, Existing Documentation (ED) box, Planning and Logistics (PL) box, Meta-Data Collection (MD) box, Field Data Collection (DC) box, Data Storage (DS) box, Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box, Data Interpretation (DI) box, or Archiving and Reporting (AR) box.
All of the boxes below this level are washed out.
Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two boxes, which are washed out: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE). All of these boxes are washed out as well.
Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS).
Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are three boxes: Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE).

Category Level

Naming Convention


There is an LTBP protocol hierarchy chart on the slide. Above the protocol hierarchy chart are the words “Naming Convention” and the designation “XXX-YY-ZZ-###”. 
LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST). The top three rows of boxes are washed out.
If one follows the Pre-Visit box, there are three boxes beneath and connected to that box, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). These boxes are included in the washed-out boxes. Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two brown-colored boxes, which are not washed out: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two brown-colored boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three brown-colored boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE). All of these boxes are washed out as well.
Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, which are washed out, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three brown-colored boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five brown-colored boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two brown-colored boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS).
Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit box, are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). These boxes are washed out. Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two brown-colored boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are three brown-colored boxes: Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two brown-colored boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE).
On the right side of protocol hierarchy chart at the same level as the brown-colored boxes are the letters ZZ. The ZZ denotes that the third group of letters of the naming convention of each LTBP protocol come from the brown-colored boxes: Design of Experiments (DE), Sampling Algorithm (SA), Bridge Documentation (BD), Paper Studies (PS), Logistics (LO), Test design (TD), Finite Element Modeling (FE), Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), Photography (PH), Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), Structural testing (ST), Local Storage (LS), Remote Storage (RS), Reduction (RE), Processing (PR), Direct (DT), Comparative (CO), Model-Based (MB), Data Archiving (DA), or Reporting (RE).

Application Level

Flexibility for Additional Protocols

There is an LTBP protocol hierarchy chart on the slide, very similar to the chart on the previous slide. LTBP Protocols is the top box in the hierarchy chart. There are three boxes under the top box depicting the three categories of LTBP protocols. The box on the left is labeled Pre-Visit (PRE). A box labeled Field Visit (FLD) is in the center under the top box. The box on the right is labeled Post-Visit (PST).
If one follows the Pre-Visit box, there are three boxes beneath and connected to that box, from left to right: Sampling and Selection (SS), Existing Documentation (ED), and Planning and Logistics (PL). Beneath and connected to the Sampling and Selection (SS) box are two boxes: Design of Experiments (DE) and Sampling Algorithm (SA). Beneath and connected to the Existing Documentation (ED) box are two boxes: Bridge Documentation (BD) and Paper Studies (PS). Beneath and connected to the Planning and Logistics (PL) box are three boxes: Logistics (LO), Test Design (TD), and Finite Element Modeling (FE). 
Beneath and connected to the Field Visit (FLD) box are three boxes, from left to right: Meta-Data Collection (MD), Field Data Collection (DC), and Data Storage (DS). Beneath and connected to the Meta-Data Collection (MD) box are three boxes: Spatial Context (SC), Environmental Context (EC), and Photography (PH). Beneath and connected to the Field Data Collection (DC) box are five boxes: Site Preparation (SP), Visual Inspection (VI), Non-Destructive Evaluation (ND), Material Sampling (MS), and Structural Testing (ST). Beneath and connected to the Data Storage (DS) box are two boxes: Local Storage (LS) and Remote Storage (RS).
Beneath and connected to the Post-Visit box are three boxes. From left to right, they are Data Reduction and Processing (DR), Data Interpretation (DI), and Archiving and Reporting (AR). Beneath and connected to the Data Reduction and Processing (DR) box are two boxes: Reduction (RE) and Processing (PR). Beneath and connected to the Data Interpretation (DI) box are four boxes: Direct (DT), Example (EX) (this is the only difference in this chart from the other charts), Comparative (CO), and Model-Based (MB). Beneath and connected to the Archiving and Reporting (AR) box are two boxes: Data Archiving (DA), and Reporting (RE). It denotes that a new category such as Example (EX) can be added to the protocol hierarchy.

Protocol Index

Secondary Group Protocol
Protocol Name Anticipated
Documentation )
001 Plans and Specifications for Bridge Design and Construction

Batch #1

002 Bridge Construction Records
003 Bridge Design and Construction Data
004 Bridge Site Conditions - Climate, Environment, Traffic
005  Bridge Inspection Records
006 Bridge Maintenance and Rehabilitation - Records and Cost Data
007 Calculations of Bridge Ratings
013 Untreated Bridge Deck Paper Study
PL (Preliminary
Planning and
005 Reference Bridge Testing Batch #1
006 Cluster Bridge Testing
FLD MD (Meta-Data
001 Data Collection Grid and Coordinate System Batch #1
002 Structure Segmentation and Numbering System

Protocol Index

Protocol Name Anticipated
DC (Field Data
001VI Steel Superstructure Deterioration - General Batch #1
002VI Concrete - Deterioration (General)
004VI Substructure (General)
005VI Elastomeric Bearings
006VI Pot bearings
007VI Rocker Bearings
008VI Expansion Joints
010VI Steel Superstructure - Corrosion
011VI Steel Superstructure - Section Loss
012VI Concrete - Abrasion
013VI Concrete - Cracking
014VI Concrete - Spalls and Delamination
015VI Condition Assessment of Asphalt Overlays
016VI Moisture and Efflorescence
017VI Sulfate Attack
018VI Drainage/Ponding
019VI Chain Drag

Protocol Index

 FLD  Secondary
Protocol Name Anticipated
DC (Field Data
020ND Electrical Resistivity Batch #1
021ND Ground Penetrating Radar Testing
022ND Half Cell Potential
023ND Impact Echo Testing
024ND Linear Polarization Resistance
025ND Dye Penetrant Testing
026ND Ultrasonic Surface Wave Testing (Concrete}
027ND Ultrasonic Testing - Steel Fatigue Cracking
030MS General Concrete Sampling, Testing and Analysis Plan
031MS Wet Coring (Field Sampling) of concrete Decks
032MS Strength and Static and Dynamic Elastic Moduli of Concrete Cores
033MS Resistance to Chloride Penetration (Permeability)
034MS Sampling and Testing for Chloride Profiles

Protocol Index

Secondary Group Protocol
Protocol Name Anticipated
PST DR (Data
Reduction and
001 Spatial Correlation Batch #3
002 Peak Extraction
003 Averaging
004 Error Screening
DI (Data
005 Comparison of Modalities of Instrumentation Batch #3
006 Spatial Interpretation
007 Time Comparison
008 Structure Comparison
009 Cluster Comparison
010 Global Finite Element Modeling
011 Detailed Finite Element Modeling
012 Model-Experiment Correlation
013 Scenario Analysis

Status of LTBP Inspection Protocols

Batch # Status
1 In final stages of review for publication in an FHWA report: Long Term Bridge Performance Program: Inspection Protocols, Version1
2 2014
3 Early 2015

Protocol Development & Publication

Future Challenges

Questions or Comments?



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101