Static Data Tables

Static Data Tables

Data from the static (hourly) sensors is stored under similar table names.

Temperature and Moisture Content

Temperature and moisture content values measured across the pavement structure are stored under the Thermocouple Thermocouple and the TDR Moisture selections. In addition raw velocity measurements from the Time Domain Reflectometry rods are provided under the TDR Velocity selection. These can be used by anyone who wishes to compute moisture content using a calibration equation than the one selected in this project. Data is stored under the following tables:


Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
T1GRND - T20GRND Temperature in degree F

TDR Moisture

Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
TDR1 - TDR50 Volumetric Moisture Content in %

TDR Velocity

Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
TDR1 - TDR50 Pulse Velocity in m/sec

Long Term Strains

Long term strains changes in the pavement and at the joints are recorded with the static Carlson strain gages and with pavement joint gages. Data is stored under the following tables:

Carlson Gage


Joint Gages

Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
J897_R - J906_R Strain values in MicroInch/Inch

Resistivity Gages

Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
R1GRND - R32GRND Resistivity values in ohms


Weather information collected every hour is stored under the following table:


Name Description
DATETIME Date and time with the following format Year/Julian Day/Hour/Minute. Example "19953451415" indicates the 345 th day of 1995 at 14:15.
AIRTEMP Air temperature in degree F
HUMIDITY Air humidity ratio
SOILTEMP1 oil Temperature in degree F
SOILTEMP2 Soil Temperature in degree F
SNOWFALL Snowfall values in inches.
RAINFALL rainfall values in inches.




Contact the Project Lead: Dr. David Brill, AAR-410

Last Update: 05/18/09