U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research and Technology Agenda


Meeting the Challenge: Federal Lands

Improving access to the Nation's public lands and Tribal areas.


Enhancing Access and Visitor Experience

Improving access to the Nation's public lands and Tribal areas.

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Addressing the unique safety concerns of roads in Federal and Tribal areas.


Improving Safety

Addressing the unique safety concerns of roads in Federal and Tribal areas.

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Helping partners share data, align goals, and streamline environmental review processes.


Streamlining Project Delivery

Helping partners share data, align goals, and streamline environmental review processes.

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Demonstrating and communicating the value and impact of field deployments to move innovation from idea to reality.


Demonstrating and Communicating Value

Demonstrating and communicating the value and impact of field deployments to move innovation from idea to reality.

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For More Information

Program Contact

Victoria Peters
FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highway
Tel: 720-963-3522
Email: victoria.peters@dot.gov


Twenty-eight percent of land in the United States is under Federal stewardship, including national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges and Tribal and other Federal lands. Developing and maintaining the transportation networks within these areas pose unique challenges for transportation professionals. FHWA is helping Federal agencies and Tribal governments improve safety, streamline the environmental review process, and reduce congestion; all while protecting natural and cultural resources and meeting the needs of the many different communities served by these roads.

In partnership with diverse agencies, such as the National Park Service (NPS), the Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FHWA is identifying new construction and maintenance techniques that are appropriate for environmentally sensitive and sparsely populated rural areas. Highways located on Federal lands often serve as test beds for innovations used by State and local highway agencies on their rural roads.

Each of the following objectives expands to describe the Federal Lands strategic approach to innovation.

Click here to slide downObjective 1: Enhance Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to improve transportation access, movement, and traveler experience.
Click here to slide upObjective 1: Enhance Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to improve transportation access, movement, and traveler experience.
Objective 1: Enhance Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to improve transportation access, movement, and traveler experience.
Click here to slide downObjective 2: Improve Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to enhance safety.
Click here to slide upObjective 2: Improve Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to enhance safety.
Objective 2: Improve Federal Land Management Agency, Tribal, and public road systems to enhance safety.
Click here to slide downObjective 3: Streamline Federal Land Management Agency and Tribal processes to improve timeliness and effectiveness of program and project delivery.
Click here to slide upObjective 3: Streamline Federal Land Management Agency and Tribal processes to improve timeliness and effectiveness of program and project delivery.
Objective 3: Streamline Federal Land Management Agency and Tribal processes to improve timeliness and effectiveness of program and project delivery.
Click here to slide downObjective 4: Deploy new, emerging, underused, and innovative technologies to accelerate project delivery and improve sustainability of low-volume, low-speed roadways.
Click here to slide upObjective 4: Deploy new, emerging, underused, and innovative technologies to accelerate project delivery and improve sustainability of low-volume, low-speed roadways.
Objective 4: Deploy new, emerging, underused, and innovative technologies to accelerate project delivery and improve sustainability of low-volume, low-speed roadways.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101