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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-15-057    Date:  August 2015
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-057
Date: August 2015


Properties of Anchor Rods Removed From San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

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This report documents independent testing results of failed anchor rod material removed from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge at Pier E2. The work was conducted in a time period when the California Department of Transportation was in the midst of an investigation into the cause of the anchor rod failures, and the work conducted by the Federal Highway Administration was in support of that investigation. Testing included mechanical, chemical, and microstructural characterization of two pieces of anchor rod.

This report would benefit those interested in high-strength steel bolts or rods used for the construction of steel bridges, including State transportation departments, researchers, and design consultants.

Jorge E. Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development


This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No. 3 Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle

Properties of Anchor Rods Removed from San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

5. Report Date

August 2015

6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s)

Justin M. Ocel, Ph.D., P.E.; and Jason Provines

8. Performing Organization Report No.


9. Performing Organization Name and Address

Federal Highway Administration
Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team (HRDI-40)
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

11. Contract or Grant No.


12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Office of Infrastructure Research and Development
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Final Report—July 2013 to January 2015

14. Sponsoring Agency Code


15. Supplementary Notes

This staff study (HRDI-40) was conducted with support from Jason Provines of Professional Service Industries, Inc., (PSI) of Herndon, VA, working under the Federal Highway Administration’s Support Services for the Structures Laboratories contract. Justin Ocel (FHWA) managed the mechanical testing, and Mr. Provines (PSI) conducted the metallography. The Contracting Officer’s Representative was Fassil Beshah, HRDI-40.

16. Abstract

In March 2013, the construction contractor for the new self-anchored suspension bridge between San Francisco and Oakland, CA, tensioned the threaded rods between the bearings/shear keys and the concrete pier cap. Within days of completion, it was discovered that one-third of the rods for the two shear keys on Pier E2 had fractured. An investigation began to determine the root cause for the fractures. The work reported herein was in support of that investigation at the request of the Federal Highway Administration California Division office. It includes data on the mechanical, chemical, and microstructural properties of two samples removed from Pier E2.
The testing showed a variation in material properties between the surface and core of the rods. It was concluded that improper heat treatment of the rods caused this variation. In addition, the tensile and hardness properties could have been judged to be in nonconformance depending on interpretation of the ASTM standards. It is recommended that the ASTM A354 and/or F606 standards be revised to provide more guidance on sampling for tensile and hardness properties for large-diameter products as well as guidance on impact toughness.

17. Key Words

Anchor rod, Chemical analysis, Hardness testing, ASTM A354, Tensile testing, Impact testing, Fracture toughness

18. Distribution Statement

No restrictions. This document is available through the National Technical Information Service; Springfield, VA 22161. http://www.ntis.gov/about/contact.aspx

19. Security Classification
(of this report)


20. Security Classification
(of this page)


21. No. of Pages


22. Price


Form DOT F 1700.7 Reproduction of completed page authorized

SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors

Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables


  1. AASHTO America Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  2. AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
  3. Caltrans California Department of Transportation
  4. CVN Charpy V-Notch
  5. EDM Electric Discharge Machining
  6. EDX Energy-Dispersive X-Ray
  7. FHWA Federal Highway Administration
  8. HRC Rockwell C Hardness
  9. LAST Lowest Anticipated Service Temperature
  10. SAS Self-Anchored Suspension
  11. SEM Scanning Electron Microscope
  12. SSRC Structural Stability Research Council
  13. TFHRC Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center


On Labor Day, September 2, 2013, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) opened the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge between Yerba Buena Island and Oakland, CA. The signature span of the bridge is a steel orthotropic box girder in a self-anchored suspension (SAS) configuration. This new bridge is a more robust replacement for the double-deck steel truss bridge that had experienced a localized collapse of a deck portion during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.

Overall construction of the new bridge began in January 2002, but SAS construction did not begin until 2007. One of the key design elements of the SAS was the connection of the superstructure to Pier E2 through large bearings and shear keys. The four shear keys were meant to resist lateral seismic forces and prevent excessive lateral movement of the four main bearings. Because of the massiveness of the bridge, the seismic forces would be quite large, thus requiring large connecting elements to clamp the bearings and shear keys to the pier cap. In this case, large-diameter, high-strength rods were used as the connecting element so large clamping forces could be developed. It was desired to specify a rod material with a 150-ksi minimum tensile strength, which is equivalent to a normal ASTM A490 high-strength structural bolt.(1) However, the required clamping forces necessitated the use of 3-inch-diameter rods, which is outside of the scope of ASTM A490. Thus, the material was specified as an ASTM A354 BD grade material.(1,2) This also came with a slight reduction on strength, because at this diameter, ASTM A354 BD sets a 140-ksi minimum tensile strength.(2) In addition, because the bridge is in a marine environment, the rods were specified to be galvanized for added corrosion resistance.

The other unique aspect of the shear key design is that two of the shear keys were directly over a column supporting the pier cap. Unlike the bearings and the two interior shear keys that could be bolted to the pier cap with rods running all the way through the pier cap, those for the shear keys over the columns had to be dead-ended within the pier cap. This meant the rods had to be installed within the pier cap before it was cast, long before they would be tensioned. The shear key rods were fabricated in 2008 and were the first of many batches of galvanized ASTM A354 BD rods fabricated for various portions of the SAS. References to the ASTM A354 standard throughout this report are purposely made to the 2007 edition because these specifications were enforced in the fabrication of the Pier E2 shear key anchor rods.

In March 2013, the contractor erecting the bridge began to tension the 96 rods for the 2 shear keys on Pier E2 over the pier columns. Within days, they discovered that 32 of the rods had fractured. With the bridge fully erected, these rods were impossible to replace because they were dead-ended in the pier cap. At the time this report was written, the investigation was still ongoing, but a variety of factors are believed to have contributed to the fractures, such as improper heat treatment, poor raw material, and most likely hydrogen embrittlement. To date, all fractures have been isolated to the 2008 batch of rods (96 in total). More detailed information on the bridge design and preliminary investigation into the failure mechanism(s) of the rods can be found in the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee’s Report on the A354 Grade BD High-Strength Steel Rods on the New East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge With Findings and Decisions.(3)


In June 2014, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) California Division Office requested that Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) perform material testing and analytical work on two rod samples obtained from the 2008 batch of rods. The purpose of the testing was to supply Caltrans with unbiased, independent results.

Two samples were shipped to TFHRC. One was approximately 3 inches long and was from a threaded portion of the E8 rod of the S2 shear key. Figure 1 shows the alphanumeric grid system used to identify the 48 anchor rods holding the S2 shear key to Pier E2; the circle with the black fill represents the E8 location. Figure 2 shows an elevation view of the S2 shear key showing that the 3-inch-long sample was taken from approximately the middle portion of the threaded region on the top side of the rod. The second sample was approximately 13.5 inches long and was from an unthreaded portion of a rod from an unknown location. It was verbally communicated that this larger sample was from the 2008 batch of rods. Pictures of the two rod samples are shown in figure 3 and figure 4.

TFHRC was asked to test impact toughness, hardness, strength, and elongation, in addition to conducting microscopic inspection of thread roots for cracks. TFHRC was free to suggest additional tests if there was remaining material.

Figure 1. Schematic. Plan view of S2 shear key hole pattern. This schematic shows a top-down view of the S2 shear key anchor rod hole pattern. The plate is square, with 48 holes around the perimeter of the plate in 2 rows. The labeling scheme for the hole pattern is eight columns of holes labeled left to right “A” through “H.” There are eight rows of holes labeled top to bottom “1” to “8.” One of the holes is filled in black at the “E8” grid location to represent a threaded sample location. In addition, a North arrow is provided, pointing right to left and slightly upward at 9 degrees. A right-facing cross-sectional view is designated by the line labeled “Z” between the “D” and “E” columns of holes.

Figure 1. Schematic. Plan view of S2 shear key hole pattern.

Figure 2. Schematic. Section Z-Z cross-sectional view of S2 shear key. This schematic shows the section Z-Z cross-sectional view of the shear key. It is shaped like a top hat and has four large, vertically oriented threaded rods attaching it to a concrete element. The rightmost anchor rod has a black area shaded within its section located 6.75 inches down from the top of the anchor rod, representing the threaded sample that was removed.

Figure 2. Schematic. Section Z-Z cross-sectional view of S2 shear key.

Figure 3. Photo. Received threaded sample after cleaning. This photo shows a completely threaded round piece of metal. A ruler in the foreground shows the threaded portion is approximately 3 inches long. The metal piece appears to have an aspect ratio of approximately one to one, indicating its diameter is also about 3 inches. There appears to be about 10.5 threads.

Figure 3. Photo. Received threaded sample after cleaning.

Figure 4. Photo. Received unthreaded sample after cleaning. This photo shows a bar of steel. A ruler in the foreground shows the overall length is approximately 15 inches. The width of the bar appears to be about 3 inches.

Figure 4. Photo. Received unthreaded sample after cleaning.



The unthreaded sample offered the greatest opportunity because of the volume of material provided. TFHRC staff removed three separate portions of this piece, as shown in the cutting plan of figure 5. A 0.38-inch-thick portion was removed for hardness testing. A 3.75-inch-long portion was used to make tensile testing coupons and Charpy specimens as shown in section A-A of the figure, where the circles represent the tensile specimens, and the squares represent Charpy specimens (with the hatched region in the square representing the location of the Charpy notch). A 2.25-inch-long piece was used exclusively for Charpy specimens as shown in section B-B of the figure. The Charpy and tensile specimens were rough cut out with a wire electric discharge machining (EDM) machine to maximize the number of specimens that could come from each portion.

The threaded sample was too short to perform any tensile testing, and this piece was devoted to assessing Charpy impact toughness, hardness, visual inspection of macro sections, and microstructural characterization. It was cut according to the schematic shown in figure 6. A 0.38‑inch-thick portion was removed for hardness testing. Three longitudinal cross sections were removed, represented by the hatched area in section C-C of figure 6. These would be used for microstructural characterization and examination of the thread roots. The remainder of the section was turned into Charpy specimens, also shown in section C-C.

The tensile specimens were ASTM E8 round bar specimens with 0.25-inch reduced diameters and 1-inch gauge lengths as shown in figure 7.(4) The idea behind using a small specimen was to explore the variation in strength through the rod. As can be seen in the sampling plan, tensile specimens were taken at four different distances away from center of the rod cross section. This process allowed for assessment of the uniformity of tensile properties through the cross section.

The Charpy specimens followed a similar approach in that sampling was performed at different distances from the center of the rod cross section. Many Charpy specimens were needed to develop full transition curves by testing specimens at multiple temperatures.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.

Figure 5. Schematic. Cutting plan for unthreaded sample. This schematic shows the cutting plan for the unthreaded rod. The left side of the schematic shows an elevation view of the rod vertically oriented. The total height of the rod is shown as 13.50 inches. The bottom part is labeled “Tensile and Charpy Specimens (Section A-A)” and depicted as 3.75 inches in height. Above it, the next section is labeled “Charpy Specimens (Section B-B)” and has a total height of 2.25 inches. Above that is a section labeled “Hardness,” which is only 0.38 inches in height. The right side of the schematic shows plan views of “Section B-B” on the bottom and “Section A-A” on the top. Section A-A shows the round cross section of the rod, and within the circular cross section are additional circles showing the location of seven tensile specimens labeled T1 through T7. Squares are used to denote the location of Charpy specimens. Specimens A1 through A9 and A0 are radially distributed evenly as close to the outer surface of the rod as possible. Specimens B1 through B5 are located just below the first set of Charpy specimens, also radially distributed evenly. Section B-B shows two rows of Charpy specimens labeled sequentially from B7 to D9 and distributed evenly radially, and two additional specimens are removed from the core region.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.

Figure 5. Schematic. Cutting plan for unthreaded sample.

Figure 6. Schematic. Cutting plan for threaded sample. This schematic shows the cutting plan for the threaded rod. The top of the schematic shows an elevation view of the threaded rod vertically oriented. The bottom 0.38 inches of the rod is cut away and devoted to hardness testing. The remainder of the threaded rod is labeled “Charpy specimens and cross sections (Section C-C).” The bottom part of the schematic shows a plan view of the rod’s circular cross section entitled “Section C-C.” A large cross section is shown to illustrate the removal of a thin diametric slice from the rod. One row of equally radially distributed Charpy specimens is removed from as close to the thread root as possible. Six Charpy specimens are removed from the core and are linearly distributed in two rows.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.

Figure 6. Schematic. Cutting plan for threaded sample.

Figure 7. Schematic. Geometry of round bar tensile coupon. This schematic shows the dimensions of the round tensile specimen geometry. The ends of the bar have a diameter of 0.50inches, and the reduced diameter at the middle is 0.250 inches. Starting from the left end of the bar, a 0.25-inch radius transition is centered 1.194 inches from the left end, the middle of the bar is 1.819 inches from the left end, the second 0.25-inch radius transition is 2.444 inches from the left end, and the overall length of the specimen is 3.638 inches.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.

Figure 7. Schematic. Geometry of round bar tensile coupon.



Tensile Testing

The testing was performed in a digitally controlled servovalve hydraulic test frame with hydraulic grips. The specimens were loaded initially at a slow rate of approximately 36 ksi/min, whereas the standard allows for a range between 10 and 100 ksi/min. Once yielding had occurred, the loading rate was incrementally increased until it achieved approximately
0.07 strain/min, where the standard allows for a range of 0.05 to 0.50 strain/min. Strain was measured with a clip-on extensometer.

The pertinent results are reported in table 1, and plots of the stress versus strain results are shown in figure 8. In three locations, duplicate specimens from the same radial location were extracted and tested, although only one specimen could be made from the core of the rod. In figure 8, duplicates are plotted using the same line type, and the fracture point of each specimen is labeled with the specimen name from table 1. With each plot, note the three pauses shortly after the yield was exceeded. This is an artifact of the testing procedure used by TFHRC, and this is related to a Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) recommendation in the Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures.(5) SSRC recommends three pauses in loading after yielding to observe the load drop as the material relaxes under zero strain rate (i.e., static conditions). Holds were maintained for 90s. The static yield is reported as the intersection of the best-fit line through the three static holds intersecting the 0.02-percent offset line, and it is reported for informational purposes only.

Table 1. Results of tensile tests.

Specimena Modulus (ksi) 0.2-Percent Offset Yield Stressb (ksi) Static Yield Stress (ksi) Tensile Strengthc (ksi) Extensometer Percent Elongation Percent Reduction in Area Distance From Core of Rod (inches)
T1 29,670 159.7 149.9 174.3 14.8 50.1 1.225
T7 30,165 157.0 158.6 172.0 14.7 49.5 1.225
T2 29,640 145.1 153.7 168.6 11.0d 41.0 1.023
T6 29,826 151.8 158.5 174.9 11.4d 35.9e 1.023
T3 30,014 127.0 137.2 156.6 12.7d 33.8e 0.613
T4 29,642 127.0 136.9 157.7 16.1 37.9e 0.613
T5 30,506 119.8 132.2 151.4 12.7d 33.5e 0.000
aSpecimen names correlate to the locations shown in section A-A of figure 5.
bASTM A354 grade BD requires a minimum of 115 ksi.(2)
cASTM A354 grade BD requires a minimum of 140 ksi.(2)
dFailed to meet minimum 14-percent elongation in a 2-inch gauge length in accordance with ASTM A354 grade BD.(2)
eFailed to meet minimum reduction in area of 40 percent in accordance with ASTM A354 grade BD.(2)


Figure 8.Graph. Engineering stress versus strain curves for all tensile specimens. This graph plots engineering strain on the horizontal axis between 0.00 and 0.20. The vertical axis plots engineering stress from 0 to 180 ksi. Seven plots are shown in the graph; all have initially linear slopes that begin to diverge from each other at approximately 100 ksi. The fracture point of each specimen is labeled with the specimen name. Two red dotted lines for specimens T1 and T7 are linear until 160 ksi and then begin to round over with peak stresses at about170 ksi at 0.05 strain. Two blue solid lines representing specimens T2 and T6 plot very closely to the red dotted lines for specimen T1 and T7. Two green solid lines represent specimens T3 and T4, which begin to round over at 130 ksi and attain peak stress at about 155ksi at a strain of 0.05. A single black dotted line for specimen T5 begins to round over at 120ksi and attains peak stress of approximately 130 ksi at 0.05 strain.

Figure 8. Graph. Engineering stress versus strain curves for all tensile specimens.

All the specimens met the yield and tensile strength requirements of ASTM A354 grade BD.(2) However, four specimens could not achieve the elongation requirement, and four (not all the same) could not achieve the reduction in area requirement. ASTM A354 requires a minimum reduction of area of 40 percent and minimum elongation of 14 percent on a 2-inch gauge length. The TFHRC specimens used a 1-inch gauge length but maintained the 4:1 aspect ratio assumed by ASTM E8; therefore, the measured elongation value is comparable to the standard value.(4) The property variation through the radius of the rod is shown in figure 9 and figure 10; in particular, yield strength, tensile strength, and area reduction all showed a trend toward decreasing values moving toward the core of the rod.

Figure 9. Graph. Variation of yield and tensile properties through the rod radius.
This graph plots the variation of 0.2 percent offset yield and tensile strength across the radius of the rod. The horizontal axis plots the distance from the center of the rod from -0.1 to 1.6 inch. The vertical axis plots engineering stress from 0 to 200 ksi. Two vertical black dashed lines are plotted over the entire height of the graph to indicate the location of the rod core at 0 inches and the outer surface of the rod at 1.5inches. Two sets of data are shown: green squares represent tensile strength, and red circles represent 0.2-percent offset yield. Both have a best-fit line plotted through them. The solid green best-fit line slopes upward from left to right generally showing tensile strength at the core of the rod is 150 ksi and about 170 ksi at a distance of 1.22 inches. The solid red best-fit line slopes upward from left to right with a value of 110 ksi at the core of the rod to about 160 ksi at a distance of 1.22 inches.

Figure 9. Graph. Variation of yield and tensile properties through the rod radius.

Figure 10. Graph. Variation in area reduction and elongation through the rod radius. This graph plots the variation of reduction in area and extensometer elongation across the radius of the rod. The horizontal axis plots the distance from the center of the rod from -0.1 to 1.6 inches. The vertical axis plots percent from 0 to 100 percent. Two vertical black dashed lines are plotted over the entire height of the graph to indicate the location of the rod core at 0 inch and the outer surface of the rod at 1.5 inches. Two sets of data are shown. Blue triangles represent the reduction in area, and orange diamonds represent extensometer elongation measurements. Both have a best-fit line plotted through them. The solid blue best-fit line slopes upward from left to right generally showing a reduction in area at the core of the rod at 30 and 45 percent at a distance of 1.22inches. The solid orange best-fit line has no slope and plots across the entire plot at about 12 percent.

Figure 10. Graph. Variation in area reduction and elongation through the rod radius.

Hardness Testing

Hardness testing was performed on 0.38-inch-thick cross sections removed from each of the threaded and unthreaded samples. Hardness testing was performed with a diamond indenter and the Rockwell C scale. Figure 11 shows the locations of the 237 hardness readings taken on the unthreaded rod. Generally, the locations were laid out in a polar coordinate system, with measurements taken every one-eighth of an inch radially away from the core and every 15 degrees clockwise around the circle. According to the ASTM E18 standard, hardness readings must be spaced more than 3 indent diameters away from other indents, or 2.5 diameters from an edge.(6) This restricted measurement spacing in the core region to every 30 or 45 degrees at the same radial distance. The same philosophy was used for the threaded sample, although the “edge” was considered to be the thread root, which led to only 205 total measurements.
Figure 12 shows the locations of the measurements of the threaded rod. All the individual hardness measurements for both rods are reported in appendix A.

Figure 11. Schematic. Location of hardness readings in unthreaded sample. This schematic shows a cross-sectional view of the unthreaded rod and establishes a numbering convention for hardness measurements. The numbering system is based on a polar coordinate system in which the center of the rod is the origin, and a clockwise scale is used to denote the direction of the angular coordinate. The first measurement is at 1.42 inches from the core and at the 12 o’clock position, followed by 23 measurements at the same radial distance in increments of 15degrees clockwise. Then the radial distance decreases by 0.125 inch, and 24 more measurements are made. This continues until measurement 217. Measurement 217 is at a radial distance of <br /> 0.295 inches at the 12 o’clock position followed by 11 more measurements at the same radial distance in increments of 30 degrees clockwise. This continues until measurement 236. The 237th measurement is exactly at the rod core.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.
spa. = Spaces.

Figure 11. Schematic. Location of hardness readings in unthreaded sample.

Figure 12. Schematic. Location of hardness readings in threaded sample. This schematic shows a cross-sectional view of the threaded rod and establishes a numbering convention for hardness measurements. The numbering system is based on a polar coordinate system in which the center of the rod is the origin, and a clockwise scale is used to denote the direction of the angular coordinate. The first measurement is at 1.213 inch from the core at the 12 o’clock position, followed by 23 measurements at the same radial distance in increments of 15degrees clockwise. Then the radial distance decreases by 0.125 inches, and 24 more measurements are made. This continues until measurement 193. Measurement 193 is at a radial distance of <br /> 0.213 inches at the 12 o’clock position followed by 11 more measurements at the same radial distance in increments of 30 degrees clockwise. This continues until measurement 204. The 205th measurement is exactly at the rod core.

Note: All units shown in the figure are in inches.
spa. = Spaces.

Figure 12. Schematic. Location of hardness readings in threaded sample.

All hardness data for each of the rods were condensed into one bubble contour plot for each of the samples, as shown in figure 13 and figure 14. In these plots, a bubble is plotted in a Cartesian system matching the measurement locations shown in figure 11 and figure 12, and the diameter and color fill of each bubble is scaled to the hardness reading. Such plots can help visualize any spacial anomalies associated with the hardness readings. Both rods show the same linear decreasing trend in the hardness traversing from the surface of the rod to the core. The unthreaded sample showed more anomalous readings, with low readings intermixed near the surface and high readings near the core. This may be due to normal scatter in hardness readings or an indication of a rod with more inclusions within it. The threaded sample did not have the same anomalous readings, although it demonstrated a trend of slightly higher hardness at the surface in the upper left quadrant of the plot than the rest of the perimeter. These readings may suggest nonuniform heat treatment of this particular rod.

Figure 13. Graph. Bubble contour plot of hardness readings on unthreaded sample. This graph plots individual hardness measurements in a Cartesian coordinate system. The horizontal axis plots the x-coordinate from –1.5 to 2.5 inches. The vertical axis plots the y-coordinate from –1.5 to 1.5 inches. A solid black circle is plotted on the graph denoting the surface of the rod centered at coordinates X = 0 inches and Y = 0 inches. The legend for the graph denotes that the hardness measurements are represented as circles whose size and color represent a range of hardness defined in 11 different size and color combinations. The smallest circles are dark blue and represent a hardness measurement less than Rockwell C Hardness (HRC) = 30. The largest circles are red and represent HRC between 39 and 40. The actual plot of hardness measurements within the black circle representing the rod shows a general trend of lesser hardness near the core and greater hardness near the surface.

Figure 13. Graph. Bubble contour plot of hardness readings on unthreaded sample.

Figure 14. Graph. Bubble contour plot of hardness readings on threaded sample. This graph plots individual hardness measurements in a Cartesian coordinate system for the threaded rod. The horizontal axis plots the x-coordinate from -1.5 to 2.5 inches. The vertical axis plots the y-coordinate from -1.5 to 1.5 inches. A solid black circle is plotted on the graph denoting the surface of the rod with it centered at coordinates of X= 0 inches and Y = 0 inches. A dashed black circle is plotted denoting the location of the thread root. The legend for the graph denotes that the hardness measurements are represented as circles whose size and color represent a range of hardness defined in 11 different size and color combinations. The smallest circles are dark blue and represent a hardness measurement less than Rockwell C Hardness (HRC) = 30. The largest circles are red and represent HRC between 39 and 40. The actual plot of hardness measurements within the black circle representing the rod shows a general trend of lesser hardness near the core and greater hardness near the surface. In addition, the surface in the upper left quadrant of the rod has distinctly greater hardness than the remainder of the rod in the other three quadrants at the same radial distance.

Figure 14. Graph. Bubble contour plot of hardness readings on threaded sample.

To better illustrate the variation of hardness through each rod, the two graphs in figure 15 and figure 16 were constructed by averaging all the hardness readings at a common radial distance. Each plot shows the outer surface of the rod as a vertical line. Red and blue dashed lines indicate the maximum and minimum hardness specified for ASTM A354 grade BD material, and in the case of the threaded rod, the thread root is shown as a vertical gray line. The actual data shown with green points and a green line represent the average of all the readings taken at a common radius. The reading taken at the exact core was neglected because it was only a single point measurement. Error bars are shown for each of the data points, and they represent the one standard deviation spread from all the measurements at each common radius. Each has a core hardness (Rockwell C Hardness (HRC)) in the low 30s, with an increasing trend to about 1 inch away from the core. From this point out to the surface, each rod appears to be uniformly hardened with average hardness ranging from about 37 to 38 HRC. In the sense of average hardness (solid green line), neither rod exceeded the maximum hardness of 39 HRC specified in ASTM A354; however, near the core region, each did go below the minimum ASTM A354 hardness of 31 HRC. The location for hardness testing to ensure conformance to the ASTM A354 standard is defined by the ASTM F606 standard.(7) However, the hardness measurement locations outlined in ASTM F606 are ambiguous for this particular product diameter. In the case of arbitration, four equidistant measurements are taken at the mid-radius. If the arbitration locations were used, each of the two rod samples tested met the hardness standard of ASTM A354 grade BD material; however, many individual readings near the core were lower than the minimum specified hardness, and some individual readings near the surface were in excess of the maximum specified hardness.

Figure 15. Graph. Constant radius average hardness of unthreaded sample. This graph plots the variation of hardness across the radius of the rod. The horizontal axis plots the distance from the center of the rod from 0 to 1.75 inches. The vertical axis plots the average Rockwell C Hardness (HRC) value from 0 to 45. A vertical solid black line plots over the entire height of the graph to indicate the location of the rod surface at 1.52 inches. (Nominally, the rod is 1.5 inches, but the line at 1.52 inches includes the thickness of the galvanizing.) A horizontal blue dashed line represents the ASTM A354 grade BD at a minimum HRC of 31, and a horizontal red dashed line represents the ASTM A354 BD at a maximum HRC of 39. Green circles represent the average of all HRC readings taken at a common radial distance for the rod core. A solid green line is used to connect the individual green dots. The solid green line shows, in an average sense, the data fit within the minimum and maximum HRC bounds defined by the red and blue dashed line. The solid green line slopes upward from left to right with an average HRC reading of 31 at 0.22 inches to a HRC reading about 38 at 1.1 inches. The solid green line is relatively flat at a HRC of 38 for the remainder of the distances.

Figure 15. Graph. Constant radius average hardness of unthreaded sample.

Figure 16. Graph. Constant radius average hardness of threaded sample. This graph plots the variation of hardness across the radius of the rod. The horizontal axis plots the distance from the center of the rod from 0 to 1.75 inches at the right. The vertical axis plots the average Rockwell C Hardness (HRC) value from 0 to 45. A vertical solid black line plots over the entire height of the graph to indicate the location of the rod surface at 1.5 inches. A vertical solid grey line plots over the entire height of the graph to indicate the location of the theoretical thread root at about 1.3 inches. A horizontal blue dashed line represents the ASTM A354 grade BD minimum HRC of 31, and a horizontal red dashed line represents the ASTM A354 grade BD maximum HRC at 39. Green circles represent the average of all HRC readings taken at a common radial distance for the rod core. A solid green line is used to connect the individual green dots. The solid green line shows, in an average sense, the data fit within the minimum and maximum HRC bounds defined by the red and blue dashed lines. The solid green line slopes upward from left to right with an average HRC reading of 31 at 0.22 inches to an HRC reading about 37 at about 1 inch. The solid green line is relatively flat at an HRC of 37 for the remainder of the distances measured.

Figure 16. Graph. Constant radius average hardness of threaded sample.

Charpy Impact Testing

Specimens were roughed out of the rods using an EDM machine and then finished to its final dimensions by surface grinding to remove the heat affected zone caused by the EDM machine. A notch was cut into the specimens according to the “type A” geometry from the ASTM E23 standard.(8) When numerous specimens were available from the same radial location within the sample, they were tested at a variety of temperatures to develop a full temperature–toughness transition curve. Testing was performed at temperatures ranging from approximately -60 to 200°F to find the upper and lower shelves. When specimens were not replicated, testing was performed at approximately 70 °F. A constant temperature bath was used to maintain the temperature of the specimens until they could be tested. For cold temperatures, the bath used denatured ethanol, and for temperatures above 70 °F, ethyl glycol was used.

The raw data for all the Charpy specimens can be found in appendix B. The data are plotted in figure 17 through figure 20, respectively, for the unthreaded and threaded samples and for both the fracture energy and the percent-shear fracture. When multiple samples were taken from an equidistant location away from the rod surface and tested at a variety of temperatures, a regression was performed on all that particular data. The regression was a least-square fit to a four-parameter hyperbolic tangent function. This four-parameter function looks like a step function with a gradual transition where the four parameters define the lower shelf energy, upper shelf energy, transition temperature, and transition temperature range. The regression represents the average through all the data, and it was plotted with a solid line of the same color as the individual data points. A couple observations can be made regarding the four figures compared with normal structural steels. First, the material exhibits a toughness transition over a wide temperature range (about 120 to 140 °F). Second, there is not a large disparity in the lower and upper shelf energies. Third, the material closer to the core of the rods shows a similar shaped transition curve to that from the surface, although it is shifted downward on the energy axis. Fourth, despite coming close to the upper shelf in terms of fracture energy, the majority of the specimens attained less than 40-percent shear on the fracture surface; more ductile steel would exhibit closer to 100-percent shear on the upper shelf.

Figure 17. Graph. Charpy results from unthreaded sample. This graph shows the Charpy results from the unthreaded sample. The horizontal axis plots the temperature from -80 to 220 °F. The vertical axis plots the fracture energy from 0 to 40 ft-lb. Five data points are shown in the graph: red circles indicate the notch was 0.14 inches from the rod surface, orange triangles indicate the notch was 0.38 inches from the rod surface, yellow triangles indicate the notch was 0.60 inches from the rod surface, green squares indicate the notch was 0.84 inches from the rod surface, and purple triangles indicate the notch was at the core of the rod. A best-fit solid red line is drawn through all the red circle data. The solid red line shows that lower shelf behavior is about 14 ft-lb at -60 °F, the upper shelf is about 36 ft-lb at 220 °F, and there is a gradual upward right sloping transition between those two shelves. A solid best-fit green line is drawn through the green square data and shows lower shelf behavior beginning at about 8 ft-lb at -60 °F. There is no upper shelf forming despite one data point at 200 °F, and there is a gradual upward right sloping transition between those two points.

Figure 17. Graph. Charpy energy results from unthreaded sample.

Figure 18. Graph. Charpy percent-shear results from unthreaded sample. This graph shows the Charpy percent-shear results from the unthreaded sample. The horizontal axis plots the temperature from -80 to 220 °F. The vertical axis plots the percent shear from 0 to 100 percent. Five data points are shown: red circles indicate the notch was 0.14 inches from the rod surface, orange triangles indicate the notch was 0.38 inches from the rod surface, yellow triangles indicate the notch was 0.60 inches from the rod surface, green squares indicate the notch was 0.84 inches from the rod surface, and purples triangles indicate the notch was at the core of the rod. A best-fit solid red line is drawn through the red circle data. The line shows that lower shelf behavior is about 10-percent shear at -60 °F, the upper shelf is about 40-percent shear at 220 °F, and there is a gradual upward right sloping transition between those two shelves. A solid best-fit green line was drawn through the green square data. It indicates that the lower shelf behavior begins at about 2-percent shear at -60 °F, the upper shelf is at about 35-percent shear at 200 °F, and there is a gradual upward right sloping transition between those two points.

Figure 18. Graph. Charpy percent-shear results from unthreaded sample.

Figure 19. Graph. Charpy energy results from threaded sample. This graph shows the Charpy energy results from the threaded sample. The horizontal axis plots the temperature from  -80 to 220 °F. The vertical axis plots the fracture energy from 0 to 40 ft-lb. Two types of data points are shown: red circles indicate notches that were 0.33 inches from the rod surface, and purple triangles indicate notches at the core of the rod. A best-fit solid red line is drawn through the red circle data. The line shows that lower shelf behavior begins at about 12 ft-lb at -60 °F. Additionally, no upper shelf formed despite one data point at 200 °F with 34 ft-lb of energy, and there is a gradual upward right sloping transition between those two points. A purple best-fit line is drawn through the purple triangles. It indicates a lower shelf of 10 ft-lb at -60 °F. There was no defined upper shelf because there was not enough data.

Figure 19. Graph. Charpy energy results from threaded sample.

Figure 20. Graph. Charpy percent-shear results from threaded sample. This graph shows the Charpy percent-shear results from the threaded sample. The horizontal axis plots the temperature from -80 to 220 °F. The vertical axis plots the percent shear fracture from 0 to 100 percent. Two types of data points are shown: red circles indicate notches that were 0.33 inches from the rod surface, and purple triangles indicate notches at the core of the rod. A red best-fit line is drawn through the red circle data. The line shows a lower shelf beginning at about 4-percent shear at -60 °F and an upper shelf of about 32-percent shear starting at about <br /> 90 °F. A purple best-fit line is drawn through the purple triangle data. The line shows a lower shelf of 2-percent shear at -60 F. The line appears to be converging to an upper shelf above 40‑percent shear at 220 °F, although not enough data were available to draw a firm conclusion regarding the upper shelf.

Figure 20. Graph. Charpy percent-shear results from threaded sample.

ASTM A354 has no established metrics of notch toughness. For reference, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has established notch toughness requirements to mitigate fracture in welded steel bridges fabricated from hot-rolled steel.(9) The AASHTO toughness requirements ensure materials are not on the lower shelf of toughness at the possible lowest anticipated service temperature (LAST).(10) The popular minimum toughness of 15 ft-lb[1] was used by AASHTO, although it is higher for some grades and for members without redundancy.(11) The toughness requirements were also paired with a test temperature that relied on a temperature shift concept to equate the low dynamic toughness from a Charpy V-notch (CVN) test to that of a static plain strain fracture test because most bridges operate at near static conditions. Once the material yield strength exceeds 140 ksi, there is no temperature shift, and this must be considered when choosing a test temperature for a high-strength anchor rods. The LAST for San Francisco would be about 22 °F,[2] and based on the strength of the rods, there would be little to no temperature shift in the toughness requirements, so the LAST defines the CVN temperature.

This report does not purport to establish a CVN requirement for anchor rods. As the prior discussion points outs, existing bridge CVN requirements have been established for welded, hot-rolled product, and a threaded fastener is different because it does not have the same residual stress or notch acuity as a welded object would have. However, if 15 ft-lb at 22 °F is used, the data collected for the threaded and unthreaded samples do not pass this criterion. The threaded sample demonstrated less than 15 ft-lb of energy throughout the rod at 22 °F, and the unthreaded sample would pass at the surface, but not at its core.

Chemical Analysis

Three spent Charpy specimen halves and extra material from machining of a fourth Charpy specimen were sent to an independent metallurgical laboratory for a standard nine-element compositional analysis. Two specimens were selected from both the threaded sample (F1 and F4) and the unthreaded sample (A1 and D0). For each rod, the two samples were taken from near the surface and near the core to see whether there was any evidence of segregation. The results of the chemical analysis are shown in table 2. According to quality control documentation, the rods were made from a grade 4140 alloy furnished under the ASTM A322 specification.(12) Three of the four samples were in conformance of ASTM A322 chemical requirements. The exception was the sample from location A1, which slightly exceeded the range for carbon and chromium. The results show all four specimens meet the ASTM A354 chemical requirements for a product analysis.(2) Generally, the four samples had very similar composition, and the chemical analysis did not suggest evidence of segregation within the rods, except for the higher carbon and chromium content in the A1 sample taken near the surface of the unthreaded rod.

Table 2. Chemical composition (percent by weight).

Element ASTM A322 Requirements ASTM A354 Requirements Location A1a Location D0a Location F1b Location F4b
Carbon 0.38–0.43 0.33–0.55 0.48c 0.40 0.41 0.38
Manganese 0.75–1.00 0.96 0.92 0.99 0.99
Phosphorus 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.015 0.012 0.013 0.012
Sulfur 0.040 max 0.045 max 0.034 0.032 0.036 0.036
Silicon 0.15–0.35 0.31 0.27 0.31 0.30
Nickel 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10
Chromium 0.80–1.10 1.12c 1.00 1.00 1.04
Molybdenum 0.15–0.25 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.15
Copper 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.20
— Not specified.
Max = Maximum.
aSpecimen names correlate to the locations shown in section A-A and section B-B in figure 5.
bSpecimen names correlate to the locations shown in section C-C in figure 6.
cOutside the range of ASTM A322.

Thread Root Cracking

Figure 6 showed three hatched areas that were removed from the threaded portion as longitudinal cross sections. The two smaller ones were removed to perform thread root examination, and the larger one was removed for the metallographic examination described in the next section. One of the smaller sections was damaged by the EDM machine when the specimen dropped during cutting and could not be used for evaluation. The second smaller one was sprayed with red dye penetrant and allowed to dwell for 1 h before being exposed with a white developer. The goal was to highlight any possible indications at the thread root, and after the developer had dried, the roots were examined under a stereo zoom microscope. No indications were found on the one cross section with red dye.

Ideally, the entire threaded portion should have been examined by wet magnetic particle inspection before the mechanical test specimens were extracted from it. For timing reasons, that did not occur. However, the intact remnants of the threaded portions (i.e., parts left over once the Charpy specimens were removed) were eventually inspected using wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection using a black light. Again, no crack indications could be found with the wet magnetic particles.

Metallographic evaluation

The large longitudinal section removed from the threaded rod, referenced in figure 6, was cut into two equal, full-width sections using an abrasive cut-off wheel. Both samples were then prepared for metallographic evaluation in accordance with ASTM E3.(13) The samples were thoroughly cleaned and then mounted in a castable epoxy. Once the epoxy had cured, the exposed surface of each sample was prepared using a sequence of grinding and polishing. Grinding was conducted on a belt grinder using a series of increasingly finer silicon carbide grinding papers: 120, 240, 400, and 600 grit. The samples were then polished on a rotating wheel polisher using a 1-micron diamond compound on a red felt cloth. Between each grinding and polishing step, samples were washed with water, cleaned with ethanol, and dried with a warm air blower.

Polished Sample Analysis

At this stage, the samples were examined in the as-polished condition under a compact inverted metallurgical microscope. Figure 21 and figure 22 show micrographs taken at the rod core at magnifications of 200x and 500x, respectively. By examining the samples in the as-polished or unetched condition, the large amount of non-metallic stringer inclusions became apparent. Although these two micrographs were taken at the rod core, they represent the typical size and prevalence of stringers located throughout the entire cross section of the rod. All of the stringers were oriented such that they were elongated in the rolling direction of the threaded rod.

Figure 21. Photo. Unetched example of stringer inclusions near center of rod at 200x magnification. The micrograph was taken of an unetched sample near the center of the threaded rod viewed under bright field illumination at a magnification of 200x. A scale bar with a length of 0.004 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of  100 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The micrograph is mostly a white background with small black spots interspersed throughout the photo. Five mostly black inclusions appear near the center of the photo. All five are elongated in the vertical direction, each having a width of approximately 0.0001 inches and lengths varying from approximately 0.0005 to 0.002 inches.

Figure 21. Photo. Unetched example of stringer inclusions near center of rod at 200x magnification.

Figure 22. Photo. Unetched example of stringer inclusions near center of rod at 500x magnification. The micrograph was taken of an unetched sample near the center of the threaded rod, viewed under bright field illumination, at a magnification of 500x. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The micrograph is mostly a white background with small black spots interspersed throughout the photo. Five inclusions appear near the center of the photo. The inclusions are mostly black but have areas of gray as well. All five are elongated in the vertical direction, each having a width of approximately 0.0001 inches and lengths varying from approximately 0.0005 to 0.002 inches.

Figure 22. Photo. Unetched example of stringer inclusions near center of rod at 500x magnification.

The polished samples were then placed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for further analysis of inclusions with the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector. Figure 23 and figure 24 show the results of two randomly selected inclusions from within the rod. The electron beam image is similar to that obtained from the inverted microscope. However, the EDX detector has the ability to transform that image into a domain of elemental composition. For the first inclusion, based on the element signatures, this particular inclusion has small nodules of manganese sulfide within a matrix of calcium silicate, or slag. The second inclusion appears to be simply manganese sulfide. Other inclusions were examined throughout the rod, and all were determined to be either manganese sulfides or slag.

Figure 23. Photo. Electron beam image of inclusion 1 from SEM and associated images at same location taken with an EDX detector. This composite image shows an electron beam image of inclusion 1 from a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and associated images at the same location taken with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector. The top of the figure shows an SEM of a stringer inside the steel. The stringer is about 0.0001 inches wide and about 0.0005inches tall and appears black with bean-shaped nodules within it that are lighter grey. The middle left image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with an iron signature (shown as purple) to be exclusively outside the stringer. The middle center image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with a manganese signature (shown as blue) that correlate to the areas of the bean-shaped nodules. The middle right image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with a sulfur signature (shown as purple) that correlate to the areas of the bean-shaped nodules. The bottom left image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with a silicon signature (shown as yellow) that correlate to the areas of the black within the stringer. The bottom center image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with a calcium signature (shown as light blue) that correlate to the areas of black within the stringer. The bottom right image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with an oxygen signature (shown as green) that correlate to the areas of black within the stringer. Together, these images point to evidence that the bean-shaped nodules are manganese sulfide and that the remaining area of the stringer is calcium silicate.

Figure 23. Photo. Electron beam image of inclusion 1 from SEM and associated images at same location taken with an EDX detector.

Figure 24. Photo. Electron beam image of inclusion 2 from SEM and associated images at same location taken with an EDX detector. This composite image shows an electron beam image of inclusion 2 from a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and associated images at the same location taken with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector. The top of the figure shows the SEM image of three thin, vertically oriented stringer inclusions. The bottom left image is from the EDX detector showing the area in the view with an iron signature (shown as purple) that is outside the three stringers. The bottom center image is from the EDX detector showing the area in the view with a manganese signature (shown as blue) that correlates to the areas of the three stringers. The bottom right image is from the EDX detector showing the areas in the view with a sulfur signature (shown as purple) that correlates to the areas of the three stringers. Together, these images point to evidence that the three stringers are manganese sulfide

Figure 24. Photo. Electron beam image of inclusion 2 from SEM and associated images at same location taken with an EDX detector.

Etched Sample Analysis

Once the unetched samples were examined, the samples were then freshly polished, and each sample was uniquely etched according to ASTM E407.(14) The two etchants selected were Marshall’s reagent (ASTM E407, Etchant #223) and 10-percent potassium metabisulfite (ASTME407, Etchant #78).(14) Marshall’s reagent was chosen over the more common 2-percent nital etchant (ASTM E407, Etchant #74) because it attacks the ferrite grain boundaries more effectively than nital, thus providing more sharpness and completeness to the grain structure image. Potassium metabisulfite was selected because it aids in distinguishing between tempered and as-quenched martensite as well as other phases.(15)

Figure 25 shows a macrograph of the mounted sample etched with Marshall’s reagent and viewed under a stereo zoom microscope. A simple macroscopic examination reveals light and dark areas. The dark regions near the threads are the changed microstructure from the quench and tempering of the rod. However, there is also non-homogeneity with severe banding present in approximately the middle 1.75 inches of the rod, alternating between light and dark etched microstructures. The bands are biased to the left side of the rod, with the hardened region deeper in the rod on the right side versus the left side. That is, the constant hardened region on the right starts at about +0.75 inches all the way to right edge, whereas on the left, the hardened region is constant from –1.0 inches to the left edge. This is indicative of some imbalance in the hardening operation and correlates to the unbalanced hardness observed in figure 14.

Figure 25. Photo. Mounted cross section of threaded rod etched with Marshall’s reagent. The photo shows a vertical section of a threaded anchor rod mounted in a yellow, semi-opaque epoxy. The mounted sample is placed on a black background. The longitudinal axis of the threaded rod is labeled with an upward vertical arrow. The left and right sides of the rod are labeled as is the center. Two scale bars begin at the center of the rod and end at the left and right edges of the threads, respectively. The scale bar on the left side is -1.5 inches, and the scale bar on the right is 1.5 inches. The rod has an approximate height of 1 inch, and the epoxy extends slightly past the rod on all four sides. The surface of the anchor rod is etched with Marshall’s reagent, which reveals light and dark areas of the microstructure. A region of approximately 0.5inches on the left side of the rod and approximately 0.75 inches on the right side of the rod are dark colored. The middle 1.75 inches of the rod shows alternating light and dark vertical bands.

Figure 25. Photo. Mounted cross section of threaded rod etched with Marshall’s reagent.

Figure 26 shows a micrograph taken of the sample in figure 25 but at higher magnification under a bright field illumination near the thread root. The color is uniform, indicating a consistent microstructure. Figure 27 is another micrograph at the same magnification but taken near the core of the rod. This figure clearly shows the alternating banded layers of two different microstructures.

Figure 26. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with Marshall’s reagent at 50x magnification. This figure shows a micrograph near the thread root etched with Marshall’s reagent at 50x magnification. The micrograph was viewed under bright field illumination. A scale bar with a length of 0.020 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 500 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The sample is a mostly uniform brown color due to the etchant.

Figure 26. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with Marshall’s reagent at 50x magnification.

Figure 27. Photo. Micrograph near rod center etched with Marshall’s reagent at 50x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken near the center of the threaded rod at a magnification of 50x and viewed under bright field illumination. The sample was etched with Marshall’s reagent. A scale bar with a length of 0.020 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 500 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The sample shows vertical banding of dark and light brown regions. A large band of dark brown is present in the right-center portion of the photo, while a large band of light brown is present in the left-center portion. Smaller bands of light and dark brown are present throughout the photo.

Figure 27. Photo. Micrograph near rod center etched with Marshall’s reagent at 50x magnification.


Figure 28 presents the same micrograph as shown in figure 26 near the thread root but taken at a magnification of 500x. This microstructure is mostly tempered martensite and possibly some bainite, which is fairly representative of the quenched and tempered 4140 steel that was used for the anchor rods. By comparison, figure 29 shows the same micrograph as figure 27 near the core of the rod but at a magnification of 500x. Figure 29 highlights the bands that alternate between tempered martensite/bainite and ferrite/pearlite zones.

Figure 28. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with Marshall’s reagent at 500x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken near the thread roots of the threaded rod at a magnification of 500x and viewed under bright field illumination. The sample was etched with Marshall’s reagent. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The microstructure is mostly brown and appears as a needle-like martensite structure throughout most of the photo.

Figure 28. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with Marshall’s reagent at 500x magnification.

Figure 29. Photo. Micrograph near rod center etched with Marshall’s reagent at 500x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken near the center of the threaded rod at a magnification of 500x and viewed under bright field illumination. The sample was etched with Marshall’s reagent. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The micrograph shows alternating vertical bands of two distinctly different microstructures. The dark brown region appears as a needle-like martensite and bainite structure. The lighter brown bands have regions of ferrite that have an appearance similar to fish scales and regions of pearlite that appear as small pockets of parallel lines. The ferrite and pearlite regions are much less dense than the martensite regions. The bands of ferrite/pearlite and martensite/<br /> bainite are labeled on the photo.

Figure 29. Photo. Micrograph near rod center etched with Marshall’s reagent 500x magnification.

Another portion of the large cross section was etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite, a tint etchant that is commonly used in color metallography. Figure 30 shows a micrograph taken near the thread root viewed with polarized light at a magnification of 500x with the sample etched in 10-percent potassium metabisulfite. Figure 31 is a similar micrograph but was captured near the center of the rod.

The dark blue colored microstructure, which is present in nearly all of figure 30, is tempered martensite and possibly some bainite. This same microstructure is also present in figure 31 but in a much smaller amount. There is also a region of untempered martensite present, which is shown in brown. Although not extremely common, there are a few streaks of untempered martensite scattered throughout the rod core. In addition, a combination of ferrite and pearlite is also present and is shown in the light blue areas. The microstructure near the rod core contains multiple phases but the microstructure near the thread roots is mostly tempered martensite suggests that something was awry with the heat treatment likely not allowing for complete transformation in the core.

Figure 30. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite at 500x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken near the thread root of the threaded rod at a magnification of 500x and viewed under polarized light. The sample was etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The microstructure in the photo is mostly uniform and appears as a needle-like martensite structure. The microstructure color varies over a range of blues, with the majority being dark blue. There are speckles of brown and gray patches interspersed throughout the photo.

Figure 30. Photo. Micrograph near thread root etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite at 500x magnification.

Figure 31. Photo. Micrograph near rod core etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite at 500x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken near the core of the threaded rod at a magnification of 500x and viewed under polarized light. The sample was etched with 10‑percent potassium metabisulfite. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The microstructure has a few distinct features. There is a vertical band of dark blue needle-like tempered martensite and bainite microstructures near the left-center of the micrograph. Just to the left of that is a thin vertical band of gray needle-like untempered martensite. The right half of the photo consists mainly of less dense lighter blue ferrite and pearlite. The ferrite exists appears similar to fish scales, and the pearlite appears as patches of parallel lines

Figure 31. Photo. Micrograph near rod core etched with 10-percent potassium metabisulfite at 500x magnification.

In addition to examining the microstructure of the rod, the threads were also inspected to determine how they were formed. The threads were inspected using the small cross section shown in figure 6. These sections were mounted, ground, and polished using the same procedure as used for the large cross sections. These small samples were etched with a 2-percent nital solution. Figure 32 shows a macrograph of a thread from one of the samples with two smaller micrographs embedded, taken at the thread root and crest, overlaid on the macrograph.

The zinc coating applied during the galvanizing process can clearly be seen in both the macrograph and micrographs. A shallow band with a different morphology than the base metal can be seen near the surface of the root and thread diagonal. The band is approximately 0.006 to 0.010 inches deep and appears to be a compressed form of the base metal microstructure indicating cold work. Because the cold working is limited to just the surface of the thread and the overall absence of flow lines within the entire thread, it suggests these threads were cut in lieu of rolled. In addition, it is also obvious that the threads were cut after heat treatment; if the threads had been cut before heat treating, the microstructure would have been uniform all the way to the thread surface.

Figure 32. Photo. Macrograph of thread with micrograph overlays taken at thread root and crest and etched with 2-percent nital. This composite image has a background of a macrograph of a thread sample that has been etched with 2-percent nital and viewed under bright field illumination at 3x magnification. The thread sample is mounted in epoxy, which appears black. Remnants of the zinc coating appear as bright white, and the steel is light grey. Two micrographs are overlaid on the background image. The overlay in the upper left corner is a micrograph taken at a 500x
magnification of a thread crest. The image shows a compressed microstructure along the sloped edge of the thread. The second overlay photo shown in the bottom right shows a 500x
magnification micrograph of the thread root. The same compressed microstructure can be seen in the thread root, although it is very shallow.

Figure 32. Photo. Macrograph of thread with micrograph overlays taken at thread root and crest, etched with 2-percent nital.

Figure 33 more clearly shows the laminated appearance of the compressed microstructures in the cold worked zone. The figure also shows what the authors of this report refer to as delaminations, which were observed frequently in many threads analyzed. These delaminations were shallow and were contained within the cold work region. According to the ASTM F788 standard, they are acceptable discontinuities that form as a result of thread forming because they are not aligned perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rod and their depth was very shallow.(16)

Figure 33. Photo. Micrograph of typical delamination at thread surface etched with 2‑percent nital at 500x magnification. This photo shows a micrograph that was taken of a thread surface from a sample mounted in epoxy and etched in 2-percent nital. It was viewed under bright field illumination at 500x magnification. A scale bar with a length of 0.002 inches is shown in the lower left corner of the photo, and a scale bar with a length of 50 micrometers is shown in the lower right corner. The epoxy mounting material appears black and is on the left side of the photo. The zinc coating can be seen on the thread surface. A region of cold work can be seen on the thread surface because of the compressed look of the microstructure. The image also shows a delamination that formed within the cold-worked region that follows the contour of the thread root.

Figure 33. Photo. Micrograph of typical delamination at thread surface etched with 2‑percent nital at 500x magnification.

Chapter 4. conclusions

The results of the mechanical, chemical, and microstructural analyses lead to the following conclusions:

  • The material did not fully meet the requirements of the ASTM A354 grade BD standard, with strict interpretation.(2) However, that statement needs some qualification because some of the material may be deemed acceptable within the vagueness of the ASTM standards and how it may be interpreted. For instance, the tensile testing performed conformed to the yield and tensile strength requirements of ASTM A354; however, some elongation values and reduction in areas did not conform, and some may judge that acceptable because strength requirements were met. As for hardness, the ASTM F606 standard is not clear where hardness should be measured, and in the results collected for both samples in this report, non-conformance could be found, depending on the location and number of samples collected.(7)
  • The impact toughness of the samples showed variation through the cross section, with the surface region showing the largest values of toughness, then decreasing as testing moved into the core of the rods. Each of the samples also showed little difference between the upper and lower shelves of energy where the upper shelf was on the order of 30 ft-lb, and the lower shelf was about 10 ft-lb. Each also showed a wide temperature transition range where the lower shelf was about -60 °F and the upper shelf was in excess of 120 °F.
  • The chemical analysis found that one of the four specimens did not meet the requirements of ASTM A322 grade 4140, which was the grade used by the manufacturer of the anchor rods. However, all four specimens did meet the chemical requirements of ASTM A354, which is less stringent than ASTM A322. Chemical samples were taken near the surface and the core; there was no evidence of gross differences between the two locations, indicating that the steel chemistry was uniform through the rod.
  • No indications of preexisting crack-like discontinuities (perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rod) could be found in the thread roots of the threaded rod. This was confirmed using fluorescent wet magnetic particles on the entire threaded rod portion and also using red dye penetrant on a cross section of the threaded rod. Self-contained delaminations were observed on the threads under high magnification but these were acceptable discontinuities as defined in ASTM F788.(16)
  • Something went awry with the hardening process, leading to a nonuniformly hardened cross section based on the mechanical test results and metallography performed. This observation is mainly applicable to the threaded sample, but is assumed to extend to the unthreaded sample because the mechanical test results were similar. The hardness, tensile, and impact toughness all showed a variation in properties between the surface of the rod and the core. To extend this further, the hardness also showed that the variation was not just across the diameter of the rod—that variation also occurred around the entire rod cross section. The metallography showed that the outer third of the rod had achieved uniform quench and tempered microstructures, but it was not uniform in the core. The core of the rod contained a high amount of ferrite and pearlite, which is softer and not as strong as the tempered martensite that is expected to be there. This result points to problems that may have occurred during the hardening process, but no conclusions can be drawn as to what they were.

Chapter 5. Recommendations

The following recommendations should be presented to ASTM International for consideration by the F16 committee on fasteners:

  1. Consider clarification of the intent of hardness measurements in the ASTM A354 and F606 standards so that more informed interpretation of material tests can be made. The specimens analyzed for this report were found to have variable properties across the diameter of the rods, and no ASTM quality control measures could account for that result. Because hardening variation through the cross section is a possibility, especially in larger diameter threaded connectors, consider the inclusion of radial traverses and range of variation from surface to core for products over a certain diameter.
  2. Consider the inclusion of supplemental toughness requirements for ASTM A354 that would establish a toughness number and sampling regime for the hardened product.
  3. Consider additional quality control measures with ASTM A354 that would assure more complete transformation to martensite throughout the rod during heat treatment.

Appendix A. Tables of Hardness Testing results

This appendix contains two tables of data representing the raw hardness measurements taken on the unthreaded and threaded rod cross sections. The location numbers in the table correlate to those shown in figure 11 and figure 12, but additional columns are provided in each table to represent the polar coordinates of each measurement point.

Table 3. Rockwell C hardness results for unthreaded sample.

Location Rockwell C
Polar Coordinate
Polar Coordinate
1 38.05 1.420 0
2 37.06 1.420 15
3 36.94 1.420 30
4 38.33 1.420 45
5 37.87 1.420 60
6 38.06 1.420 75
7 37.81 1.420 90
8 37.33 1.420 105
9 37.51 1.420 120
10 37.74 1.420 135
11 37.81 1.420 150
12 37.32 1.420 165
13 37.56 1.420 180
14 37.86 1.420 195
15 37.47 1.420 210
16 38.17 1.420 225
17 38.64 1.420 240
18 38.22 1.420 255
19 39.03 1.420 270
20 38.07 1.420 285
21 38.02 1.420 300
22 38.11 1.420 315
23 37.44 1.420 330
24 38.33 1.420 345
25 37.17 1.295 0
26 37.48 1.295 15
27 37.89 1.295 30
28 38.50 1.295 45
29 36.74 1.295 60
30 36.22 1.295 75
31 36.57 1.295 90
32 37.21 1.295 105
33 38.88 1.295 120
34 38.13 1.295 135
35 36.95 1.295 150
36 36.60 1.295 165
37 37.00 1.295 180
38 38.39 1.295 195
39 37.58 1.295 210
40 37.86 1.295 225
41 36.95 1.295 240
42 36.54 1.295 255
43 36.49 1.295 270
44 36.82 1.295 285
45 37.88 1.295 300
46 38.34 1.295 315
47 36.74 1.295 330
48 36.48 1.295 345
49 37.99 1.170 0
50 38.64 1.170 15
51 37.39 1.170 30
52 37.21 1.170 45
53 36.82 1.170 60
54 35.75 1.170 75
55 36.43 1.170 90
56 38.25 1.170 105
57 38.73 1.170 120
58 38.81 1.170 135
59 38.66 1.170 150
60 38.00 1.170 165
61 38.28 1.170 180
62 38.28 1.170 195
63 38.23 1.170 210
64 38.78 1.170 225
65 37.47 1.170 240
66 36.52 1.170 255
67 37.05 1.170 270
68 38.04 1.170 285
69 37.36 1.170 300
70 39.06 1.170 315
71 37.84 1.170 330
72 38.12 1.170 345
73 37.62 1.045 0
74 37.50 1.045 15
75 38.64 1.045 30
76 37.44 1.045 45
77 38.30 1.045 60
78 37.89 1.045 75
79 37.75 1.045 90
80 37.64 1.045 105
81 39.47 1.045 120
82 37.35 1.045 135
83 38.30 1.045 150
84 37.83 1.045 165
85 38.12 1.045 180
86 36.06 1.045 195
87 38.15 1.045 210
88 37.64 1.045 225
89 38.56 1.045 240
90 37.12 1.045 255
91 37.58 1.045 270
92 36.04 1.045 285
93 37.22 1.045 300
94 37.74 1.045 315
95 38.64 1.045 330
96 38.43 1.045 345
97 36.65 0.920 0
98 37.35 0.920 15
99 35.99 0.920 30
100 38.10 0.920 45
101 38.25 0.920 60
102 37.45 0.920 75
103 37.28 0.920 90
104 36.41 0.920 105
105 37.18 0.920 120
106 36.16 0.920 135
107 38.14 0.920 150
108 35.63 0.920 165
109 35.62 0.920 180
110 36.06 0.920 195
111 35.19 0.920 210
112 36.17 0.920 225
113 37.04 0.920 240
114 37.29 0.920 255
115 35.01 0.920 270
116 36.54 0.920 285
117 35.74 0.920 300
118 35.87 0.920 315
119 36.76 0.920 330
120 36.40 0.920 345
121 36.04 0.795 0
122 37.02 0.795 15
123 36.77 0.795 30
124 35.24 0.795 45
125 35.79 0.795 60
126 36.23 0.795 75
127 35.50 0.795 90
128 37.58 0.795 105
129 37.79 0.795 120
130 36.84 0.795 135
131 37.22 0.795 150
132 36.37 0.795 165
133 34.15 0.795 180
134 35.12 0.795 195
135 34.63 0.795 210
136 35.53 0.795 225
137 35.58 0.795 240
138 36.87 0.795 255
139 35.73 0.795 270
140 35.01 0.795 285
141 32.32 0.795 300
142 34.96 0.795 315
143 36.60 0.795 330
144 37.17 0.795 345
145 38.74 0.670 0
146 36.48 0.670 15
147 38.38 0.670 30
148 35.56 0.670 45
149 37.42 0.670 60
150 36.18 0.670 75
151 37.01 0.670 90
152 37.22 0.670 105
153 35.89 0.670 120
154 34.21 0.670 135
155 34.9 0.670 150
156 34.16 0.670 165
157 34.20 0.670 180
158 34.63 0.670 195
159 31.87 0.670 210
160 34.22 0.670 225
161 33.95 0.670 240
162 33.03 0.670 255
163 33.24 0.670 270
164 34.31 0.670 285
165 33.17 0.670 300
166 33.69 0.670 315
167 35.18 0.670 330
168 36.26 0.670 345
169 35.37 0.545 0
170 32.37 0.545 15
171 34.93 0.545 30
172 34.85 0.545 45
173 34.39 0.545 60
174 36.66 0.545 75
175 34.82 0.545 90
176 34.92 0.545 105
177 32.99 0.545 120
178 33.04 0.545 135
179 33.81 0.545 150
180 32.16 0.545 165
181 33.29 0.545 180
182 32.00 0.545 195
183 32.69 0.545 210
184 33.16 0.545 225
185 32.51 0.545 240
186 33.20 0.545 255
187 32.95 0.545 270
188 33.69 0.545 285
189 33.09 0.545 300
190 32.52 0.545 315
191 33.50 0.545 330
192 34.14 0.545 345
193 33.42 0.420 0
194 33.85 0.420 15
195 30.79 0.420 30
196 33.83 0.420 45
197 32.33 0.420 60
198 34.30 0.420 75
199 31.32 0.420 90
200 31.80 0.420 105
201 31.63 0.420 120
202 32.36 0.420 135
203 33.37 0.420 150
204 30.53 0.420 165
205 32.13 0.420 180
206 31.89 0.420 195
207 31.57 0.420 210
208 32.52 0.420 225
209 35.73 0.420 240
210 32.29 0.420 255
211 33.07 0.420 270
212 33.22 0.420 285
213 32.84 0.420 300
214 30.99 0.420 315
215 31.69 0.420 330
216 32.58 0.420 345
217 29.50 0.295 0
218 31.90 0.295 30
219 31.16 0.295 60
220 32.10 0.295 90
221 31.44 0.295 120
222 31.87 0.295 150
223 31.45 0.295 180
224 32.31 0.295 210
225 29.68 0.295 240
226 32.40 0.295 270
227 32.05 0.295 300
228 30.98 0.295 330
229 33.05 0.170 0
230 30.71 0.170 45
231 31.48 0.170 90
232 31.40 0.170 135
233 28.97 0.170 180
234 31.34 0.170 225
235 29.34 0.170 270
236 29.33 0.170 315
237 34.39 0.000 0


Table 4. Rockwell C hardness results for threaded sample.

Location Rockwell C
Polar Coordinate
Polar Coordinate
1 37.13 1.213 0
2 38.29 1.213 15
3 37.20 1.213 30
4 37.53 1.213 45
5 36.13 1.213 60
6 36.16 1.213 75
7 36.48 1.213 90
8 37.75 1.213 105
9 37.62 1.213 120
10 37.72 1.213 135
11 36.87 1.213 150
12 36.72 1.213 165
13 37.47 1.213 180
14 37.60 1.213 195
15 36.97 1.213 210
16 35.59 1.213 225
17 35.43 1.213 240
18 35.53 1.213 255
19 37.16 1.213 270
20 38.45 1.213 285
21 38.41 1.213 300
22 38.50 1.213 315
23 38.23 1.213 330
24 37.75 1.213 345
25 37.97 1.088 0
26 38.30 1.088 15
27 37.57 1.088 30
28 37.60 1.088 45
29 37.26 1.088 60
30 37.01 1.088 75
31 37.13 1.088 90
32 37.12 1.088 105
33 37.40 1.088 120
34 37.97 1.088 135
35 37.75 1.088 150
36 37.86 1.088 165
37 36.58 1.088 180
38 36.78 1.088 195
39 36.79 1.088 210
40 36.62 1.088 225
41 36.56 1.088 240
42 36.48 1.088 255
43 37.17 1.088 270
44 36.86 1.088 285
45 38.59 1.088 300
46 38.62 1.088 315
47 38.07 1.088 330
48 38.81 1.088 345
49 38.09 0.963 0
50 37.76 0.963 15
51 37.52 0.963 30
52 38.51 0.963 45
53 37.98 0.963 60
54 36.50 0.963 75
55 37.55 0.963 90
56 36.05 0.963 105
57 37.55 0.963 120
58 37.87 0.963 135
59 37.20 0.963 150
60 36.12 0.963 165
61 34.38 0.963 180
62 35.29 0.963 195
63 36.05 0.963 210
64 36.70 0.963 225
65 36.05 0.963 240
66 36.88 0.963 255
67 36.85 0.963 270
68 34.79 0.963 285
69 35.76 0.963 300
70 37.47 0.963 315
71 37.16 0.963 330
72 37.63 0.963 345
73 34.04 0.838 0
74 35.79 0.838 15
75 36.83 0.838 30
76 37.52 0.838 45
77 36.56 0.838 60
78 36.78 0.838 75
79 36.66 0.838 90
80 36.69 0.838 105
81 35.51 0.838 120
82 36.33 0.838 135
83 35.23 0.838 150
84 37.05 0.838 165
85 34.86 0.838 180
86 34.20 0.838 195
87 34.73 0.838 210
88 34.72 0.838 225
89 35.65 0.838 240
90 33.98 0.838 255
91 34.09 0.838 270
92 34.75 0.838 285
93 35.79 0.838 300
94 35.68 0.838 315
95 38.10 0.838 330
96 36.99 0.838 345
97 37.20 0.713 0
98 35.55 0.713 15
99 36.69 0.713 30
100 35.48 0.713 45
101 36.68 0.713 60
102 36.53 0.713 75
103 36.48 0.713 90
104 37.64 0.713 105
105 37.35 0.713 120
106 36.03 0.713 135
107 36.25 0.713 150
108 36.26 0.713 165
109 32.91 0.713 180
110 32.92 0.713 195
111 32.97 0.713 210
112 33.11 0.713 225
113 34.66 0.713 240
114 34.23 0.713 255
115 33.70 0.713 270
116 32.11 0.713 285
117 33.45 0.713 300
118 35.65 0.713 315
119 35.89 0.713 330
120 35.89 0.713 345
121 33.39 0.588 0
122 32.76 0.588 15
123 36.08 0.588 30
124 33.98 0.588 45
125 36.56 0.588 60
126 35.94 0.588 75
127 35.95 0.588 90
128 34.02 0.588 105
129 33.06 0.588 120
130 35.13 0.588 135
131 34.84 0.588 150
132 34.54 0.588 165
133 33.03 0.588 180
134 33.18 0.588 195
135 32.22 0.588 210
136 33.19 0.588 225
137 33.51 0.588 240
138 33.68 0.588 255
139 33.29 0.588 270
140 32.87 0.588 285
141 32.34 0.588 300
142 32.26 0.588 315
143 32.02 0.588 330
144 34.31 0.588 345
145 30.60 0.463 0
146 32.56 0.463 15
147 33.35 0.463 30
148 33.57 0.463 45
149 33.74 0.463 60
150 34.35 0.463 75
151 32.92 0.463 90
152 31.15 0.463 105
153 34.23 0.463 120
154 33.96 0.463 135
155 32.31 0.463 150
156 33.16 0.463 165
157 31.64 0.463 180
158 31.18 0.463 195
159 33.46 0.463 210
160 32.46 0.463 225
161 35.31 0.463 240
162 33.74 0.463 255
163 32.67 0.463 270
164 32.54 0.463 285
165 30.45 0.463 300
166 30.98 0.463 315
167 30.86 0.463 330
168 30.70 0.463 345
169 31.80 0.338 0
170 32.74 0.338 15
171 29.47 0.338 30
172 33.97 0.338 45
173 30.99 0.338 60
174 30.31 0.338 75
175 32.65 0.338 90
176 32.52 0.338 105
177 32.28 0.338 120
178 30.32 0.338 135
179 31.02 0.338 150
180 30.81 0.338 165
181 31.13 0.338 180
182 30.75 0.338 195
183 31.75 0.338 210
184 31.85 0.338 225
185 32.93 0.338 240
186 32.54 0.338 255
187 31.61 0.338 270
188 30.53 0.338 285
189 31.67 0.338 300
190 30.87 0.338 315
191 30.37 0.338 330
192 32.68 0.338 345
193 29.71 0.213 0
194 32.25 0.213 30
195 29.88 0.213 60
196 29.32 0.213 90
197 30.02 0.213 120
198 34.25 0.213 150
199 29.61 0.213 180
200 31.86 0.213 210
201 31.02 0.213 240
202 32.55 0.213 270
203 30.39 0.213 300
204 31.84 0.213 330
205 31.98 0.000 0

Appendix B. Tables of Charpy Testing results

This appendix contains two tables of data representing the raw Charpy impact toughness measurements taken on the unthreaded and threaded rod cross sections. The specimen identifications in the table correlate to those shown in figure 5 and figure 6. Additional columns in the table represent the test temperature, toughness value, lateral expansion measurement, percent-shear area, and distance from the specimen notch root to the surface of the rod.

Table 5. Raw data unthreaded sample Charpy specimens.

Specimen Test
Distance from
Notch to Rod
A1 132.4 55.8 39 0.0191 0.14
A2 -30.1 11 0.008 0.14
A3 38.5 16.75 16 0.0043 0.14
A4 -60.0 15 8 0.0059 0.14
A5 92.5 28 36 0.014 0.14
A6 67.1 23.25 29 0.0103 0.14
A7 -0.4 17 14 0.0067 0.14
A8 67.1 22.75 31 0.0114 0.14
A9 -60.5 14.75 7 0.0053 0.14
A0 199.4 35.25 41 0.0213 0.14
B1 -0.2 12.5 9 0.004 0.84
B2 0.5 12.75 9 0.0048 0.84
B3 -61.1 9 < 5 0.0037 0.84
B4 199.9 31.5 33 0.0171 0.84
B5 -60.5 7.25 < 5 0.002 0.84
B7 132.1 31.5 38 0.0149 0.14
B8 0.3 14.5 15 0.0055 0.14
B9 -59.3 12.5 8 0.0043 0.14
B0 200.5 36.25 45 0.0183 0.14
C1 -34.5 14.5 12 0.0074 0.14
C2 33.6 28 38 0.013 0.14
C3 -34.7 15.5 13 0.0051 0.14
C4 33.6 24.5 38 0.0117 0.14
C5 -33.6 14.25 12 0.0045 0.14
C6 -17.7 16 15 0.0061 0.14
C7 56 30 38 0.0146 0.14
C8 3.5 20 23 0.0088 0.14
C9 3.3 20.5 27 0.0096 0.14
C0 21.5 21.25 30 0.0124 0.38
D1 19.3 22 28 0.0128 0.14
D2 70.2 17.25 19 0.0081 0.60
D3 130.8 22.25 34 0.0122 0.84
D4 -60.7 11.75 5 0.0041 0.84
D5 67.6 17.5 25 0.0094 0.84
D6 130.6 26 32 0.0152 0.84
D7 68.4 18 17 0.0072 0.84
D8 0.3 9 9 0.0035 0.84
D9 68.5 16.5 23 0.0087 0.84
D0 68.9 14.5 26a 0.0075a 1.5
E1 69.4 16.5 18 0.0093 1.5
Indicates ignored specimen; energy gauge not reset between specimens.
aMeasurements are based on only one fracture face because the other half of the broken specimen was used for chemical analysis.


Table 6. Raw data for threaded sample Charpy specimens.

Specimen Test
Distance from
Notch to Rod
E2 0.3 13.5 10 0.0057 0.33
E3 130.3 25 31 0.0151 0.33
E4 -0.6 12.25 10 0.0041 0.33
E5 70.0 17.25 28 0.0083 0.33
E6 200.3 34.5 31 0.0222 0.33
E7 -60 11.5 6 0.0105 0.33
E8 131.4 23.75 35 0.0117 0.33
E9 -61.1 12.25 < 5 0.0051 0.33
E0 -59.3 12.5 < 5 0.0045 0.33
F1 69.8 18.5 28a 0.0065a 0.33
F2 -60.3 8.5 < 5 0.0025 1.5
F3 0.9 12.5 8 0.0099 1.5
F4 68.4 12.75 18a 0.005a 1.5
F5 131.2 19.5 22 0.0121 1.5
F6 200.5 33.5 38 0.023 1.5
F7 -30.6 10.25 < 5 0.0041 1.5
aMeasurements are based on only one fracture face because the other half of the broken specimen was used for chemical analysis.



    1. ASTM A 490-06. (2006). “Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength,” Book of Standards Volume 01.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    2. ASTM A 354-07. (2007). “Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners,” Book of Standards Volume 01.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    3. Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC). (2013). Report on the A354 Grade BD High-Strength Steel Rods on the New East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge With Findings and Decisions. TBPOC. Sacramento, CA.

    4. ASTM E8/E8M. (2013). “Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials,” Book of Standards Volume 03.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    5. Galambos, T.V. (1988). Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

    6. ASTM E18. (2014). “Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials,” Book of Standards Volume 03.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    7. ASTM F606. (2014). “Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets,” Book of Standards Volume 01.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    8. ASTM E23. (2012). “Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials,” Book of Standards Volume 03.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    9. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). (2014). AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (7th Ed.). AASHTO, Washington, DC.

    10. Barsom, J.M. (1975). “Development of the AASHTO Fracture-Toughness Requirements for Bridge Steels,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 7(3), 605–618.

    11. Barsom, J.M. and Rolfe, S.T. (1999). Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures—Applications of Fracture Mechanics. 3d Edition. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    12. ASTM A322. (2007). “Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades,” Book of Standards Volume 01.05, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    13. ASTM E3. (2001). “Standard Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens,” Book of Standards Volume 03.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    14. ASTM E407. (2007). “Standard Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys,” Book of Standards Volume 03.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

    15. Vander Voort, G.F., ed. (2004). “Metallography and Microstructures,” Vol. 9. ASM Handbook, ASM International, Materials Park, OH.

    16. ASTM F788. (2013). “Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series,” Book of Standards Volume 01.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

[1]The 15 ft-lb requirement dates back to analysis of the Liberty ship fractures where most fractures were prevented if plates had 10 ft-lb of toughness, and 15 ft-lb was established as a higher performance standard.

[2]Determined using a type I extreme value probability distribution input with annual extreme minimum temperatures recorded at the San Francisco International Airport from 1948 to 2014. The 22 °F value is based on a return period of 300 years, or 0.33 percent chance of exceedance.



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101