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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

HEP Research Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2016

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Welcome to the spring 2016 Edition of the FHWA's Office of Planning, Environment and Realty's (HEP) quarterly research newsletter.

Photo of Arnold Feldman

The Office of Real Estate Services (HEPR) considers research a priority for assisting our stakeholders with issues regarding the Uniform Act, right-of-way, appraisal, outdoor advertising and junkyard control issues. Our staff recently completed two research projects, Notices and Offers by Electronic Methods: Process Streamlining and Implementation of Electronic Right-of-Way Management Systems Versus Paper Systems. These projects provide stakeholders with much needed information to assist them with right-of-way and public real estate acquisition programs. Full reports and analysis are posted on the Real Estate website and are also featured in the “Research Highlights” section of the newsletter.

HEPR has three additional research efforts underway that address programmatic issues: an analysis of the use of appraisal waivers by State transportation agencies and local public agencies; identification or development of a right-of-way cost estimate calculator; and a federal-aid primary routes (urban) research study.

In addition to the latest research highlights and an events calendar, this edition includes information about: the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects, National Bike Month, and the revamped Environmental Justice (EJ) website.

We received word in April that several NCHRP research projects that received HEP support will move forward in 2017. The NCHRP's investment in these research activities, at close to $4 million, is vital as our office makes every effort to provide practitioners and the public with resources that will help them inform decisions, reduce environmental impacts, and accelerate project delivery in their communities.

I encourage you to visit the research website to explore how you can get involved in the Office's research activities.

Arnold Feldman

Team Leader

Office of Real Estate Services

Program Development Team

image of award laurels

2017 NCHRP Projects

It was announced that seven NCHRP research projects that received HEP support will move forward in 2017. Those projects, selected by the AASHTO Standing Committee on Research for NCHRP, will be posted on our website. The NCHRP's investment in these research activities, at $3.7 million, is invaluable as our office strives to provide communities with resources that will help them strengthen transportation planning, environmental decision-making, and real estate management. NCHRP is proposing to fund close to $30 million in research for all program areas in 2017.

Candidates for NCHRP Funding:

National Bike to Work Day: Focus on Connected Bike Networks

Can you believe that a full 40 percent of all trips in the United States are less than two miles? May is National Bike Month, and on May 20, Bike to Work Day will showcase bicycling as a fun, healthy, environmentally friendly and economically viable way to get to work. Although U.S. bike commuter numbers are growing, many potential cyclists are understandably intimidated by the idea of riding along their city’s streets.

Well-designed interconnected bike networks allow cyclists to safely and conveniently get to work, school, and anywhere else. Bikeways can include on-street bike lanes and separated bike lanes, as well as off-street shared-use paths.

image of bicycle

FHWA strongly supports a flexible approach to roadway design that can allow the installation of bicycle facilities on many roadways when they are resurfaced. Installing bikeways during roadway resurfacing projects is an efficient and cost-effective way for communities to create connected bike networks. Including bicycle facilities in resurfacing projects can improve roadway conditions and safety at very low cost relative to the funds already being spent on resurfacing projects. Resurfacing a roadway occurs several times over the life of a pavement, and taking advantage of these resurfacing opportunities to develop a connected bicycle network provides a community with costs savings and a shortened implementation time. Standalone development can be cost prohibitive and cause months of disruption to a community.

Providing bicycle facilities when resurfacing roadways is one tool that communities can use to expand their bikeway networks. There should be continued education for planners emphasizing the flexibility to create connected bicycle networks. These connected bicycle networks provide increased transportation options, enhance access to jobs, schools, and essential services, and increase the utility of our existing transportation network.

Have a safe and fun Bike to Work Day!

Read more about strategies for developing bike networks during resurfacing and about pedestrian and about pedestrian and bicycle networks here:

Incorporating On-Road Bicycle Networks into Resurfacing Projects

Case Studies in Delivering Safe, Comfortable and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks

Read more about ways to measure connected bike networks and about a bike facility type that can improve the quality of the network here:

Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures

FHWA Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide

New Environmental Justice (EJ) Website

HEP updated and added new content to the FHWA EJ website, focusing on reorganizing information and providing new and updated content to help users gain a better understanding of EJ. The website features new resources such as EJ webinar recordings, and it includes new sections on the history of EJ and a discussion on EJ, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, non-discrimination, and equity. Featured items, quick EJ references, and recent updates allow both practitioners and the public to more easily find information.

Click on the link below to check out the newly updated site and to learn more about EJ in the context of creating and sustaining an equitable transportation system.

Webinar of Interest

The Updates in Outdoor Advertising webinar was held in April. The presentation provided an overview of FAST Act provisions affecting the outdoor advertising program based upon recent memorandums and inquiries from SDOT partners. Over 100 people participated in the webinar and discussed some of the unique issues they face overseeing the program. You can access a recording of the webinar online at: Staff Contact: Dawn Horan, (202)366-4842.

Research Highlights


Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Performance Management Guidebook

This guidebook provides voluntary best practices to assist program managers at SDOTs and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in using a performance-based approach for implementing their TAPs. The guidebook will help ensure that staff and decision makers understand program goals and that program actions are making progress towards achieving those goals. Staff Contact: Christopher B. Douwes, (202) 366-5013.


2015 Environmental Justice (EJ) Implementation Report

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issues this annual EJ Implementation Report to describe and summarize DOT’s EJ activities in keeping with Executive Order 12898, “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations,” and a Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Justice signed by the heads of Federal agencies in 2011. The 2015 report highlights the release of the FHWA Environmental Justice Reference Guide, a resource intended for FHWA staff to help them ensure compliance with EJ requirements.  The document does not establish any new requirements or replace any existing guidance. Staff Contact: Brenda Kragh, (202) 366-2064.

Framework for Better Integrating Health into Transportation Corridor Planning

image of dictionary definition of research

Supports transportation practitioners motivated to incorporate health into planning decisions, this framework poses questions to identify issues to consider, suggests partnership strategies, and identifies data and tools needed to support these decisions. Five transportation agencies across the country tested the framework in a corridor study. Their experiences were turned into case studies that highlight how each of the agencies applied the framework to incorporate health into their corridor planning processes, and the resulting outcomes. Staff Contact: Victoria Martinez, (787) 771-2524.

Real Estate

Notices and Offers by Electronic Methods: Process Streamlining

This research study evaluated the feasibility of using electronic methods to deliver notices and offers without jeopardizing an owner’s or a tenant’s rights under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act). The Uniform Act and the implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 require that agencies personally deliver or send notices to property owners or occupants by certified or registered first-class mail, return receipt requested. These regulations also require an agency to make all reasonable efforts to contact the owner or owner’s representative to discuss the offer to acquire real property. A webinar was held in early March to discuss the findings of the research. Staff Contact: Rosemary Jones, (202) 366-2042.

Implementation of Electronic Right-of-Way Management Systems Versus Paper Systems

Recognizing that implementing an electronic right-of-way management system can be potentially costly and complex, HEPR conducted research to develop tangible, easily understandable documentation for transportation professionals in public agencies to use in supporting the potential implementation of an electronic right-of-way information management system. The research project compared and contrasted the relative strengths and challenges associated with using both an electronic system and a paper system and then identified and documented the business case associated with the implementation of an electronic system. Staff Contact: Rosemary Jones, (202) 366-2042.

Other Research Highlights

New Connected Vehicle Data Environments from the Following Projects are Now Available in the Research Data Exchange

The Research Data Exchange (RDE) is a web-based data resource provided by the USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program. It collects, manages, and provides access to archived and real-time multi-source and multi-modal data to support the development and testing of ITS applications. Three new projects data are now available in the RDE: Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems, Basic Safety Message Emulator and the Leesburg VA Vehicle Awareness Device. Researchers, application developers, and others are invited to visit the RDE website at to explore how they may use the available data and resources. Staff ContactJon Obenberger, (202) 493-3265.

Upcoming Events



The Office of Human Environment's Research and Financial Services Team administers research programs and financial support to HEP for research initiatives. The Team provides leadership, coordination, support and implementation of research activities. It also works toward improving outreach, communication and partnerships between Federal, State, and local stakeholders in managing the research programs. For more information, please contact HEP's Primary Research Coordinator: Patricia Cazenas, (202)366-4085.

Updated: 5/26/2016
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