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Material Properties Database for the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pave...

Mark 663 View 2001-01-05 0 Comments AirportPavementPresentations

Material Properties Database for the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Gordon F. Hayhoe, Navneet Garg


The National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) has nine pavement test items constructed on three different subgrades (low, medium, and high strength).  Each of the three subgrades has three test items; one conventional flexible, one stabilized base flexible, and one stabilized base rigid.  All of the test items conform to standard Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airport pavement design practices except in closer control of the material properties than is normal.  Construction of the subgrades was also carefully controlled to provide the desired strengths and to maintain uniformity within each lift.  Selected properties of all of the materials used in the test item component layers were measured before, during, and after construction.  The measured material properties are documented in Microsoft Excelä spreadsheets.  The database is a historical record of all of the testing conducted on the pavement materials and contains information about material properties of the component layers from quality control (QC), acceptance, and material characterization tests.  Material characterization tests were conducted so that theoretical models of the test items can be constructed and computed responses compared with measured responses and to provide alternative input parameters for evaluating thickness design procedures.  The structure of the spreadsheets is described and the material properties contained in the spreadsheets are listed.  The database is available for download or direct access on the FAA Airport Pavement Technology web site.


The following compressed file (in .ZIP format) may also be downloaded to accompany the above document.

Material Properties Database spreadsheets