What is Bus Rapid Transit?

BRT is an innovative, high capacity, lower cost public transit solution that can significantly improve urban mobility.  This permanent, integrated system uses buses or specialized vehicles on roadways or dedicated lanes to quickly and efficiently transport passengers to their destinations, while offering the flexibility to meet transit demand.  BRT systems can easily be customized to community needs and incorporate state-of-the-art, low-cost technologies that result in more passengers and less congestion. 

Our Mission

The Mission of the National BRT Institute is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and innovation for increasing speed, efficiency, and reliability of high-capacity bus service through the implementation of BRT systems in the United States.

The 2009 FTA Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision Making is now available for download.

BRT News

Presentations from the BRT Workshop at the Transportation Research Board's 92nd Annual Meeting (January 2013)- "Defining Bus Rapid Transit"

Presentations from the 5th National BRT Conference in Las Vegas!

Materials from the Michigan BRT Workshop! See videos of BRT in the US and look at informative presentations (funding options with FTA, and experiences from Vegas, Los Angeles, Cleveland).

Look at presentations from the Broward County BRT Workshop

Transit signal prioritization was analyzed by NBRTI as part of the Miami UPA project



The National BRT Institute is a part of the Center for Urban Transportation Research at USF