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Transportation Innovation Series: PV, EV, and Your Home

12:30pm to 1:30pm
First Speaker:
James M.
University of Central Florida, Electric Vehicle Transportation Center
USDOT Headquarters West Building, Conference Center Rooms 8-10, and online
Washington, DC 20590
United States
OST-R Office: 
Office of Research, Development and Technology

Dr. James M. Fenton

There are over 20 models of electric vehicles (EV) (350,000 vehicles on the road) that are so efficient they cost the gasoline equivalent of $0.99 a gallon to operate, based on the national residential electricity average of 11.88¢/kWh. The levelized cost for residential “rooftop” photovoltaics (PV) in much of the U.S. is the same as the cost of electricity “out of the wall. PV electricity is at cost parity with grid energy, and gasoline parity is a long distance in the rearview mirror. As prices for solar and EVs continue to decrease, consumer adoption rates for both technologies will increase dramatically, resulting in an integration of solar energy and electric transportation infrastructure. Will we get out in front and surf the wave created by the solar and EV tsunami or will we drown? This presentation will introduce transportation professionals to the concepts that allow the transportation and grid infrastructures to work together, so that PV, EVs and energy efficient buildings can significantly decrease our dependency on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, provide mobile backup power, and increase energy and transportation security.  The webinar is largely based on five articles that examine EVs, energy efficient homes, photovoltaics, the smart grid and EV charging; published in the Spring 2015 Interface magazine “PV, EV and Your Home” of the Electrochemical Society.

Dr. James Fenton is the Director of the University of Central Florida’s Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC). Prior to joining FSEC, Dr. Fenton spent 20 years as a Chemical Engineering Professor at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Fenton’s research activities are in fuel cells, energy storage, alternative fuels and sustainable energy. He is the author of more than 120 scientific publications and a number of book chapters and holds four patents. He was elected as Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and has served as a member of the Governor’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change. Dr. Fenton will provide technical oversight to the EVTC program. The use of Florida's PV systems on schools with EV charging stations is his concept.

Sponsored by: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), University Transportation Centers Program
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For more information, contact Denise E. Dunn at
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