U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Transportation Performance Management



FHWA offers a number of options for practitioners to develop skills needed to meet the requirements of Transportation Performance Management (TPM).

Available Now

Screen shot of Fars website
  • NHI 138006 -- Transportation Performance Management (TPM) for Safety New
    • This two-day course explains the safety performance measures and noteworthy practices for States to adopt to comply with the Moving Ahead with Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act requirements. It recommends an evidence-based and data-driven methodology for target establishment and provides an understanding of the data needed. The course also helps improve participants’ ability to set targets.  Participants are encouraged to have a foundational knowledge of transportation performance management or to have taken MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates) (NHI-138004; see below). Sign up for session alerts, or host this class.

      In addition to TPM for Safety, TPM-related fact sheets, webinars and other materials from the FHWA Office of Safety are available online. Please note that the office in coordination with NHTSA is offering a one-day target-setting coordination and training workshop in each state through June 2017. The workshop is open to state Departments of Transportation (DOT), State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs), MPOs, and other safety stakeholders along with FHWA and NHTSA employees. Contact your FHWA Division Office to schedule your state’s workshop, or contact Dana Gigliotti at dana.gigliotti@dot.gov for more information

    Screen shot of MAP-21 TPM Elements
  • NHI 138004 – MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates)
    • This one-day course provides a basic  overview of TPM provisions of MAP-21 and the FAST act; describes the responsibilities that agencies—federal state, metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), regional transportation planning organizations (RTPO) and transit—have in delivering these requirements; highlights data’s importance in meeting performance management provisions; and shares noteworthy practices. The course is highly recommended for those interested in taking more detailed system-specific TPM implementation training. Sign up for session alerts, or host this course.

  • NHI 138001 – Transportation Performance Management Awareness – Federal Aid Version – Web-Based
    Screen shot from the Transportation Performance Management Awareness course
    • This course provides an introduction to performance management, explains the critical role that the planning process plays in implementing a performance management program, and addresses what performance management means to the Federal Highway Administration. While the course was designed for FHWA employees, it is also relevant to practitioners. Learn more about this web-based offering.

      To take this web-based course, please visit the NHI site. You will need to register at the site by entering your email address under New User and indicate you are not an FHWA employee. After you accept the terms and conditions, you will be asked to enter information about yourself. The screen will then display your user name and you will be logged in. You can learn more about navigating the process at the Participating in an NHI Training page.

In Development

  • NHI 138005 - MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates) (web-based; to be available at a future date)
  • NHI 138007 - Performance-based Planning and Programming (instructor-led; coming in fall 2016)
  • NHI 138012 - Steps to Effective Target Setting for TPM (instructor-led; coming in fall 2016)
  • NHI 138009 - TPM for Pavement (instructor-led; coming in early 2017)
  • NHI 138008 - TPM for Bridges (instructor-led; coming in early 2017)
  • NHI 138010 - TPM for Congestion (Including Freight) (blended delivery; in development)
  • NHI 138011 - The Role of Data in MAP-21 TPM (instructor-led; coming in spring 2017)
Updated: 10/13/2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000