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UTC Spotlight Newsletters

Title PDF Version Publication Date UTC(s)
CUTC Student of the Year Recognized for Research in Freeway Traffic PDF icon spotlight_1215.pdf December 2015 University of California, Berkeley
Developing Diesel/Glycerin Emulsion Fuel for Use in Commercial Diesel Engines PDF icon spotlight_1115.pdf November 2015 Maine Maritime Academy
Solving Nationally Significant Transportation Problems by Integrating Basic Research, Applied Research, and Technology Transfer PDF icon spotlight_1015.pdf October 2015 The University of Maryland
Design of Integral Abutment Bridges for Extreme Climates PDF icon spotlight_0915.pdf September 2015 The Southern Plains Transportation Center
Michigan State University Drives Pavement Preservation with Research and Education PDF icon spotlight0815.pdf August 2015 Michigan State University
Needs Assessment for Multimodal Emergency Transportation Operations With a Focus on an Aging Population PDF icon spotlight0715.pdf July 2015 Florida State University
Researcher’s Life-Long Interest in Transportation and Safety Research Piques President’s Interest PDF icon spotlight_0615.pdf June 2015 The Southeastern Transportation Center
Studying the Impacts of Autonomous and Robotically Controlled Road-Building Equipment PDF icon spotlight_0515.pdf May 2015 Iowa State University
Bio-Based Renewable Additives for Sustainable Roadway Snow and Ice Control Operations PDF icon spotlight_0415.pdf April 2015 University of Alaska Fairbanks
The BEAST Is Coming: Rutgers CAIT creates world’s first full-scale accelerated testing facility for bridges PDF icon UTC_Newsletter_84_March.pdf March 2015 Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)
For Returning Military Vets, Transportation Is Key to Reintegration as Civilians PDF icon spotlight_0215.pdf February 2015 San José State University
New Signal Timing Tool Helps Engineers Save User Costs and the Environment PDF icon spotlight_0115.pdf January 2015 University of Nevada, Reno