Air Traffic By The Numbers 7,000 aircraft in the sky at any given time 23,911 commercial flights every day
Every minute, every hour, every day, there are men and women at work to ensure the safety and efficiency of our national airspace system. The numbers on this page represent their dedication to the critical public service they provide. 8,727,691 commercial flights in 2015
26,000,000 square miles of oceanic airspace
476 airport traffic control towers
21 air route traffic control centers 197 terminal radar approach control facilities
5,000,000 square miles of United States airspace 55,327,988 miles of cable installed
14,000 air traffic controllers
6,000 airway transportation systems specialists
2,246,004 passengers fly every day
9,766 rotorcraft
199,927 general aviation aircraft
0 fatal accidents on U.S. Air Carrier commercial flights in 2015
7,523 commercial aircraft
18,103,000 general aviation flight hours
19,299 airports
155 facilities with stars
221 Alaska weather cameras

The information contained on this page was compiled from official Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics reports found here: and other FAA-specific data available as of March 15, 2016.