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FHWA Home / Safety / Local and Rural Road / The National Pedestrian Safety Campaign

Brochures - The National Pedestrian Safety Campaign


The brochures provided with the campaign materials focus on pedestrian topics: reflective materials and pedestrian traffic signals. Research showed that the target audience wants brochures that are brief and concise. We have provided them in both English and Spanish for your adaptation and use. You can distribute them however you choose - direct mail, at fairs, shows or bazaars, in schools or office buildings, at theaters, performances, restaurants or bars. In many locations you will need to ask for permission to distribute literature.

Brochure 1

Reflective Materials (JPG | PDF (1.15 Mb) | Quark*)

Firefighters wear reflective materials so they can be seen in the dark.

When you're walking outside at night, make sure drivers can see you. Wearing white or light colors is not enough.

Wear reflective materials and carry a flashlight.

Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Seen.

Materiales Reflectores (JPG | PDF (1.16 Mb) | Quark*)

Los bomberos usan materiales reflectores para ser vistos en la oscuridad.

Cuando salga caminando de noche, asegúrese de que los conductores lo puedan ver. Usar blanco o colores claros no es suficiente.

Use materiales reflectores y lleve una linterna.

Tenga precaución. Sea inteligente. Hágase ver.

Brochure 2

Pedestrian Traffic Signals (JPG | PDF (1.7 Mb) | Quark*)

Start Crossing. (Watch for turning cars.)

Flashing - Don't Start. (Finish crossing if started.)

Steady - Don't Cross.

Know what the pedestrian traffic signals mean, and walk safely.

It could save your life... or change it forever.

Señales de tránsito peatonales (JPG | PDF (1.4 Mb) | Quark*)

Cruce. Preste atención a los autos que estén doblando.

Luz Intermitente - No empiece a cruzar. Termine de cruzar si ya ha comenzado.

Luz permanente - No cruce.

Sepa lo que significan las señales peatonales y camine con precaución.

Esto puede salvar su vida... o cambiársela para siempre.

* Quark files are available in compressed format (ZIP Archive, 7.42 Mb)

Page last modified on June 17, 2011.
Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000