Federal Aviation Administration

Airshows & Other Events

Central Region

Required Coordination

Airport Operators that propose an airshow at their airport must coordinate with the FAA in advance of the event. To limit delays, this coordination should several months in advance of the actual date of the airshow. Beacuse this coordiantion addresses both safety and compliance matter, operators for Federally obligate airports will need to coordinate with two separate FAA offices, 1) Flight Standards Division and 2) Airports Division.

  1. Flight Standards - Certificate of Waiver
    Airport Operators that propose an airshow require a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (FAA Form 7711-1) that has been approved and issued by the appropriate FAA Flight Standards District Office. Flight Standards will not issue this Certificate or Waiver or Authorization to airports certificated under 14 CFR Part 139 until the FAA Regional Airports Division has reviewed and concurred with the events Ground Operations Plan.

    The plan must address the Part 139-related requirements impacted by the airshow and be approved by an airport certification inspector. Unless temporary arresting gear needs to be installed for military fight demonstrations, this requirement should have minimal impact on airport operators. Once the Ground Operations Plan is approved, the airport certification inspector will send a letter to the airport operator and notify the appropriate Flight Standards District Office.

  2. FAA Airports Division - Compliance
    Airport operators who propose an airshow at an airport that has previously received Federal funds must also provide a separate notification to the Central Region Central Region Compliance Specialist. The purpose of this coordination is to assure compliance with current Federal obligations such as operating the airport in a safe manner.


Page Last Modified: 09/10/12 13:18 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/central/airport_safety/airshows/