Federal Aviation Administration

Airport Capital Improvement Program

Central Region

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Eligible airport owners seeking Federal assistance must submit such requests for aid through the FAA Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP). The ACIP is an internal FAA program that serves as the primary planning tool for systematically identifying, prioritizing and assigning funds to critical airport development and associated capital needs. The FAA relies on the ACIP to serve as the basis for the distribution of limited grant funds under the Airport Improvement Program.

ASponsor's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) represents their five-year program for planning and development at their airport. Sponsors identify individual projects by submitting a CIP Data Sheet for each work item they desire in the next three years.

Submittal Requirements

In order to receive consideration under the FAA's ACIP, a Sponsor prepares and submits a CIP Data Sheet for each work item listed within their CIP for the current and two subsequent federal fiscal years. Sponsors shall note that a prerequisite for AIP eligibility is that the requested work item must comply with the current approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and be environmentally cleared to proceed. Additionally, projects requiring discretionary funds in excess of ten million dollars require the Sponsor to prepare and submit a benefit/cost analysis.

The Sponsor shall identify the name of the airport, the project description and the local priority of the requested work. The data sheet must also include the following information:

  • Sketch - color-coded sketch that depicts and identifies the scope of the proposed project.
  • Justification - the justification statement should be brief and yet describe the specific need for each requested work item.
  • Cost Estimate - A cost estimate for each work item shall be submitted with sufficient detail to permit a review for reasonableness of fees. The total cost estimate (including, engineering, administrative, legal, and appraisal costs, etc. and excluding contingency costs) should show the breakout of Federal, State and Local shares.
  • Sponsor’s Verification - The verification that the project is properly planned and is ready to “go” within the first year of the three-year CIP program period. Proposed development and land acquisition must be shown on an approved ALP, have cleared environmental processing, and the land already acquired or have a signed purchase agreement. These requirements do not apply to equipment acquisitions. Sponsors must complete these conditions before a project can be considered for funding. For the second and third years of the CIP program, the sponsor should be working towards satisfying these requirements.
  • If required, evidence of State and Regional Clearinghouse coordination must be provided along with the CIP Data Sheet.

Snow and Ice Equipment

When requesting Federal assistance for snow removal equipment, please include an inventory of the existing equipment and calculations based on Chapters 4 & 5 of the Airport Winter Safety and Operations, Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5200-30 and the Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment, AC 150/5220-20 along with the CIP Data Sheet. For the Sponsor's convenience, we have created a Snow Removal Equipment Sizing Calculator (MS Excel) to assist in determining the minimum size and number of SRE equipment needed for the specific location..

GA Apron Expansion

If requesting Federal assistance for general aviation apron expansion, include calculations based on Appendix 5 of the Airport Design Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 along with the CIP Data Sheet. This calculation establishes the size of the apron justified for AIP participation. For the Sponsor's convenience, we have created a Apron Area Calculator (MS Excel) to assist in determining the apron size justified for AIP participation.

Revenue Producing Facilities

If requesting Federal assistance for revenue producing facilities (fuel farms, hangers, etc.), please contact the State Airport Planner responsible for your state to discuss eligibility requirements.  Please submit the following items along with the CIP Data Sheet;

  1. A statement that all airside development projects are complete or a financial plan to fund airside needs over the next three years,
  2. A statement that all approach surfaces are clear of obstructions, and
  3. A statement of capacity justification for the project.

Timing of Submission

The sponsor may submit a request-for-aid at any time during the year. However, in order to be included in a specific federal fiscal year (FFY: October 1 – September 30), timely submittal of the request is essential. Sponsors should typically submit requests for a particular federal fiscal year by February of the previous federal fiscal year. For example, requests for FFY 2014 should be submitted by February of 2013.


Advisory Circulars

Recommended Forms

Software Tools

Page Last Modified: 12/26/12 14:16 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/central/aip/acip/