Connecting the trip to school with...

Focusing on a safer way to get to school...

Improving children’s safety while walking and bicycling is a central mission of Safe Routes to School. And program benefits stretch beyond the school day.

SRTS resources & activities help communities:

  • Build sidewalks, bicycle paths & pedestrian-friendly infrastructure
  • Reduce speeds in school zones & neighborhoods
  • Address distracted driving among drivers of all ages
  • Educate generations on pedestrian & bicycle safety

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A healthier way to start the day...

Participating in a SRTS program can improve the health of our children & community. That's an encouraging outcome for a lifetime.

Walking, rolling & bicycling to school helps students:

  • Reach the recommended goal of 60 minutes of physical activity every day
  • Arrive at school energized & ready to learn
  • Leave the car behind & reduce dependence on fossil fuels
  • Take an active role in their well-being

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Building relationships and local infrastructure...

The common goal of a safe trip to school brings families, neighbors, school officials & community leaders together. Every child - and community - deserves a safe route to school.

Working toward a safe route to school can help communities:

  • Build a sense of neighborhood
  • Encourage increased parental involvement at school & beyond
  • Promote driving safely in school zones & the larger community
  • Gain economic benefits of improved infrastructure, like sidewalks

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There’s more than one way to get to school...

SRTS activities can be an opportunity to try taking more active trips on foot or bicycle. They can be a family's gateway to transportation choice.

Choosing an active mode of transportation means:

  • Less traffic & a safer route to school
  • Fewer cars & fewer emissions
  • More active & healthier children
  • More active, involved parents

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Join the 20th Walk to School Day Celebration on October 5!

Safe Routes Toolbox

This interactive map, developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School,depicts federally funded Safe Routes to School projects across the United States.

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Dive into 1,500 tools, tip sheets, & templates to get your program off the ground or keep momentum.
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Opportunities & Announcements

Research from the National Center for Safe Routes to School reveals that nationwide, walking to and from school increased from less than 14 percent to more than 17 percent of all trips between 2007-08 and 2014.

The webinar will briefly present the most recent walking and bicycling numbers and will provide a tour of the online data system.

Step right up, Walk to School Day is here! Communities across the country are lacing up their sneakers in celebration of the 20th Walk to School Day in the U.S.

New information brief provides an overview of challenges and strategies to implementing Safe Routes to School in small rural communities.