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Road Safety for Transit Patrons

Unsafe infrastructure approaching bus stop, courtesy of Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Photo caption: Inadequate infrastructure approaching bus stop, courtesy of Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Safer bike and pedestrian infrastructure depends on effective relationships and communication between road agencies and transit agencies. Transit agencies and their customers can often identify gaps in the transportation network, but they do not typically have the authority to fill those gaps. The Road Safety for Transit Patrons Initiative will work at the intersection of road and transit agency responsibilities. This effort will bring staff from FTA, FHWA and NHTSA – both headquarters and field offices – to provide technical assistance to local and regional planners, engineers, public safety officers and public works professionals who work for transit operators, State DOTs, MPOs, counties and cities. These practitioners, with the assistance of the Federal government, will interact across modes and disciplines, conduct targeted pedestrian and bicycle safety assessments around transit connections, develop best practices to improve safety for riders who access transit by foot, bike, or assistive mobility devices such as power chairs or scooters, and take steps to build networks of sidewalks, bikeways, crosswalks, signals, and other infrastructure that build safer, more enjoyable connections to our public transportation investments.

Updated: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
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