The map below contains selectable regional areas. First, select the region that corresponds to the area you fly in, then update your chart with the information provided. Please make sure that you have the most recent chart edition.

Regional Areas

Question: Are your charts current?

Most Sectional charts are printed every six months; however, if your chart is more than 8 weeks old it probably isn't current. Aeronautical information changes frequently; more frequently than every six months. That is why we publish the Aeronautical Chart Bulletin in the back of each Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) every 56 days and why it is important that you consult the Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) prior to each flight. FAA regulations state that a pilot must be familiar with all available information concerning a flight. This includes having up-to-date charts and keeping them current. Updating your charts is as important as any other flight planning responsibility.

How to use the Chart Bulletin

Please refer to the sample chart bulletin below. Concerning the 78th Edition of the New York Sectional, the data is organized by category and date.

Sample Chart Bulletin (TXT):

Sample Chart Bulletin