Environmental Review Toolkit
Accelerating Project Delivery

FHWA's Vital Few Environmental Goal

FHWA's Vital Few Environmental Goal is Stewardship and Streamlining. Environmental Streamlining drives us to improve project delivery without compromising environmental protection. Environmental Stewardship helps demonstrate that we are mindful of the natural and human environment while addressing mobility and safety needs of the public. FHWA promotes actions that show we are responsible stewards of the environment. We take advantage of opportunities to enhance environmental protection and encourage partnerships that promote eco-system conservation or encourage broader mitigation strategies that seek corridor or watershed based approaches. Environmental Streamlining is an outcome or result of a multidimensional complex process; therefore, there is no single self-contained measure that adequately reflects Streamlining progress. Environmental Streamlining solutions must go hand in hand with principles of stewardship.

The Vital Few Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship goal (Environment VFG) sets expectations, measures, and methods for advancing an improved and efficient environmental review process and for demonstrating environmental stewardship. The success of this goal is focused on improving processes that influence outcomes. FHWA oversees how the environmental processes are carried out; the project sponsors and other practitioners determine the final product, i.e., the project. Therefore the performance objectives for the Environment VFG measure process improvements and benchmark the results of significant stewardship activities.

Related Information

Negotiated Timeframes "Wizard" — The Negotiated Timeframes Wizard (the Wizard) is software designed to help State Departments of Transportation and resources agencies negotiate timeframes for completing environmental reviews of proposed transportation projects. The Wizard also allows agencies to set project-specific timeframes for completing requirements, track the progress of meeting timeframes, and maintain a history of events. Download the Negotiated Timeframes Wizard.

New! An updated version of the Negotiated Timeframes Wizard is currently being developed. Check this site for updates on when the updated version will be available to download. This update will address provisions in Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU that affect the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Assessment (EA) review processes. Read a list of provisions that will be addressed in the Wizard update.

Check back on this page often for more information about the Wizard update or register below to receive updates by email.

For questions or feedback on this subject, please contact Damaris Santiago at 202-366-2034. For general questions or web problems, please send feedback to the web administrator.

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