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Granato, G.E., Zenone, C., and Cazenas, P.A. (eds.), 2003, National Highway Runoff Water-Quality Data and Methodology Synthesis, Volume I --Technical issues for monitoring highway runoff and urban stormwater: Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-EP-03-054, 479 p. 

This report is a compilation of "expert chapters" designed to address different technical issues for monitoring highway runoff and urban stormwater. These chapters include information about basic information and data quality; quality assurance and quality control practices; measurement of precipitation and runoff flow; the geochemistry of runoff; measurement of sediments, trace elements, and organic chemicals in runoff; assessment of the potential ecological effects of runoff; monitoring
atmospheric deposition; and interpreting runoff data using appropriate statistical techniques. 

EP03-054-- The text of the report in Adobe Acrobat format (10,000K).  Please Note: This is a large file that may take a while to download and may exceed your print buffer.  Therefore, you may need to print the file by using a print range of about 20 pages at a time.

Granato, G.E., Dionne, S.G., Tana, C.T., and King, T.L., 2003, National Highway Runoff Water-Quality Data and Methodology Synthesis, Volume II -- Project documentation: Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-EP-03-055, 22 p. with CD-ROM 

The National Highway Runoff Data and Methodology Synthesis (NDAMS) is designed to provide the information necessary to address highway-runoff water-quality concerns within acceptable data-quality objectives. A bibliography of more than 2,600 relevant references with more than 1,300 selected abstracts (or previa--an abstract written by someone other than the author, in this case NDAMS project personnel) is provided to establish a searchable electronic record of available reports to meet information needs. Results of the evaluation of available information from the 252 reports reviewed during the synthesis are provided as a stratified metadatabase within the bibliographic database. Metadata reviews of selected reports were completed and cataloged to indicate the quality of available data in terms of highway-runoff quality information needs for regional or national synthesis. These reviews represent a sample of about 10 percent of the more than 2,600 reports in the catalog, and about 50 percent of the number of reports that have a primary emphasis on highway runoff. A total of 234 highway-research sites are identified worldwide, and of these, 197 sites are representative of conditions in the conterminous United States. This report describes and documents methods used to catalog and evaluate published information relevant to the study of highway-runoff and to provide a catalog of metadata about the reports that were reviewed. Brief descriptions of the overall project, the database design, a catalog of available reports, the methods used for evaluation of available information, and a description of the project quality-assurance and quality-control program are included in this report. (Computer files that document the results of this synthesis are included on an accompanying computer disk).

EP03-055-- The text of the report in Adobe Acrobat format (1,500K). 

Granato, G.E., 2003, National Highway Runoff Water-Quality Data and Methodology Synthesis, Volume III -- Availability and documentation of published information for use in regional or national highway-runoff quality data synthesis: Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-EP-03-056, 71 p. 

This report describes the National Highway Runoff Data and Methodology Synthesis (NDAMS) report-review process, summarizes results of this metadata review process, and provides an interpretation of these results. The evaluation of available literature includes reviews of 252 reports, including 34 literature review or summary reports and 218 detailed reports. These reviews represent a sample of about 10 percent of all reports in the NDAMS bibliographic database and more than 50 percent of the reports in the database designated as highway-runoff reports. Generally, reports were selected in reverse chronological order for review from among the population of highway-runoff reports. The metadata reviews indicate that much of the available data are not sufficiently documented for inclusion in a technically defensible regional or national data set. Results of the metadata review process indicate that few reports document the information and data necessary to establish the quality or representativeness of research results for purposes of regional or national synthesis. Even fewer reports meet documentation criteria when multiple criteria are applied. Furthermore, research indicates that technical issues involved with the collection, processing, and analysis of suspended sediments, trace elements, and organic compounds raise doubts about the veracity of many data sets. Efforts to coordinate environmental-research projects should include an electronic system to facilitate information exchange that incorporates consistent sampling protocols, national data-documentation standards, and a technical audit process designed to ensure that data meet documentation and data quality requirements. Such a system is necessary to produce data that meet local, regional and national information needs.

EP03-056-- The text of the report in Adobe Acrobat format (6,500K).  Please Note: This is a large file that may take a while to download and may exceed your print buffer.  Therefore, you may need to print the file by using a print range of about 20 pages at a time.

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