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Who is required to comply with the Unified Registration System (URS) rule?

Published 12/05/2014 02:51 PM   |    Updated 07/28/2016 04:09 PM
The URS rule applies to all interstate motor carriers (private and for-hire motor carriers of passengers and property), freight forwarders, brokers, intermodal equipment providers (IEPs), hazardous materials safety permit (HMSP) applicants/holders, and cargo tank manufacturing and repair facilities under FMCSA jurisdiction. Mexican-domiciled carriers conducting long-haul operations are exempt from this ruling.

Note: The initial phase of URS will only affect new registrants (Dec. 12, 2015). Later phases in 2016 will affect all regulated entities. For more information, please see the July 28, 2016 Federal Register Notice. For a chart showing all the updated effective dates, click here.

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