Research Project

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Motorcoach Model Curriculum


To update the 1994 model motorcoach curriculum to provide finishing training for drivers who have obtained a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for the purpose of becoming a motorcoach driver.


This project builds on prior Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) work which produced the 1994 model curriculum. As with the 1994 curriculum, the updated curriculum was jointly developed with a sizable group of interested industry personnel. The motorcoach industry—specifically the International Motorcoach Group (IMG)—requested this effort in order to update standardized motorcoach driver finishing training guidance.


This effort was organized into four structured process sequences, including: analysis; training design; training development; and possible future pilot testing. The first three sequences were funded as Phase I of the project. The effort began with a job task analysis to identify new items that are not covered in the existing 1994 curriculum. The development included periodic meetings with the industry technical group to explain progress and to solicit suggestions and direction. Training module materials are undergoing final technical editing. Phase II of the project (pilot testing) is planned.   


Model curriculum and supporting materials that can easily be customized by the many motorcoach companies that offer specialized training for CDL drivers who are candidates to become motorcoach drivers.


September 2012: Contract awarded
January 2013: Met with the Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC) at the American Bus Association (ABA) Convention
June 2013: BISC meeting
June 2014: BISC meeting
September 2014: Draft final curriculum
June 2015: BISC meeting
February 2016: Final technical edits applied to training module materials


FY 2012: $250,000

Current Status

Draft materials delivered and under final technical review.


MaineWay Services with Daecher Consulting Group
Updated: Thursday, March 3, 2016
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